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New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
(Peteet Cemetery)
African American

UPDATED: Thanks to Geraldine Little Braswell & Sandy Span for complete reading with photos April 2009!
Thanks to Maribeth Buce for this reading!
Thanks to Jane Eubanks for the use of her pictures!
FHM = Funeral Home Marker
DS = Double Stone
Batts, Lucy Jeffery Willis
2-18-1919 8-7-1956
Beck, Addie Bee Turner Bros FHM
1-10-1922 7-1-2007
Beck, Addie Lee Turner Bros FHM
1917 1970
Beck, Wiley Sr
4-24-1920 11-11-1999
Brown, Mrs. Fannie A.
Castle, Frank
3-18-1887 1-13-1975
Castle, Vannie
3-31-1891 3-19-1940
Cloudy, Bessie M
4-4-1921 2-20-1977
Cloudy, Careful
1910 1984
Collier, Shirley Turner Bros FHM
12-20-1930 9-17-1978
Conict, Jessie TX Tec5 2035 QM WWII
8-2-1913 1-5-1967
Conict, T C TX SSgt Co A 483 Port BN TX WWII
4-5-1916 5-10-1953
Cox, Creamie
1876 2-25-1929
Craig, Manilee DS with W C
Craig, W C DS with Manilee
8-22-1916 2-18-1978
Crowe, Idessia FHM
1915 1961
Cuba, Bobbie FHM
1929 1979
Culberson, Ruby Harris
2-18-1924 8-12-1971
Davis, Amanda
d. 12-9-1945
Davis, Bethel J
7-6-1937 5-28-1976
Davis, Denise
Davis, Elye
2-7 5-28-1908
Davis, Esau Pic #2
2-27-1889 6-2?-1954
Davis, George Washington Sr obit Turner Bros FHM US Army
3-17-1923 8-21-2006
Davis, Maggie Lee
10-28-1938 6-21-1971
Davis, Marietta Turner Bros FHM
11-8-1928 12-24-1995
Davis, Mary Pic #2
no dates
Davis, Miles
d. 2-10-1947
Davis, Ola M
3-31-1964 6-29-1982
Davis, Ola P FHM
1-15-1893 3-29-1978
Davis, Robert C TX Pfc 474 AMPH Truch Co WWII
3-9-1910 7-17-1956
Dixon, C J FHM
1933 2008
Dixon, Kathleen Morgan FHM
1957 2003
Edwards, Dave TX Pvt 412 RES Labor BN QMC WWI
1899 1949
Edwards, Merniva Set on end of base for Rev A W Wright Sr; death certificate
1841 1951
Elmore, Pansy Turner Bros FHM
190? ?
Evans, Tessie M FHM DS with McKinley
1935 1997
Fagan, A Old Stone DS with Callie Fagan
11-1-1880 7-16- 1943
Fagan, Callie DS with A Fagan
Jan 1875 8-30-1972
Fagan, Mayfield
DS with Nancy Sayles
Fagan, Nancy Sayles Old Stone (note: old stone says 1904 - new stone says 1905)
Fields, Beverly Annette
3-3-1970 3-3-1970
Fields, Budy
3-7-1877 3-24-1927
Fields, Clora
9-6-1892 7-15-1973
Fields, Joseph TX Pvt Co D 331 SVN BN QMC WWI
7-28-1886 12-29-1959
Fields, Leroy
Fields, Richard
1-1-1867 9-29-1949
Fields, Robert Lewis "Bay" Photo CK3 US Navy WWII DS with Verlie Mae
10-14-1924 10-17-1990
Fields, Roger TX Pfc US Army WWI
8-15-1903 8-1-1969
Fields, Shury Wonnie Faye
11-13-1957 11-13-1957
Fields, S T
d. 1-21-1909 Aged 83 years
Fields, Sylvia Pic #2
10-2-1821 8-14-1932
Filmore, Pansy
FHM, cannot read last # in date.
Flournoy-Evans, Dorothea L Pic #2 Brooks-Steling-Barrett FHM
8-28-1957 4-20-2005
Flowers, Nadine Davis
6-10-1910 12-26-1974
Ford, Arthur Added per obit
2-21-1937 10-16-2006
Ford, Little Bertha
d. 6-10-1900 Aged 1 year 7 months
Ford, Bryant Elbert Obit; Stanmore FHM
1934 200?
Ford, Denise TS with Enrico & Roshanda
d. 10-3-1982
Ford, Enrico Jaleeb FHM TS with Denise & Roshanda
d. 9-9-1991
Ford, Roshanda TS with Denise & Enrico
d. 12-3-1984
Ford, Docie L Photo
9-8-1904 5-16-1991
Ford, Fettie W/o W H Aged 28 years
d. 2-28-1908
Ford, Mrs Henrietta Turner Bros FHM
1906 2001
Ford, Jessie
Ford, Jimmie Dearion & Davis FHM
1943 2002
Ford, Jimmy Lee Reeder-Davis-Schindler FHM
4-19-1959 8-26-2005
Ford, Lovie not found on last reading - added per death certificate
3-8-1912 4-12-1955
Ford, Pressie D Photo
9-21-1905 9-25-1998
Ford, Qumile not found on last reading - added per death certificate
12-20-1891 12-23-1952
Ford, Sam Henry DS with Eula Mae
3-31-1906 10-31-1988
Ford, Willie Harvie
3-3-1900 9-7-1910
Gaddis, Gabe H. death certificate
Green, S Opal Stanmore FHM
1976 2002
Hale, Corein Pic #2
11-5-1907 5-25-1908
Hale, Lester V Travis "Cattail" obit Turner Bros FHM
1933 2006
Hale, Mari not found on last reading - added per death certificate
2-25-1921 9-1-1939
Hale, Minnie N
1909 2001
Hale, Lasaphine DS with Zebe
1-25-1878 7-27-1944
Hale, Zebe DS with Lasaphine
12-25-1868 4-2-1941
Hardeman, Jim Aged 58 years
d. 6-2-1912
Hardemon, Lilar not found on last reading - added per death certificate
6-10-1893 10-26-1949
Hardemon, Violet
this is a newer stone
(old stone has 1877-1950)
Hardiman, Sansom Aged 56 years
d. 9-21-1886
Hardman, Thomas TX Pvt QM Corps WWI
2-22-1890 2-1-1948
Harris, Bettie Ann
7-13-1899 2-2-2000
Harris, Willie
5-5-1895 11-1-1971
Henry, Sam
m. Eula Mae 11-27-1927
Horton, Brady Broken stone - dates missing
Horton, Clifton Turner Bros FHM
1912 1992
Horton, Clifton O'Neil
6-15-1983 6-18-1983
Horton, Clifton W Pic #2 FHM
11-25-1944 1-3-1967
Horton, Eddie Lee Stanmore FHM
1945 2007
Horton, Emma
1922 1971
Horton, Hubert Ray Turner Bros FHM
4-8-1939 5-1-2005
Horton, Jerome B FHM
7-18-1965 4-14-1973
Horton, Price Daniel Jr
11-4-1982 7-22-1983
Howard, Kurlander
8-4-1968 5-11-1988
Howard, Marable Lee FHM
4-30-1945 10-23-1971
Howard, Margie Hollins
1912 2002
Ingram, Louise Perkins
1-23-1902 9-10-1985
Irvin, Willis Lee H/o Naomi Marie
5-12-1927 6-7-1994
Jeffery, B F not found on last reading - added per death certificate
5-18-1910 4-1-1944
Jeffery, Charles
Jeffery, C V not found on last reading - added per death certificate
2-26-1916 1-27-1952
Jeffery, Elvira Turner Bros FHM DS with Knob
3-6-1902 2-13-1989
Jeffery, Knob DS with Elvira; death certificate
7-22-1902 6-8-1971
Jeffery, Ice not found on last reading - added per death certificate
8-1-1892 12-30-1947
Jeffery, Janie
11-30-1914 3-29-2001
Jeffery, Jeff
Unknown Unknown
Jeffery, Jerome Nig
1-7-1913 1-17-1982
Jeffery, Lenard
Jeffery, Marie
9-29-1928 3-31-1984
Jeffery, Miles "Big Boy"
12-23-1905 2-28-1974
Jeffery, Moses
5-17-1913 10-10-1987
Jeffery, Nettie
Jeffery, Parthena "Sis"
1-22-1908 1-14-1972
Jeffery, Pearl
W/o J V Jeffery
Jeffery, Ray TX Pfc Co D 331 Service BN QMC WWI
2-28-1898 3-26-1954
Jeffery, Sam Jr Golden Gate FHM Note: FHM says Jeffery - Marker says Jeffer
2-28-1918 9-22-2001
Jeffery, Walter FHM Note: FHM says b. 1916 - Marker says b. 1915
1915 1970
Jeffery, Wavie
3-22-1919 3-14-1957
Jeffery, Willie Sr FHM
2-19-1907 11-6-1985
Jeffery, Faye Willa not found on last reading - added per death certificate
6-21-1945 6-21-1945
Jeffrey, Arealier A J TX Cpl 293 Engr Const BN
9-13-1927 1-31-1952
Jeffrey, Virgie not found on last reading - added per death certificate
9-15-1892 12-4-1960
Jeffreys, Pearl W/o W J
8-26-1887 6-15-1923
Johnson, Donnie Jeffery Turner Bros FHM
1923 1995
Johnson, James Lewis TX Pvt Co C 12 Cav 1 Cav Div Vietnam PH
6-24-1946 6-9-1967
Jones, Louie Norris
1-9-1921 4-18-1978
Jones, Mary Bell Starr Turner Bros FHM
1-17-1918 4-16-2004
Jones, Retha Nell obit
11-7-1928 1-15-2006
Jones, Rodger Don
10-3-1951 7-25-1958
Jones, Roosevelt death certificate
12-28-1901 7-2-1956
Jones, Timothy CA Pfc 51 HV Truck Co TC Korea
12-4-1928 1-16-1952
Jones, Virginia A
10-26-1949 3-3-1970
Jones, Willie Mae
11-11-1904 7-30-1989
Jones-Wright, Lois Faye
11-24-1949 21-1-1983
Kindall, Loyd Infant Son
9-9-1959 9-9-1959
King, Emmaline
3-1871 5-25-1914
King, Felix death certificate; TX Pfc 331 Service BN QMC WWI
3-10-1887 7-7-1950
Lattimore, Leon Pvt US Army WWII
3-9-1902 1-22-1978
Legg, Louisa A
6-4-1860 9-8-1910
Lewis, Jeremy LaCouce
10-27-1979 11-8-1980
Lewis, Jeremy Jacquce
Cemetery Index
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