Francisco Chapa

Francisco Chapa Is Dead Following Short Illness
Had Made His Home in Laredo Since 1889 and for 28 Years was Engineer of the Laredo Water Co

  Francisco Chapa, a native of Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, aged 72 years, and who came to Laredo from Zapata county in 1889 to make his home here, succumbed to an illness of less than twenty-four hours at his home, 807 Houston street, Saturday evening at 8 o'clock following an attack of indigestion and stomach trouble generally.
  Deceased, who was a very estimable old gentleman, made friends of all whom he met and his loss is keenly felt. For twenty-eight years he was employed under Judge A. L. McLane as engineer in charge of the plant of the Laredo Water co and remained with the company up to the time of Judge McLane's retirement from the water company about six years ago. Since then deceased had acted in the capacity of night watchman for a number of merchants of Laredo and was in apparently good health up to the time he was stricken ill on Friday night last. He is survived by one daughter and four sons, besides other relatives.
  The funeral took place from the Chapa home, 807 Houston street, to San Agustin Church yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, with interment in the family burial plot in the Catholic cemetery.

Laredo Weekly Times, Laredo, Tex, Oct 3, 1920