Rocky Mound Community
Plaxco Community

Plaxco or Rocky Mound community was 10 miles north of Graham, near FM 2652 and Oak Creek. The community was originally called Rocky Mound in 1888 when founded, but the name was changed in 1902 to Plaxco.

Young County records show the town was named for Enoch M. Plaxco who established a post office on February 14, 1902. The post office was discontinued in 1903 and mail was transferred to Graham. The post office was nine miles north of Graham and located a little west of the north central part of the Texas Emigration & Land Company Survey No. 445, known as the E.M. Ball land.

The Rocky Mound School site is four miles northeast of Graham on Rocky Mound Road and was began in 1888 as a one room school. The school was located in the northwest corner of the east part of the Texas Emigration and Land Comapny Survey No. 1577, purchased by R.J. Robertson as shown in Young County Deeds Volume 26, page 488. A second room was added in 1897 as enrollment increased to 86 students. The school consolidated with Graham in 1939.

Early pioneers in the area are: Heighten, Golston, Owen, Robertston, and Still.

Nothing remains of the community today.
submitted by: Dorman Holub

Last updated: April 15, 2018

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