This letter was written in 1873 by David
Berry in Fayette County, Alabama
to his son and daughter-in-law, John H. Berry and Eliza Catherine Dennis Berry, in Burnet County, Texas. |
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David Berry to JH Berry Oct 26 '73, [page 1] Dear son & Daughtor I after solong atime gladly imbrace the oppertunity of writing you afew lines this sabath Evening to inform you all that we are all well at the presant time so fare as I now [know]. hoping these few lines may reach you and find you all (_______) same like blessings J H I have not (_________) you in a long time and I think it (________) I will git one when I go to town (________) receved a lampasses papor printed on the 9 of Oct 73 we do not now [know] who it is but we guess it to be our loving son and Brother J H. we had good Meeting at Ebenezer Brother Livingston is our preacher this yeare he has only one more round 18 or 19 joind at our protracted meeting. at the baptist church they had agood joyafull time at the head of the Tanyard branch named Sardes church. corn crops is short in Fayette Co. corn is worth one Dollar per bushel from the heap W S made agood crop of corn RBF made a good crop of cotten & him and Puss rushed ahead this yeare me & HH made the old crib but half full and one bail of cotten & afine chanch of potatoes. I shall have to sell one of my mules or morgan and Dolly if I can and by corn I cant winter 5 head AW Did not make much of corp but has money to by with. we had an Election for the removel of the court house The location was between me and WS East side the rockey branch and the West side of Newriver beat us and we cant move it. my son I shed tears to think of you all much more when I rite to you all I had to quit and go off awhile. turn over [page 2] Well JH I will say something about the Granger Meeting for I dont know much about em but they had ameeting last wensday there ther is 5 they say in Fayette Co granger lodges and it is said to be the best institution that has ever bin for the laboring class the farmers it is said to put down speculation. Each member makes out his bill of articles such as he wants and makes up his purse of money to pay for them to the nearest point. I beleave I will join them it takes 5 Dollars to on for the anisa ation fee. I understand old unke Billy is agoing to come back times is verry hard here Rashens scarse cotton (____) per pound coffey (____)lbs to the dollar and cant be had at that it is so dark I cant see the lines. November 1 the day on Saturday A very Big frost this morning John H your aunt Polley Box Died in September last I Receved your letter last Evening and was very glad to here of you getting happy in the lord for ablessing is worth everything else to our immortal souls and I pray god that he will bestow a blessing on you as long as you live in this unfriendly world. To Wm L Long your Mother receved aletter from you last evening and (_____) of grate overflow at Lampasses JH I would like to have bin at your house and talked with you and EC and at watter millions I must close for this time write soon and oftain David & FE Berry To JH & EC Berry good by