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Genealogy Information
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Court Records - definitions, descriptions, and how to use in your research
American Indian Records - Native American Research information from the National Archives
Deciphering Old Handwriting - help in reading those old, handwritten documents
How to Do Genealogy Research - Cindi's List has links to Beginners Guides, how to research various types of records, social networking, and much more!
Masonic Research - From Genealogy Today website.
Medical Terms - medical words got you stumped? Check one of these links from Cindi's List to find out more than you probably wanted to know!
Nicknames - this link takes you to ThoughtCo. website: "Matching up Nicknames With Given Names"
Occupations - Dan Burrows put these 130 items together from many sources and used it as a handout for the Orange County (NY) Genealogical Society. He was asked if the CHART could be forwarded to other lists or used in local newsletters. The answer is yes -- please share this information. He can be contacted at <> or <>
Citing Your sources - A wonderful collection of links by Cyndi Howells (Cyndi's List) of online information about how to cite sources you've found to prove genealogical information.
Relationship Chart and other genealogy forms - A section of Cyndi's List offers a chart to sort out the mystery of 1st or 2nd cousins, once or twice removed, grand uncles and aunts, and more. Plus, any other form you may need to use to track your research.
Roman Numeral and Date Conversion - Links to help convert Roman Numerals...
Translation Services for Genealogists - Another wonderful list from Cyndi.
Translations - Machine translation of English to/from French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese.
What's the SS-5 Application? by Michael John Neill, 2002
State Coordinator:
TXGenWeb State Coordinator
This site is owned and maintained by the Burnet Co. TXGenWeb County Coordinator. Contents of this site have been gathered from many sources and transcribed records. Therefore, errors may occur. When in doubt as to the accuracy of data contained herein, go to the actual records yourself. The information contained in this website is for your personal use only. All pages, compilations, transcriptions and abstracts are protected by copyright law and may not be published in whole or in part without written consent of the author, contributor and/or webmaster.