Name |
GPS Coordinates |
Location |
On Private Property - A small, well kept cemetery inside a chain
link fence with posted signs that say private property, no trespassing.
Located in Old Diana about 1/2 mile off hwy 259 on FM 726, on the
right side of the road. |
Family |
On Private Property - Take 154 west from Gilmer to highway 49 to the left.
Left on Elderberry to Red Oak. Right on Red Oak to Mildred Road. Turn
right on Mildred and the 3 graves are in a pasture on the left under a
huge pine on private property. |
See Grice |
324144N 0944210W
East of Gilmer on the Harrison County line
- Take Hwy 154E through Diana. Turn left onto Davidson Rd. (across
from FM 3245) Stay on Davidson Rd., Sparrow will go straight,
but go towards the left at the Simmon Hill Baptist Church sign.
The cemetery is on the left just across the Harrison County
Medlin |
324852N 0944145W
This only has about 8-10 graves of babies.
(African-American)  |
On Private Property - Located on private property off Hwy
155 south from Big Sandy. |
Bailey Family |
On Private Property - close to the Union Grove area. |
323914N 0944832W
Take Hwy 1650 east, turn right onto Nuthatcher
Rd. Go 1 mile south, turn right onto Martin Rd.
Go west for 1.3 miles.
Bethlehem Crossroads (African-American)
aka Dean's Crossroads |
32.8576298 - 95.0077162
Take Hwy 271 north out of
Gilmer to FM 2088. Take 2088 to FM 2454 and the cemetery
is near the intersection of 2454 and Mule Deer. Next to the
white cemetery.
324830N 0945740W
From Gilmer, turn left on FM 2088, before
crossing RR tracks, turn left onto Badger. Follow around and
cross RR tracks. You can see two headstones on the left in a
pasture, turn left on the black top road. Go to the end of the
road and there are two separate sections of a chain link fence
on the right.
Big Sandy
See Chilton |
See Snow Hill |
Brumley Crossroads
aka Crossroads |
325246N 0950053W
Take Hwy 271 north out of
Gilmer to FM 2088. Take 2088 to FM 2454 and the cemetery
is near the intersection of 2454 and Mule Deer. Next to the
Bethlehem Crossroads African American Cemetery.
Bunn Family |
On Private Property - Go west from Gilmer on Hwy. 154,
take a left on FM 49, then left on S. Mimosa. The Bunn Family Cemetery
sign is on the gate into the private property on S. Mimosa. |

aka Cherokee Trace |
324525N 0945820W
From Gilmer take Hwy 271 N, turn left on
Redbud St. Take a right on Cherokee Trace, go 2 miles.
The cemetery is on the right, adjacent to the Cherokee Missionary
Baptist Church. |

aka Big Sandy |
323533N 0950659W
Approximately one mile northwest of Big
Sandy, TX, off US Highway 155 on FM Rd 2911. There are
three entrances to the cemetery, however, the most used is
the center gate. |
aka Eubanks Cemetery |
32.8834626 - 94.9527142
Located at the northwest corner of Hwy 271 N and Sunflower Rd,
north of Gilmer.
Clark Family Cemetery |
On Private Property - In Ore City behind a house on Pine Street on private property.
Only 2 graves of Clark brothers. |
Coffeeville (African-American)  |
325005N 0944516W
In Gilmer take Hwy. 155 East to Verbena
Rd., turn right (south) at the Coffeeville sign. Go a few hundred
yards and veer to the first left which is Trumpet Rd. You
will see the Coffeeville Cemetery straight ahead on both sides of
the road. The African American Coffeeville Cemetery
is across the road from the New Coffeeville Cemetery with the native rock entrance and is enclosed
by a chain link fence.
(New & Old Sections)
325005N 0944516W
In Gilmer take Hwy. 155 East to Verbena
Rd., turn right (south) at the Coffeeville sign. Go a few hundred
yards and veer to the first left which is Trumpet Rd. You
will see the Coffeeville Cemetery straight ahead on both sides of
the road. The New Coffeeville Cemetery is on the right side
of the road with a large native rock entrance with black wrought
iron gate and fencing.
(Old Cemetery)  |
325005N 0944516W
Take Hwy 155 East from Gilmer. The cemetery
is just past the Coffeeville sign on the left hand side of the road.
There are two historical markers at this site. Earliest known headstone
is Apphie Newman d. Nov 24, 1843. |
In Gilmer, go South
on Montgomery St. The cemetery is just past the old train trestle
on the right. If you get to Hwy 155, you have gone too far.
324947N 0945419W
From Gilmer, Hwy 271, go east on Hwy 155
to Farm Market Road 2263. Take a left. You will go about 3 miles
to an Oil Top Road, Dahlia, take a right on Dahlia. A Concord
Church sign is on right side of road before you turn right -
Concord Church and cemetery are down the oil top road about
1/4 mile on left.
Cooper Family 
aka Buie/Bowie
On Private Property - Take Hwy 80 west out of Gladewater to Water
Tower Rd---this will be the 2nd left, after the white fence at the
old Ambassador College grounds. Go across the RR tracks, the
road will veer to the right. Cemetery is in field on the left,
surrounded by a chain link fence. |
See Bethlehem Crossroads African-American OR Brumley Crossroads |
Crow Family  aka Old Crow
On Private Property - Located about 1.5 miles south of
Little Mound Church, on Tangerine Road off Texas Hwy 49, in a
private pasture, not easily accessible from the road.
- Ellison 
aka Thomas Ellison
325139N 0950402W
Located about 2 miles north of Shady Grove
on north side of FM1795 at the junction of Tan Oak Road, set about
200 feet off the road up the hill in a lot of trees. |
aka Bethlehem Crossroads African-American
See Bethlehem Crossroads African-American Cemetery
On Private Property - From Gilmer take Hwy 154, before the city limit sign, turn right on FM 852, go
to Derrick Rd. |
Dickson Orphanage
aka Dixon
Turn on 300 off 271. Hillburn will be the
first road to the right. Just before the top of the hill
there is a small clearing on the right. Walk down the
hill through the brush and behind the house that is on
the top of the hill. Historical Marker added Feb 2020. |
See Dickson Orphanage Cemetery.
Family  |
On Private Property - Bettie off
of FM 2088.
On Private Property - Located somewhere around Little Mound on
what is now private land and which you get to by going west
on hwy 154 and turning on 49 going through Latch to Little Mound. |
Mountain (Old)  |
32.5945872 - 94.8657699
Located just west of the Baptist Church
in East Mountain. Go 1or 1 1/2 miles past the East Mountain
Baptist Church, turn on Robin Road and the cemetery is about
a mile down that road. |
Mountain Baptist Church
aka New East Mountain Cemetery |
Located off the road one mile west of East
Mountain behind the Baptist Church. From Gilmer take 271
to FM 1844 to the 4 way stop at East Mt., go right on 1845
and the church is on East Mountain Road, you can see it from
1845. |
Springfield (African-American) |
From Longview take 259
N. to Mackey Road (just past Satterwhite Log Homes). Turn
left (only turns one direction) and go about 2 miles. The church
is on the corner of Mackey Rd. & Nuthatcher Rd. The cemetery
is behind the church. |
323420N 0945250W
This cemetery is surrounded by a chain
link fence, and is located just north of White
Oak, TX, just across the Gregg County line into Upshur County.
neat, but no shrubs or trees are inside the
cemetery. It
is very well maintained, and is still in use. |
Springs (African-American)  |
From Big Sandy, go north 2 miles on 155
to FM1002. Go about 2 1/2 miles to Red Maple and go to
the right. Go 3 miles to Cemetery Road and go right. Its about
500 feet off the road. |
324312N 0945954W
Go three miles south of Gilmer on FM 49
(the sign says west). It is about 200 feet off the north side of
the road. |
324624N 0950216W
From Gilmer take Hwy 154 to FM 852 (5.2
miles). The Church and Cemetery are at the intersection of
FM 852 and FM 556. |
Eubanks Cemetery
See Christian Hope Cemetery |

aka Indian Rock |
324125N 0945036W
324224N 0945219W
Located just east of Indian Rock on Hwy
154 - From Gilmer, take Hwy 154E, go right on FM 1650. The cemetery
is on the corner of FM 1650 and Goose Rd. There are two entrances.
One of FM 1650 and the other on Goose Rd. |
(African-American) |
Go north on 155 in Big Sandy for about 1/2
mile to FM2911. Turn to the left and go about 2 miles west. Cemetery
is on the left or south side of the road. |
Family  |
Located near the High School in Gilmer
in the 700 block of Pine St. There is a wooden marker at
the sidewalk, the cemetery is located at the back of the house
on the left.
Fudge Memorial Garden
aka Harvey & Mattie Fudge Memorial Garden
Located on the property of the New Hope Baptist Church. |
Family  |
On Private Property - Located off
Locust Grove Rd, just west of Gladewater. |
Garden of Perpetual Memories
See Valley View Cemetery
Garoutte Cemetery
See Ore City Cemetery |
This cemetery is located on the Gregg Co.-Upshur
Co. line, in Gladewater on N. Phillips Springs Rd, 4/10 of a mile
E. of East Lake Dr. and 1 9/10 miles N. & W. from Gay Ave in
Gladewater, TX. The cemetery is in very poor condition, and has
not been used for some time. Vandalism in the 1970's and 1980's
has left it's mark. |
City (African-American) 
aka Neal Cemetery |
Located on Hwy 271 N in Gilmer. Turn right
at the light at Hwy 271 and Old Coffeeville Road. The black cemetery
is on the left side of the road with the old cemetery.
City (old)  |
Located on Hwy 271 N in Gilmer. Turn right
at the light at Hwy 271 and Old Coffeeville Road. The old section
is on the LEFT side of the road. |
City (new)  |
Located on Hwy 271 N in Gilmer. Turn right
at the light at Hwy 271 and Old Coffeeville Road. The new section
is to the RIGHT side of the road. |
aka Youngblood Cemetery
aka Mings Chapel |
324006N 0945827W
From Gilmer take Hwy 155 west and turn left
on FM 2685. Go to Crabapple Street and turn right. Go about
1 1/2 miles and the Glade Creek Missionary Baptist Church will
be on your right with the cemetery behind it. |
323326N 0950007W
About 1 1/2 miles west of Gladewater
on Hwy. 80 on the right hand side of the hwy |

aka Glenwood Hilltop |
323941N 0945000W
Located about two miles north of Glenwood
- Take Hwy 154E, right on FM 1650, right on FM 726, right on Nightingale
Rd. The cemetery is on the right. There is a sign showing Glenwood
Cemetery. |
See Mattox Cemetery |
Weldon Murphy  |
On Private Property - It is a single grave on the property of
Rob Marchell, about a mile south of Shady Grove on FM1002 and
about 300 feet east of the road. |
aka Hamil's Chapel
aka Antioch |
324807N 0950719W
From Gilmer go west on Hwy 154 to just
outside the city limits. Take FM Road 852 to the left. Stay
on it for 10 to 12 miles. There is a sign but it does not have
Grice Cemetery,
it has Antioch Baptist Church on it. Turn to the left and the cemetery
is down that road about 1/4 mile. |
Hadaway Family |
On Private Property - Private cemetery in the Pritchett area. |
Hamil's Chapel
See Grice |
Harris-Clark Roadside  |
This burial is at the corner of Chinaberry and Balsam
roads, just off the side of the road and is overgrown and becoming hard
to see. Enclosed with a hogwire fence.
Henderson Family |
On Private Property - Private cemetery outside of Ore City. |
Farm  |
Located on the Upshur - Wood County line.
Go south on FM 852 (oiled road portion) from the intersection of
FM 2088 and FM 852 near Perryville. Follow this across Caney
Creek and go a little over a mile. South of the intersection there
is a barn on the west side of the road. The cemetery is in
the wooded area directly across from the barn on the east side of
the road, and just a few yards from the road. |
See Glenwood Cemetery |
323705N 0950555W
Located north of Big Sandy a short distance
off the Shady Grove Road. Take Hwy 155 N from Big Sandy to FM
1002. Turn left and go about 1 mile and you will see the
arch for the cemetery on the right. There is a driveway to the
right which will take you to the cemetery. |
324251N 0950420W
Take 154 west from Gilmer to FM 49 to Hopewell
Community. The cemetery is located beside the Hopewell Methodist
Houseworth |
See Lone Mountain
aka Lake Providence |
324049N 0944948W
A black community southeast of Gilmer. It's between Indian
Rock and Glenwood. Take Hwy 726 to the right
(south) off of Hwy 1650. Not far on the right
ought to be the Lake Providence Baptist Church. I think on
the church property you can see a
sign that says Houston Cemetery. |
aka Old Thomas |
On Private Property - Take Hwy 80 West from Gladewater, take a right on Cherry
Rd. Go to White Oak Rd. The cemetery
is located in the woods behind the house on the right. |
Indian Rock
324224N 0945219W
See Floyd Cemetery |
James |
See Reed |
Johnson (African-American)
324322N 0950630W
From Gilmer go North
on Hwy 155. The first FM road that goes to the left (north)
after crossing the bridge will be FM 2263, about 4 miles. Located
behind the Mt Zion Baptist Church. |
Jones  |
324429N 0944423W
Located off Hwy 726 east
of Hwy 259 |
324347N 0950226W
From Gilmer, take 154 west to the Kelsey
turnoff (1795). Turn left on 1795 to Magnolia and turn
left on Magnolia. The cemetery is at the end of the road,
about 1/4 of a mile or less. |
- (African-American)  |
325354N 0945121W
Go 6 miles NE of Gilmer on SH 155, then
4 miles NE on FM 2796, then .8 miles W on FM 593, then 2
miles N on FM 993 to intersection w/FM 1975. Lafayette (African-American)
is the second fences area behind the church, Lafayette (white) is
on the left of the church and also the first one behind the church. |
aka Sewell
325354N 0945121W
Go 6 miles NE of Gilmer on SH 155, then
4 miles NE on FM 2796, then .8 miles W on FM 593, then 2 miles
N on FM 993 to intersection w/FM 1975. Lafayette (white) is
the one on the left and also behind the church, Lafayette (African-American)
is the second fenced area behind the church.
See Houston Cemetery |
aka Pine |
325343N 0945837W
From Gilmer go north on Hwy 271 and turn
left on Opossum Rd. Turn left on Mink Rd about 100 yards.....then
turn left on to a gravel road to a gate. There is a dirt road and
the cemetery is about 300 yards. |
Lee Cemetery
(African-American)  |
Located at the end of Pearl St. across from
Hwy 155 in Big Sandy. It is on private property off a long closed
section of an old road. It is better accessed on foot through a
power line right of way that crosses Hwy 155. |
Lest We Forget Cemetery  |
On Private Property. |
Mound  |
324328N 0950759W
Located on FM 49, 12 miles W of Gilmer. |
Grove  |
323514N 0950209W
Take Hwy 80 W from Gladewater. About 4 miles
from Gladewater turn right onto Almond Rd. Follow the road
to the Locust Grove Church. The cemetery is behind the church. |
Cemetery  |
Located north of Gilmer in the Brumley
Community. Take Hwy 271 to FM 2088 and turn left. Go to FM 2454
and turn right. Go to Turtle Rd, turn left, and then turn
left on Otter, at the crossroad of Otter and Wolverine turn
right and go .7 of a mile. The cemetery is cyclone fenced on
the left side of the road.
Not maintained. |
aka Houseworth |
324738N 0945429W
From Gilmer, Hwy 271, go east on Hwy 155
to FM Road 2263 and turn left. Take 2263 to the Oil Top Road Bluebell.
As soon as you turn on Bluebell you will see the Cemetery to your
right. It is a small area located on a hill. |
Lone Pine
See Zion Hill Cemetery |

aka Graceton |
324335N 0944627W
Located near Graceton - From Gilmer, take
Hwy 154E. Turn left on FM 726, left on Lazy Daisy Ln. The cemetery
is on the left. |
McClelland |
On Private Property. Abandoned. Located near Glenwood on private property. |
Family  |
On Private Property - in Bettie off
of FM 2088. |
McNary Cemetery (African-American) |
On Private Property - Located between Gilmer & Ore City off FM 555 on private property. |
323343N 0950002W
This cemetery is located west of Gladewater
on Hwy. 80, behind the Gladewater Memorial Cemetery. Take Hwy.
80 W, turn right on Locust Rd. for 1 mile. The access
road is approximately 50 yards on the left. The cemetery is
surrounded by a 4 foot high cyclone fence. It is well kept and
in use. The cemetery sits on the edge of a grove of trees, with
several large oak trees, making this a very peaceful and undisturbed
setting. |
Mings Chapel
See Glade Creek |
323604N 0945747W
Located between Mings Chapel and West Mountain.
Take Hwy 271 south out of Gilmer, keep going south several miles.
You should start seeing signs that say East Mountain (and possibly
West Mountain), turn right on Redwood St (there is a flashing light
at this intersection, and on the left is a building that is Tri
County Real Estate). After turning right on Redwood St, you
will go 1.4 miles to Pomegranate St. Turn right and go 1.6 miles
(you will pass Mustang St and Walker St)...........the cemetery
will be on your left. |
Farm  |
On Private Property - A single grave located on the old Moon
Farm place on private property. |
324029N 0950639W
Moore is two miles south of Latch on FM1795
on the north side of the road. |
Go south on Hwy 271 from Gilmer about 9 miles,
past Piedmont Church, to Pacal Rd. Turn right on Pacal Rd.
Go about 1/2 mile to Todd Road. Cemetery is located on Todd Rd,
just a short distance from Pacal/Todd intersection. |

aka Suffolk |
Located 4 miles SW of Gilmer - From Gilmer,
take Hwy 155S. Turn right on Suffolk Rd., cross RR tracks, stay
straight, the cemetery is on the left. |
Mount Ephraim 
(African-American) |
Does anyone know where this cemetery is located? |
Family  |
On Private Property - Private family cemetery.
Located on FM 555 in the community of Sand Hill, about 8 miles
out of Gilmer on private property. |
Murry League
See Ore City Cemetery |
Lebanon  |
Located in the far northwest corner of
Upshur County. From Gilmer, take Hwy 154 west and turn
right onto FM 1002, which turns into FM 852, go to the end of
the road, turn right, cemetery will be on the right hand side
of the road, about 1/2 mile. |
Mt. Zion
See Zion |
Neal Cemetery
See Gilmer City Cemetery - African-American |
New Hope

323900N 0950416W
This cemetery is NW of Big Sandy. East
of Hwy 155 between Big Sandy & Gilmer. Take Hwy 155 S from Gilmer.
Turn right on Aspen Trail, then right on Red Cedar Road. The cemetery is
located on the left. |
Hope Missionary Baptist Church
aka Peteet
From Gilmer take Hwy 154 to
FM 726. Turn left on 726 to Gardenia Rd, then
a left on New Hope Rd. The cemetery is just
beyond and on the left from the New Hope Missionary
Baptist Church. |
(African-American) |
324943N 0944837W
Located on a road called New Mt. Cemetery
Road, it is off of 155, east of Gilmer, between Periwinkle
Rd. & Snapdragon Rd. It probably has 200 or so
graves, not taken care of, very grown over. |
New East Mountain Cemetery
See East Mountain Baptist Church Cemetery |
Hill  |
324912N 0945937W
From Gilmer, take Hwy 271 north to FM 2088.
Turn left and go 2 1/2 miles. Cemetery is next to the Oak Hill Missionary
Baptist Church. |
See Crow Family |
Old Gilmer |
Abandoned over 100 years ago on the Cherokee Trace, with no trace of a cemetery left. |
Gilmer/Old Mings  |
The "path" to the cemetery is across from
Yazell Chevrolet on Hwy 271 in Gilmer. Turn to the left
by the stream, and follow the "road" up the hill, it is quite
a hike. The road dead ends at the entrance to the cemetery. |
Old Paint Rock
See Stringer |
Paron  |
(On the Wood-Upshur County Line,
literally. The church and cemetery sign are in Upshur county, whereas
the cemetery is back behind that and in Wood county.)
Go north out of Big Sandy on 155 about two miles to
FM 1002.
Turn left toward Shady Grove. Go about 6 miles to
the FM
1795 intersection. Turn left to Hawkins. Its about 2
miles southwest
on FM 1795 on the north side of the road at the
corner on
county line. |
Old Phillips
See West Mountain |
Old Place
See Willeford |
Old Thomas
See Humphries |
City (Murry League)  |
324800N 0944314W
The Murry League Cemetery, Garoutte Cemetery, and the Ore City
Cemetery are one and the same. In Ore City, turn off Hwy 259
onto FM 450. Go 0.6 miles and turn left onto Wisteria. The
cemetery is down a few blocks on the left. |
Cemetery |
This historical cemetery no longer exists and
burials are unknown. It was located about 1 1/2 miles west of
Simpsonville. Was located on the Tom Duffey place which is
1.5 miles west of Simpsonville. |
This cemetery is located in the northwestern
portion of Upshur Co. From Gilmer take Hwy 271 north. Take
a left on Hwy 2088 at Bettie community, go 13 miles to
Perryville. Take a right on Hwy 852, go 2/10's of a
mile. The cemetery is located between Perryville Baptist Church
and Perryville Methodist Church. |
See New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery |
(African-American) |
323842N 0945539W
From Gilmer go south on Hwy 271 to Bob-o-Link,
(which is near the West Mountain turn),
turn left on Bob-O-Link and go north to Guinea. Turn left on Guinea
and the cemetery will be on the right hand corner. |
See Lawton |
Grove  |
325405N 0950715W
From Gilmer take Hwy 271 north to Bettie,
turn left on FM 2088. Go to FM 2454, turn right, then go to
FM 556 and turn left. Take this road to FM 2455 and turn right.
Stay on FM 2455 until you come to the Piney Grove Baptist Church,
which will be on the left side of the road. The cemetery is
behind the church. |
325355N 0945223W
From Gilmer take highway 271 north to Midway
(approx. 9 miles), turn right on road
593 (road turns beside the truck stop). Go 2 miles to 1975. Turn
left on1795 and go 4.5 miles.
The cemetery
is located on the right. The west portion of the
cemetery, separated from the black cemetery by a chain link fence. |
Grove (African-American)  |
325355N 0945223W
From Gilmer take highway 271 north to Midway
(approx. 9 miles), turn right on road
593 (road turns beside the truck stop). Go 2 miles to 1975. Turn
left on1795 and go 4.5 miles.
The cemetery
is located on the right. The east portion of
the cemetery, separated from the white cemetery by a chain link fence. |
Hill  |
323837N 0950125W
Located in Pritchett, TX. Take Hwy 155 southwest
from Gilmer to Lemon st., turn left and the cemetery will be
close to the intersection of Lemon and Orange. |
(African-American) |
From Hwy. 271 in Gilmer, take Hwy. 155 to Verbena, turn left (north).
There will be three roads that come into Verbena from the right:
(1) Wisteria Rd.; (2) Wild Onion Rd.; (3) Violet Rd. After you pass
Violet Rd, go down through a low place and Prince Cemetery is located
on the left side of the road before Verbena intersects Hwy. 557.
If you go to Hwy. 557, you've gone too far. |
Red Cedar Road 
aka Tecumseh
321122N 0993623W
On Private Property - Mid-Southern
Upshur – north of Big Sandy & south of Gilmer. Go north on
Hwy 155 from Big Sandy. Turn west on FM 1002. At Red Maple
Rd, take a right and follow until you come to Red Cedar Rd. Turn
right on Red Cedar, go about ¼ mile. Small barb wire gate will be on the
Note: Original name of Cemetery is unknown. If you have info on this cemetery, please contact one of the coordinators.
(African-American) |
In the Gladewater city limits, just over
the Gregg County line into Upshur County. Take Hwy 80 to the Gladewater
Rodeo Grounds. Turn left at Rodeo St, go across the tracks,
take a right immediately after crossing the tracks onto Commerce
St. Go for approx. 1 1/2 miles (road will bend to the left) to Sweet
Gum. Turn right and go to the corner (no street sign), turn
left, the cemetery is just down the road on the left. As you
come to the cemetery there is a road that goes into one section
on the left side, and then goes around to the back of the cemetery.
There is another road that goes into the middle, and meets
the other road. Red Rock is a very old cemetery, that was used for
black & white burials. |

aka James
aka Old James
324136N 0944434W
From Gilmer, go to Diana
on Hwy 154. At the intersection of Hwy 154 and Hwy 259, go south
toward Longview about 2 miles to FM 3245. Turn left and go to Kildee.
Turn left onto Kildee and the cemetery is about 1/2 mile down on
the left.
See Tidwell |
324501N 0950451W
Go 8 miles west of Gilmer on SH 154, then one
block south on Church Rd. |
Hill  |
324618N 0945022W
From Gilmer take Hwy 154, about one mile
to Hwy 555 turn to the left, go about three miles until Hwy 555
meets Hwy 1649, turn to the left on Hwy 555, go about 2.2 miles
to the Sand Hill Baptist Church and Sand Hill Church of Christ and
the cemetery is located behind the Sand Hill Baptist Church.
Family  |
From Gilmer, take 154 west to Kelsey (1795).
Turn left on 1795, go about a mile or so to Blue Spruce,
turn right----go to Beechnut, turn right. Cemetery is
on the
right, just across from the Old Kelsey school. NOTE: The
cemetery has been cleaned up and headstones were located. |
Satterwhite Family |
On Private Property - A private cemetery on private property off
FM 726. |
Sewell Cemetery
aka Lafayette Cemetery
See Lafayette Cemetery.
This was once a private cemetery, a part of the Sewell plantation,
which Mr. Sewell later donated to the Lafayette Cemetery. Thanks
to Glenda Kinard for this great bit of information! |
Grove  |
324100N 0944352W
From Big Sandy take 155 north 2 miles to
FM 1002 to the left. Go about 7 miles north and the cemetery
is on the corner of FM 1002 and Fm 1795 which goes northeast
to Gilmer. |
From Diana go east on
154. Turn right on 3245. After turning onto 3245, take the
first onto Owl Rd. Travel pass the Macedonia Apostolic Church of
Jesus Christ (located to your left) for ½ mile. As you approach
the Shady Grove Baptist Church turn left on Blackman Rd. Stay on
the oil road and the cemetery is on the right. There is a
sign by the road. |
Family  |
Located on private property.
325145N 0950410W
From Gilmer take Hwy 271 North to FM 2088. Turn left. The
church and cemetery are near where FM 556 intersects with FM 2088. |
325124N 0945817W
Take Hwy 155 south out of Gilmer to Hwy
2911 near Big Sandy. Turn right on Fm 2911 go almost
to the Wood County line and turn right cemetery will be down
the road around a corner to the right. |
aka Boxwood |
324619N 0944551W
On Private Property - Take 259 South from Ore City for about 4
miles, turn right on Snapdragon Rd.
The cemetery is 2 miles on the right, no sign, on private property.
Chapel  |
324951N 0950423W
From Gilmer go W on 154 to FM 852. Turn
right onto 852 to FM 556. Turn right onto FM 556 to Soules Chapel.
It is about 10 mi. NW of Gilmer.
aka Old Paint Rock |
On Private Property - Located about 1 mile
south of Shady Grove, TX on FM1002 on the old home place
of Jefferson and Carolyn (Myhand) Stringer. It is a private
family cemetery on land still owned Stringer descendants. |
Suffolk |
See Morris |
Summerfield Community Cemetery
(African-American) |
324312N 0950133W
Located 3 miles west of Gilmer off FM 49.
Turn left on Elderberry Rd. Go 1/10th of a mile and cemetery
will be on right side of road. |
Memorial  |
324216N 0945644W
Located south of Gilmer on Hwy 271
just past the intersection of Hwy 155 & Hwy 271. Cemetery
is on the right. |
Taylor  |
On Private Property - Almost south of Soules Chapel; hard
to find. From Soules Chapel Church go south on FM 556 one
mile to Crocodile Rd. Turn right and go .2 mile. The
cemetery is 200 yards south of Crocodile Rd in a pasture in
the edge of some woods. Pasture is owned by Leon Spencer.
Thomas Ellison |
See Davis |
Corners  |
On Private Property - A private cemetery on private property.
Located off 271, between Gilmer & Gladewater, N.
on Bob-O-Link. |
aka Reynolds |
32.6306965 - 94.8921592
On Private Property - This cemetery is on private property, about
5 miles SW of the Glenwood Community. |
- Land  |
On Private Property - Located on Hwy 154 approximately 2 miles
west of the courthouse in Gilmer. |
Grove  |
323358N 0945411W
Take Hwy 300 from Gladewater to Pt. Pleasant
Rd. Turn left, the cemetery sign is just before
you turn into an oil field road that goes back to the cemetery. |
Grove (African-American)
323358N 0945411W
Take Hwy 155 from Big Sandy to FM1002
. About 1 mile or less, turn right on Aspen St, go about 7/10 of
a mile, cemetery will be on the right hand side of the road. |
View Cemetery
aka Garden of Perpetual Memories
324402N 0944912W
Mideastern Upshur – From Gilmer, take Hwy 154,
east to FM 555 & turn left. Go 3 ½ miles to FM 1649 &
take a right. Go 2 ½ miles to Williams Rd, taking a right. Then
turn left on Gardenia Rd. The Valley View Baptist Church is on the
left with the cemetery located behind the church. |
Varnon |
323601N 0950822W
On Private Property - No stones remain. Take 155 towards Gilmer from Big Sandy,
turn left on FM 2911. Cemetery is off the road on private
property. |
On Private Property - Located on the old Caddo Trace north of
Cox on the private property of Mr. Quinn of Quinn's Farm.
The cemetery is about 3/4 a mile behind his house on the electric
company right-of-way. |
Creek  |
324409N 0944422W
2 miles north of Diana on US 259, then
.2 miles east on FM 726, then .25 miles S on Sego Lily
Road. |
aka Old Phillips |
323444N 0945743W
On Hwy 271 North about half way between
Gladewater and Gilmer. |
Wilkins |
323327N 0950032W
Refers to an old cemetery in the southwestern portion of Upshur
county, not far from Big Sandy. Exact location and burials are
aka Old Place |
On Private Property - Located 1/2 mile from Hwy 155 E in a pasture
owned by the descendants of the C B and Ninnie Willieford family.
Oak  |
325310N 0945615W
From Gilmer go North on Hwy 271 about 10
miles. About a mile passed Midway Truck Stop you will turn
to your right on an oil top road named Sunflower. Follow
this road until you come to a Y and go to your right. You can see
the Willow Oak Baptist Church at this point and the cemetery is
across the road from the church. |
Wilson Family |
On Private Property - From Hwy. 271 in Gilmer, take Hwy. 155 to
Verbena, turn left (north). The first road that comes into
Verbena is Wisteria Rd. Take a right on Wisteria and the Wilson
Cemetery is located on private property behind a private residence. |
Youngblood Cemetery
See Glade Creek Cemetery |
aka Lone Pine
aka Mt Zion |
325039N 0945350W
Take hwy 155 east from Gilmer to FM 2265,
turn left on FM 2265, go to L and turn right and it will dead end
at the cemetery.