Dallas County

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Texas became the 28th state on December 29, 1845
Capital - Austin
Motto - Friendship
Nickname - Lone Star State
Song - Texas, Our Texas
Flower - Bluebonnet
Tree- Pecan
Bird - Mockingbird

In memory of
Malcom Luther "Mike" Basham
First TXGenWeb State Coordinator
25 May 1942
15 September 1997

Adjacent Counties
  Collin County, TX - N
  Denton County, TX - NW
  Ellis County, TX - S
  Kaufman County, TX - E
  Rockwall County, TX - E
  Tarrant County, TX - W
TXGenWeb County Listings

US Army Company A - 31st Battalion
Fort Carson, CO
21 Nov 1957 to 13 Jan 1958


In Memory of Gene W. Cullum

"Company A - 31st Transportation Battalion"
Company A began Basic Training 11-21-57 and was completed 1-13-58.

* Pvt. Kenneth L. Gafford was selected as Outstanding Marksman.
** Pvt.Leonard Isberg was selected as Outstanding Trainee of the cycle.

1st Lieutenant: Robert G. Mangum, Jr.(Company Commander)
2nd Lieutenant:Joseph C. Branco (Training Officer)
1st LT: Winger (Executive Officer)
M/SGT: Raymond Parker (First Sergeant)
M/SGT: Griffin (Field First Sergaent)

This page was transcribed by Valerie Cullum Pitt

Copyright@Valerie Cullum Pitt 2003


Cobb, Thomas H. Krumholz, William A. Pleinis, Marvin L.
Cordova, Raynaldo F. Lambrecht, Victor E. Powell, Bruce R.
Cosper, Jerry L. Lanier, Kenneth L. Pratt, William E.
Crawford, Jerry L. Larew, John R. Przybylski, Joseph A.
Crow, Billy J. Larson, LaVerne L. Rademacher, Jerry L.
Cullum, Gene W. Lawrence, David G. Randall, Floyd D.
Day, Charlie N. Ledbetter, John Rivera, Fernando

Dixon, Teddy E.
Doeling, Gene W.
Douglas, John H.
Droog, Preston M.
Eaton, Doyle O.
Ekern, Kenneth L.
Evans, James E.
Fiske, Darrel K.
Frost, Myron D.
Gafford, Kenneth L. *
Gasvoda, Donald L.
Genrich, Robert W.
Glasgow, Robert K.
Hammond, Lee R.
Hanna, Jack G.
Hanson, Keith E.
Hardaway, Lincoln L.
Hays, Nathan E.
Hegemeyer, Newton
Heise, Edward A.
Hicks, Buddy
Hoskins, Ronald R.
Huber, Allen E.
Hughes, Young G.
Isberg, Leonard J. **
Iverson, Irvin S.,Jr.
Keller, Edward M.
Kimball, John D.
Kindle, Wendell E.
King, Richard L.
Kirby, Ulys
Kirksey, Charles E.
Klatt, Herman J.
Klein, Raymond L.
Knudson, Donald A.

Lehna, Raymond D.
Leiman, Marvin T.
Lopez, Julian O.
Lucky, Frank D.
Martin, Billy D.
Martin, David K.
Martinez, Augustin M.
McCutcheon, William W., IV
McInturff, Richard M.
Miles, David
Mitchell, Larry D.
Montoya, Gilbert R.
Moore, Eddie L.
Moore, Harlan E.
Moreman, Jack A.
Morris, Warren E.
Moyer, Bobby J.
Narlock, Richard F.
Newman, Raymond
Nicolaou, Constantinos T.
Nicolay, Donald J.
Odom, Lawrence D.
Oeltjenbruns, Robert L.
Olson, Robert C.
Ortega, Francisco
Ozuna, Webster
Padilla, Serafin Q.
Page, Larry K.
Peeler, George T.
Peskey, Donald J.
Peterson, Merritt E.
Phillips, Dallas W.
Pierce, Leroy L.
Pierce, Robert D.

Robbins, James W.
Rodgers, Gordon A.
Rothmeyer, Larry A.
Saenz, Alfredo A.
Sagedal, Sherwood K.
Samuels, Sol
Sargent, Clarence S.
Schaffer, Myron L.
Schreiber, Frederick P.
Schroeder, Royce C.
Schwers, John M.
Scott, Charles R.
Severin, Walter S.
Shanks, James C.
Slack, Richard B.
Smith, Gerald V., Jr.
Thomas, L.D.
Thompson, Lee, Jr.
Tillman, John F.
Torres, Pablo
Tracy, Wayne D.
Valerjo, Ruben
Vallejo, Rito R.
Villanueva, Raymond G.
Walker, Edward R., Jr.
Walker, Walter W.
Weiderborner, Emmet C.
Williams, Alvin B.
Williams, Raymond O.
Wofford, Lester M.
Wolf, Gerald H.
Yake, William M.
Young, Jimmie L.
Zahradka, Joseph C.
Zeno, Audry L.