Young County, TXGenWeb
genealogy and history


History of the First Christian Church in Graham, Texas
by Joe B. Friedel and R.V. Tidwell

The first Christian Church of Graham was organized in 1878 with the assistance of Missionary Douglas, supported by the State Missionary Board. Charter members were: Mr. and Mrs. Gus Brack, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Beckham Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Mabry, and Mr. and Mrs. V.F. Gorrissen. Mr. Brack, Mr. Morrison, and Mr. Bell were named the first elders. The congregation had no church building until 1889. From 1878 to 1889, the church had different part-time ministers and one pastor, Rev. P. G. Taylor.

The first Christian Church of Graham was organized in 1878 with the assistance of Missionary Douglas, supported by the State Missionary Board. Charter members were: Mr. and Mrs. Gus Brack, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Beckham Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Mabry, and Mr. and Mrs. V.F. Gorrissen. Mr. Brack, Mr. Morrison, and Mr. Bell were named the first elders. The congregation had no church building until 1889. From 1878 to 1889, the church had different part-time ministers and one pastor, Rev. P. G. Taylor.

The church met in homes and the county courthouse for Bible study and the Lord's supper until the first church building was constructed. The first church building was located on Elm Street, between First and Second Streets. The elders in 1889 were W.P. Beckham, William C. Bell, R.E. Mabry. The deacons were V.F. Gorrissen and C.E. Causey.

In 1916, the church elected to build a second building located at the corner of Second and Elm Street. The parsonage was constructed in 1920 and was located two lots to the south. The church was built under the leadership of Rev. J.E. Evans, the pastor. The first church building was sold to the Red Top Methodist congregation and was moved to the Red Top Community, where the building remained until 1955. The Red Top Methodist Church consolidated with the Methodist Church in Graham and the building was torn down.

The First Christian Church did not have a baptistry in their building until 1916. In Graham, baptism by immersion for churches without a baptistry were held in "the Rock Hole" on Salt Creek. Early history reveals that on occasion, men would take axes and saws to break the ice in the winter so baptisms could be held in the winter time. 

The pastors who have served as ministers for the First Christian Church at the congregation located on the corner of Elm and Second Street were:

  1. John Edward Evans - April 1915-January 1924
  2. Charles Christopher Klingman - May 1924-June 1926
  3. James Erwin Montgomery - January 1927-May 1931
  4. Oscar Theodore Moline - July 1931-December 1933
  5. John W. Tyndall - January 1934-December 1934
  6. W. S. Willis - January 1935-December 1936
  7. Hugh B. Warner - January 1937-March 1939
  8. John W. Reeves - September 1939-August 1942
  9. C.W. Harrison - October 1942-September 1945
  10. Merwin Coad - November 1945-August 1947
  11. Kenneth L. Smith - September 1947-October 1948
  12. Charles F. Carrico - January 1949-December 1951
  13. Frederick J. Ross - March 1952-February 1955
  14. L.H. Hames, Jr - June 1955-August 1958
  15. Mel H. Garretson - 15 October 1958-17 January 1960
  16. Patrick Henry, Sr - January 1960-September 1960
  17. Kendall L. Coffey - September 1960-December 1961
  18. Claude Pearce - February 1962-May 1963
  19. B. Robert Devin - June 1963-August 1967
  20. Norman D. Dyer - 15 November 1967-1 February 1969
  21. Dr. Travis White [interim] - 1 February 1969-27 July 1969
  22. Melvin Fitts - 27 July 1969-June 1970
  23. Gerald L. Miller - June 1970-November 1970
  24. Dr. William Tucker [interim]
  25. Dr. Elmer D. Henson - April 1970-October 1971
  26. Dennis L. Page - October 1971- 

In October of 1959, the First Christian Church in Graham voted on either building a new church building or staying in the current building constructed in 1917. The decision of the congregation was to stay in the building at the corner of Second and Elm Street. A number of members were not satisfied with the vote and decided to leave the congregation to start the Memorial Christian Church during the ministry of Rev. Mel H. Garretson. The majority which voted to stay at the Elm and Second Street church location were under the leadership of Elders - E.G. Rehders, Joe Friedel, and Frank Crutchfield. The elders decided to call Rev. Patrick Henry, Sr of Arlington, Texas to provide the leadership during the interim. The church constructed a youth building just south of the building and remodeled the church sactuary. The sactuary repairs included recovering the floor with carpet and tile, and putting cushions on the pews. Upon the completion of this phase, Rev. Kendall L. Coffey was called as pastor. During Rev. Coffey's ministry, central heating was added, new carpet in the parsonage, and a new piano for the sanctuary. During Rev. B. Robert Devin's minsitry, the parsonage was repaired and repainted on the outside. In 1967, the stained glass windows were restored. The completion of the stained glass restoration finished a seven year project of remodeling and additions which started in 1960. 

In 1967, the elders were - J.B. Fore, Jr, Henry Schlittler, Jr., E.D. McMurray, Joe B. Friedel, J.B. Grimes, Billy Dan Wadley, Frank Crutchfield, Charles Grissom, N.E. Majors, J.L. Ramsey, and C.W. Meaders [elder emeritus]. The officers of the First Christian Church in 1967 are - A.B. Henley [chairman of the board], J.L. Clark [vice-chairman], Roland Powell [secretary], Earl C. Taylor [treasurer], J.I. Moody, Jr. [financial chairman], Roger McClanahan [Sunday School Superintendent]. 

In 1967, the worship committee is Joe B. Friedel [chairman], Billy Dan Wadley [vice-chairman[, Mrs. Fred Reed, Mrs. B. Robert Devin, Miss Barbara Guinn [secretary].

The First Christian Church building in Graham which was constructed in 1917 is still on Elm and Second Street. Most of the stained glass windows have been removed.   No First Christian Church congregation exists in Young County as of 2022. They have all closed, their buildings have either been sold or torn down.   - Dorman Holub


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