Boggy Valley Community

The Boggy Valley Community was located off Highway 79, five miles northwest of Proffitt near Boggy Creek in northwest Young County. It was named Boggy Valley on account of the soil becoming unusally boggy after a rain.

At one time this community had a school. There were four different school sites.

  • The first was located near the northwest corner of the Texas Emigration & Land Company Survey, A-2093.
  • The second was located near the northwest corner of the T. E. & L. Company Survey, A-777.
  • The third school was located near the north boundary of the T. E. & L. Company Survey, A-767, one-half mile west of its northeast corner.
  • The last school was located near the southeast corner of the T, E & L Company Survey, A-817.

Only the cemetery remains of this community.

submitted by Dorman Holub

Last updated: April 14, 2018

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