Daniel Morrison Stewart Family Bible

This Bible is in the possession of Linda Brackenridge Dunlap, the great-grand daughter of Daniel Morrison Stewart, the grand daughter of Modena Judson Stewart Brackenridge. Though the family record portion of this Bible has different sections for births, marriages, and deaths, these sections were disregarded, which makes it a challenge to transcribe. Text written in ALLCAPS is text imprinted on the pages of the family record. Text in [braces] is my notations.

  • [Daniel Morrison Stewart] on March the 29th 1877 was married to M.L. [Mary Lee] Wells in Dallas Co. Texas
  • D.M. [Delilah Mae] Stewart was married to Vick Thomson February 2th 1899 Effie Ada Stewart was married to Elba Stevenson December 19th 1900
  • Father and Mother - Senior
  • Daniel Stewart was born September 20th 1810.
  • A.D. [Araminta Domer Coleman] Stewart was born August 28th 1818.
  • Father and Mother - Jun[ior]
  • D.M. [Daniel Morrison] Stewart was born February 1th 1852
  • Mary Lee Wells his wife was born August 20th 1863
  • Our Children.
  • Delilah May was born September 24th 1878 in Dallas Co Texas
  • Thomas Newton Stewart was born in Dallas Co Texas July 18th 1881
  • Effie Ada Stewart born in Dallas Co Texas November 19th 1889
  • Luna Ona Stewart born in Bell Co Texas October 26th 1887
  • Modena Judson Stewart born in Bell Co Texas October 5th 1893
  • Abbie Lena [grandchild] Thomson born in Bell Co Texas February 14th 1894
  • Daniel Lee Stewart born in Erath Co Texas May 13th 1898
  • Oscar Wesley Stewart was born May 3, 1915
  • Odra Buford Breckridge was born August 13, 1917.
  • Andrew Lamorrison was born February 13, 1920
  • Our Grand Children
  • Abbie Lena Thomson born in Bell Co Texas February 14 1894
  • [E]Ula Stevenson born in Dallas Co Texas November 25th 1901
  • Jesey Wolis Stevenson was born in Dallas County
  • Jeff Clute [?] Stewart was borend in Noveber 3 1905 in Dallis
  • Viola May Brackenridge born in Dallas Co, Texas March 5th 1910
  • Thomas Floid Stewart borned Aug. 9th 1912 Dallas Co Texas
  • Marriages
  • T.N. Stewart was married to Mole J. [Mary Jane "Mollie"] England December 25th 1904
  • Luna Onar Stewart was married to Johnny Brackenridge December 23, 1906 in Dallas Co
  • Maud Stewart was married to Clay Brackenridge Dec. 21th 1913 in Dallas Co.
  • Daniel Lee Stewart was married to Mae Hamilton Nov. 23, 1920 [8?].
  • Deaths
  • Jeffe Elute [?] Stewart Deth May 2, 1906.
  • Daniel Marson [Morrison] Stewart died Jan. 1th 1915.
  • Delilah Mae Thompson Died Oct 30th, 1918
  • Luna Ona Brackenridge died May 7th 1929
  • Mary Lee Stewart died June 6 1930