
Most of these links go to the Cemeteries of Texas website and some are in the Archives.

City Cemetery Contributor
Anton Anton Cemetery
A-C - D-K - L-P - R-Z
Photos & 1605 inscriptions
Virginia & Faith Berry
Levelland City of Levelland Cemetery
Photos & 6501 inscriptions. George C Price Funeral Home, Levelland, 806 894-3131
Virginia & Faith Berry
Levelland Memorial Gardens Cemetery
Photos & 175 listings. Head Family Funeral Home, 1402 Houston, 800-826-1857
Virginia & Faith Berry
Levelland Hockley County Cemetery (AA?)
14 Listings. Location: Going from College Ave. in Levelland, Texas, go W out Hwy 114 for 3.5 mi. to the OXY Plant, it's on the S side of the road. Turn S beside the Plant & go 0.5 mi. The cemetery is on the E side of the road.
Virginia & Faith Berry
Levelland Hockley County Cemetery (Hispanic)
Photos & 29 listings.
Virginia & Faith Berry
Pep Saint Phillips Cemetery
105 listings.
Virginia & Faith Berry
Ropesville Ropesville Cemetery
Photos & 373 listings.
Virginia & Faith Berry
Smyer Smyer Cemetery
Photos & 149 listings. Location: SE side of town, just S of Hwy 114.
Archived Copy
Virginia Berry
Sundown Sundown Cemetery
474 Listings.
Virginia & Faith Berry
Whitharral Whitharral Cemetery306 Listings
Location: Just E of town.
Virginia & Faith Berry