William Jackson Luna
5 Aug 1852 - 19 Jun 1943

A Loving Tribute In Memory of The Founder of Plains, Texas
In Louisberg, Tennessee, William Jackson Luna was born August 5, 1852, and Mary S. Driver was born September 1854. They were married in 1870 near Greenville, Texas. Three children were born: Ora in 1874, Lela on July 15, 1876, and Murphy William on January 4, 1890. From Greenville the family moved to the southern part of Palo Duro Canyon near Canyon, Texas. In the fall of 1904, Mr. Luna purchased section 426 in Yoakum County from the John Obertheers and filed on four sections of adjoining land on the Sulphur Draw. The family moved here in February of 1905 with their belongings and large herd of cattle using the Flying L brand. They lived on the west side of Plains in the Sulphur Draw and established a post office in their home after carrying the mail from Gomez free for a year.
Mrs. Luna died in the spring, April 1906, and Mr. Luna gave five acres of land for a cemetery in which to bury her. The second death was the little Narramore baby who died from whooping cough. The third grave was for Mr. Robert H. Hurst who passed away October 12, 1907.
More land was being filed on and more people were moving to this area. In 1907, Mr. Luna built a mercantile store, moved the post office, designated the town section 427 as Plains, Texas, for the broad open plains. The county was organized September 21, 1907. This big event was celebrated with an all-day picnic.
The roots of our pioneers were true and sound. They were men of courage, determination and vision. May this tribute be a challenge to each of us to continue to help make our county a better place to live.