OATMAN, Marshall C. - Newspaper pages from The Highlander, dated 19 and 26 Oct 1972, with story of the Oatman family by Frank C. Rigler. Many pictures. ODIORNE, Ken - Newspaper clipping from The Highlander, dated 21 Oct 1976 entitled "Bertram Mayor Cited for Hiring Handicapped". Article features picture of Kenneth Odiorne and his program for hiring handicapped. O'DONNELL, Lucille - Newspaper
clippings of obituary dated 1 Sept 1992 from Austin American
Statesman, The Highlander of 3 Sept 1992, and Burnet Bulletin. (2)
Oral history transcript, 6 pages. (3)
Newspaper article from Austin American Statesman dated 17 Feb 1975
entitled "Woman and Burnet Have Grown Together", with pictures. (4)
Burnet Bulletin article dated 16 April 1979 entitled, "Mrs. O'Donnell
to be Honored", with picture. (5) Newspaper article date and source
unknown, entitled "Burnet's library lady shares her love of books",
with picture. (6) Burnet Bulletin article dated 16 Jan 1969 entitled
"Mrs. Tom O'Donnell Sr., Librarian, Retires", with picture. (7)
Newspaper article, with picture, dated 14 Nov 1963, entitled "Tom
O'Donnell, Burnet Rancher Named County Judge by Court" (8) newspaper
article, with picture of Leigh Ann O'Donnell, daughter of Mr. And
Mrs. R.E. O'Donnell, entitled "Burnet girl Serving as Senate Page" OLNEY, Joseph Graves - (1) newspaper clipping from Burnet Bulletin, 8 Sept 1876,
about Olney shooting deputies Martin and Rowntree; (2) Printout of
Handbook of Texas Online about Joseph Graves Olney. Three pages
total. PANKEY, George Thomas - Three
generation descendant chart beginning with George Thomas Pankey, b.
1832 in either Tennessee or Alabama; d. 1888 in Burnet County.
Contributed by Karen Morlan, 2008; 14 pages. Some surnames
mentioned: pankey, Dale, Bramblett, Coon, Wolfe, Stokes, West,
Hubbard, Starr, Grove, Matthews, Garland, Easley, Imhoff, Boykin,
Jennings, Colbaugh, Everett. PARKER, ET AL - (1) Pedigree chart of John Parker, 3 pages. (2) 8 page doublespaced history of Elder John Parker and His Family (3) copy of marriage record for John Parker and Nancy Rosson 21 Oct 1857 in Anderson County Texas. (4) transcript of statement of facts about an Indian attack in Robertson's Colony Texas in 1836; signed by Daniel Parker, Armstead Bennett, and Thomas Lagow. (5) copy of article from Stirpes, undated, entitled "The Parker Family", compiled by Mrs. W.B. Chambers; 3 pages. (6) copy of handwritten letter to John Parker from Ben Parker dated 1860;4 pages. (7) copy of handwritten letter to Nancy Rosson Parker from Ben Parker, dated 1877; two pages. (8) copy of handwritten letter to Nancy from Ben Parker dated 1880; 9 pages--unable to determine order of these miscellaneious sheets or if they are of the same letter. (9) folder labeled "The James Francis Parker Family of Ala., Giles Co. Tenn., Burnet Co. Tex., and Travis Co., Tex." 11 pages. PATTERSON, ET AL - (1) photo of Charlie Patterson (2) one page bio of James Lee Patterson who was born in 1884. See also CLINKSCALES, W. E. folder for a short history of the CLINKSCALES and PATTERSON families. PEACOCK, ET AL - (1) Oral History transcript 1 1/2 pages, of Mada Alma Stewart Peacock. (2) Burnet Bulletin full newspaper page, with pictures of Jonathan Peacock, J.S. Peacock, and Joseph W. Peacock Sr. and Jr. Article entitled "The Evolution of a Burnet County Family of Four Generations"; dated 30 June 1938. (on back page are pictures and article about Ludlow Snow Skaggs, Melvin William Kincheloe. Other articles are list of business and professional leaders of 40 years ago, sent to the editor by William T. Carley, and a profile of Uncle John Brown, Colored, by Alta Holland gibbs; the story of a former slave.
PEPPER, William - Newspaper article from Austin American dated 1 Mar 1962 entitled "Log Cabin Still Strong Though 126 Years Old"; about a cabin built by William Pepper for his bride. [Photo of cabin] [Photo of William Pepper tombstone] PERRY, Curtis - Small photo of young man, undated. On back is written "Curtis Perry". PLEVAN, Clithel - Typed interview, entitled Through Many Dangers, Events in the Life of Clithel Plevan", by Weston Collman, student, Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas, 20 Nov 1995. 31 pages. Clithel states he had a brother , Vaughan Plevan, who was 2 1/2 years younger who was killed in a raid over Japan in World War II. POGUE, B. - Newspaper clipping from Austin American dated 19 July 1975 about Judge B. Pogue. POOLE, Martha J. (Chapman) - 1 page copy from book, no title, no date, entitled "Move from South Carolina to Texas in 1854" PRICE, et al - Correspondence from 1959 from Ernest Langford to Lucian L. Price. Has some family info. (2) Copy of Sept 1972 Austin Genealogical Society newsletter, which has Price Bible records recorded. PRICE, ET AL - (folder 2) (1) correspondence with family info, including a letter dated 1918. (2) newspaper clipping, undated, of Price Family Reunion held July 18th at Joppa. (3) Newspaper clipping from The Highlander 19 Feb 1976 about "Reminiscences of Mary Crownover Rabb, 1875", by Pauline M. Edwards. (4) Newspaper clipping with picture of Emma Price and U.S. Jake Pickle, 11 Oct 1975. (5) many loose newspaper clippings about different Price individuals. (6) short transcribed letter dated 1909, shown below:
(7) Descendants of Elisha and Mollie Price (8) Genealogy Notes (9) Copies of documents from University of Texas on Rev. Elisha Price (10) Application for DAR membership from Lucile Kirsch Ford, descendant of Thomas Price. Application is approved, dated 1955. (11) Application for DAR membership from Lily McFarland Belk, descendant of Captain Thomas Price, member of Patrick Henry's Gunpowder Expedition. Application is approved, dated 1921. (12) part of application for DAR membership from Sudie Eugenia Wier Kazmar, descendant of Thomas Price. Approval page and dates missing. Lineage page attached. (13) Photos: {1} group--labeled on back Elisha Price Family, Grandma Mary (Howell) Price, Doug, Ethel Price m. Ater; Tom Price, m. Mary; Elish, m. Emma Edwards; Arthur, m. Mattie Bees ?; Geo, m. Mae Ater; Mattie, m. Underwood; Charlie, m. Mary Robbins; Will m. Mabel Williams. No date. {2} mounted on heavy cardstock, 4 women in early 1900s dress, standing on stumps. On back is written "A bunch standing on stumps just having fun" {3} group photo, written on back is "All of the Price sisters-in-laws and Ethel and Elisha {4} Tractor pulling attachment. On back is "Cotton stripper, first stripper in Burnet Co. Raymond Price" {5} group seated on ground having picnic. On back is "Ethel Price, Will Ater" undated. {6} group photo. On back is "we were at Uncle Charlies and Aunt Mary's house" undated. {7} photo of couple, undated. On back is "Emma and Elisha". PRIMUS, Lee - Copy of Highlander, 11 Apr 1974, with headline, "Burnet County's Only Death Penalty..." and story of murder of Mack Peppers by Lee Primus in 1876, and the conviction and sentence to death in 1877. PULLIAM, ET AL - one sheet of handwritten notes about Dick Pulliam's father. |