This page is a part of the Upshur
County, TXGenWeb project and all of the information here is FRE
for you to use.
(In Wood County on the Wood-Upshur County Line, literally)

Click on a picture to see the full size.
Directions: Take Hwy 155 N from Big Sandy, make a left on FM
1795, cemetery is located on the right-just over the Upshur County line.
Read by Maribeth Buce and Barbara Weiss June
14, 2001.
Pictures submitted by Nancy
UPDATE: Complete transcription with pictures by Geraldine
Little Braswell & Sandy Spann Oct. 2008.
As hard as we all try, we are human and sometimes
when reading a cemetery we miss a grave covered with leaves, fireants,
or bushes. Sometimes the headstone has sunk and is mostly underground.
Our area also has many graves only marked with iron ore rocks and even
many unmarked graves. There are headstones that have long ago been destroyed
by the elements or even vandalizm, and are hard to impossible to read
the details. We would appreciate it if you would let us know if you
did not find your relative which was buried
here, and would appreciate your letting us
use the information you know about them. With the combined efforts of
us all, we can make the Upshur County website bigger and better.
Sign in front of church and cemetery
Beard, Mattie death certificate
b. Jun. 19, 1864
d. Mar. 10, 1931
Beard, Nancy
b. Jul. 29, 1824
d. Feb. 2, 1903
Brogden, O'Neil
b. Jan. 6, 1924
d. Nov. 11, 1924
Brooks, Gary
b. unknown
d. unknown
Per Ronald Wade - Gary A. Brooks, born
about Mar 1885 Texas, son of Mary Katherine Faulk Brooks (1866 Ala. -
1939, she later married James R. Ellison) and William J. Brooks.
b. unknown
d. unknown
Per Ronald Wade - Newton M. Brooks, born
about Apr 1883 Texas, son of Mary Katherine Faulk Brooks (1866 Ala. -
1939, she later married James R. Ellison) and William J. Brooks.
(Brown, Ima Mae
W/o J.T.
b. Jul. 2, 1902
d. Sep. 19, 1995
(Brown, J. T. H/o
Ima Mae
b. Nov. 17, 1900 d.
Jun. 30, 1968
(Burgin, Emily Josephine Snow
W/o Thomas Fletcher Burgin
b. Jul. 21, 1887
d. Jan. 7, 1947
(Burgin, Thomas Fletcher H/o
Emily Josephine Snow Burgin
b. Jan. 31, 1889 d.
Oct. 16, 1966
Center, Melba Rose Williams
b. Nov. 13, 1920
d. Apr. 30, 1995
Childs, Ada M.
b. Oct. 11, 1889
d. unknown
This is the sister to my Grand Mother Othey
Childs Faulk; Was never married;
submitted by Nancy
Childs, Clem L.
S/o John L. & Mattie M. Childs
b. 1886
d. 1899
Childs, John L.
b. 1850
d. 1899
Per Ronald Wade - John L. Childs, born in
Alabama, married Mattie Martha Smith (1860 – 1965) and their
children included Ada M. Childs (1889 – 1984), Nora Mae Childs (1893 –
1983), Othey Childs (1895 – 1985), and John R. Childs (1898 – 1989).
Died in Hawkins, Wood Co., Tx. Enlisted in
Co. D., 19th Texas Infantry and mustered in Mustered in March 31, 1862 at Coffeeville, Upshur
Co., TX
b. Oct. 22, 1898
d. 1 Dec 1989 Wood Co., Tx.
Per Ronald Wade - John R. Childs, born in Ala., the son of John L. Childs (1850-1899) and Mattie
Martha Smith (1860-1965).
Mattie M.
b. Mar. 3, 1860
d. Mar. 30, 1964 Dallas, Dallas Co., Tx.
Per Ronald Wade - Mattie Martha Smith, born
in Alabama, she married John L. Childs (1850-1899) and their children
included Ada M. Childs (1889 – 1984), Nora
Mae Childs (1893 – 1983), Othey Childs (1895 – 1985), and John R. Childs
(1898 – 1989).
Clark, Andrew C.
b. 1904 d. 1982
(Copeland, Joe Kerney
H/o Ocya V. Copeland
b. Mar. 15, 1893
d. Aug. 17, 1977
(Copeland, Ocya V. W/o
Joe Kerney Copeland
b. Feb. 25, 1893 d.
Oct. 27, 1982
Copeland, Lavaughn
b. Sep. 13, 1915
d. Jul. 4, 1916
(Davis, Bert
b. Apr. 13, 1916
d. Jul. 13, 1982
(Davis, Fay
b. Oct. 5, 1917 d. 2001
(Davis, Calvin
H/o Jennettie
b. Nov. 14, 1882
d. Oct. 5, 1962
(Davis, Jennettie
b. Sep. 15, 1884 d.
Apr. 16, 1933
Davis, Eunice J.
S/o M.J. & Colie
b. Dec. 31, 1905
d. Mar. 24, 1914
H Leon Croley
Funeral Home Marker Sgt
US Army Air Forces WWII
b. Dec 1, 1922 d.
Jun 3, 2003
(Davis, Wilma G
b. Nov 23, 1926
Davis, Infant
Infant of Owen S. & Annie J. Davis
b. Apr. 30, 1911
d. Apr. 30, 1911
Davis, James M.
b. Apr. 3, 1879
d. Feb. 22, 1899
S/o John M & Mary J Davis; GS/o Owen
& Nancy Mann Davis; submitted
by Candace
Davis, Jno.
b. Jan. 7, 1835
d. Dec. 13, 1891
Per Ronald Wade - John M. Davis - Born in Roane Co., Tn., the son of Owen S. Davis (1811 Roane, Tn.-1895 Upshur Co.,
Tx.) and Nancy William Mann (1811 Roane, Tn. – 1879 Van
Zandt, Tx.). He married in 1865 to Mary Jane Suratt (1841 – 1899). Their
children included Nancy Wayne Davis (1866 – 1961), Mary A. Davis born
about 1869, Martha Davis born about 1871, Mary Elizabeth Davis (1872 –
1899), Letha C. Davis born about 1877, James M. Davis born about
(1879-1899), William Thomas Davis (1883 – 1967) and Prescott "John"
Davis (1885 – 1955). Enlisted in Co. D.,
19th Texas Infantry and mustered in Mustered in March 31, 1862 at Coffeeville, Upshur Co., TX
John C., Jr
H/o Azilee Hall Davis; CPL
USA AIR CORPS WWII; m. Sept. 4, 1948
b. Jun. 12, 1919
d. Aug. 24, 1995
(Davis, Azilee Hall
b. Nov 17, 1925
(Davis, John Frank Death Certificate; H/o Alzara
b. 1870
d. 1949
(Davis, Alzara W/o
John Frank
b. 1886 d.
Davis, Julia
W/o P. Davis
b. Nov. 23, 1849
d. Jul. 21, 1911
Davis, Justin Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. 1978 d.
Laura Marilynn
W/o Sherman
b. Jun. 18, 1929
d. Dec. 1, 1998
(Davis, Sherman
b. Jan, 5, 1922
Davis, Lucinda
D/o P. & Julia Davis
b. May. 8, 1876
d. Feb. 22, 1899
Davis, Mary Jane W/o
John M.
b. Apr. 30, 1841
d. Feb. 13, 1899
(Davis, Owen S.
H/o Annie
b. Aug. 3, 1886
d. Mar. 28, 1936
(Davis, Annie J. W/o
Owen S.
b. Apr. 16, 1889 d.
Feb. 11, 1972
Davis, Prescott
b. Dec. 8, 1848
d. Oct. 11, 1920
S/o Owen & Nancy Mann Davis;
submitted by Candace
Davis, S. L.
b. Dec. 10, 1880
d. Feb. 27, 1899
Davis, Velma Bell
D/o Calvin & Jennettie
b. Sep. 13, 1902
d. Aug. 21, 1915
Duke, Aubrey John
Oct 28, 2002
Ellenberg, Jack Chesley Plot Williams
Funeral Home Marker US
b. Dec 15, 1929 d.
Sep 6, 1988
(Ellison, Crinnie Wayne
W/o David Horace Ellsion Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. Apr. 30, 1900
d. Feb. 9, 1980
(Ellison, David Horace H/o
Crinnie Wayne Ellison
b. Sep. 12, 1894 d. Mar.
25, 1982
(Ellison, Dave
H/o Ella David Robert Ellison is his
full name; submitted by
James G Durant
b. 1870
d. 1956
David Robert Ellison is his
full name; submitted by
James G Durant
(Ellison, Ella W/o
b. 1875 d.
Nancy Ella Hoover Ellison is
her full name; submitted by James G Durant
Ellison, Floyd Earl
b. Jun. 15, 1927
d. Jun. 15, 1927
(Ellison, Gordon, Sr
H/o Iona Mae
b. Jun. 5, 1908
d. Jan. 24, 1995
(Ellison, Iona Mae W/o
Gordon Ellison Sr.
b. Apr. 24, 1915 d.
Jun. 21, 1991
Ellison, Hubert Ray death certificate
b. May. 15, 1924
d. May. 16, 1924
Ellison, James R.
H/o Mary K.
b. Mar. 3, 1866
d. Sep. 16, 1946
Ellison, John David
b. Jun. 21, 1923
d. Jun. 22, 1923
Ellison, John G., Jr
b. Sep. 29, 1946
d. May. 18, 1969
Ellison, Lou Ella
b. Jun. 22, 1922
d. Jun. 22, 1922
Ellison, Mary
b. unknown
d. unknown
Ellison, Mary K.
W/o James
b. Feb. 12, 1866
d. Jul. 11, 1939
Per Ronald Wade - Mary Katherine Faulk Brooks
Ellison, born in Troy, Pike Co., Ala., the daughter of
Phillip Marion Faulk (born 6 Jun 1833 Ala. - 2 Jul 1911 Big Sandy,
Upshur Co., Tx., buried Smith Cemetery, Big Sandy) Mary Jane Roudon (19 Apr 1837 Ala. – 1893 Big
Sandy, Upshur Co., Tx.). Her first marriage was to William
J. Brooks, mother of Newton M. Brooks, Gary A. Brooks & Bessie L.
Brooks. Married James R. Ellison (1866-1946) in 1891
Ellison, Ray
b. Aug. 22, 1932
d. Aug. 22, 1932
R Whitt Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b 1894 d.
(Franklin, Etter
b. 1902
(Fults, Ronald
b. Apr 17, 1951
Fults, Clynda Mooney Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. May 7, 1953 d.
Jul 19, 2002
Gandy, Gertude M.
b. Sep. 2, 1899
d. Apr. 3, 1980
Green, Josiah Ambers
b. Oct. 2, 1897
d. Aug. 23, 1899
S/o Allen Mathia & Nancy Davis Green;
submitted by Candace
Nancie Wanie Croley
Funeral Home Marker death certificate
b. Aug. 4, 1866
d. Jan. 7, 1961
John M & Mary J Davis; GD/o Owen
& Nancy Mann Davis;
submitted by Candace
Allen Matthias H/o
Nancie Wanie Green;
b. Oct. 4, 1857 d.
Jul. 17, 1918
S/o Aaron & Emily
Snider Green; b. Pike County AL; GS/o Allen David & Mary Jane Rouse
Green and Mathias & Christiana Price Snider; Most of this family
is buried in Smith Cemetery on the Wood county line; submitted by Candace
Green, T (Thomas) A.
b. Jan. 12, 1896
d. Aug. 4, 1926
S/o Allen Mathia & Nancy Davis Green;
submitted by Candace
(Grote, Richard Charles
b. Drc 14, 1941
(Grote, Jacqueline Center
b. Nov 1, 1946
Hendershot, Amos L.
Tx Horseshoer Vet Hospital 24
b. unknown
d. Dec 13, 1940
(Henry, Curtis
b. Apr. 5, 1913
d. 1914
(Henry, Virgil
b. Jul. 6, 1910 d.
Jul. 8, 1916
Henry, Ollie Jane
b. Oct. 24, 1887
d. Jun. 3, 1971
(Herren, Robert Lewis
b. Apr. 26, 1917
d. Sep. 22, 1980
(Herren, Vera Maudine
b. Jul 16, 1916 d.
Jun 19, 2001
(Horn, Alma
b. 1910
d. 1910
(Horn, Ludie Mae
b. 1908 d. 1910
Horn, Alton
b. 1917
d. 1927
Horn, Clyde William Croley
Funeral Home Marker
H/o Lena Horn
b. 1907
d. 1957
Horn, Lena Red
Oak Funeral Home
W/o Clyde William Horn
b. Jan. 26, 1911
d. Jun. 18, 2000
Horn, Marvin
b. 1905
d. 1910
(Horn, William I.
H/o Birdie L.
b. 1867
d. 1943
(Horn, Birdie L. W/o
William I.
b. 1883 d. 1940
Glenn Orville, Sr Capt
USA Air Force WWII
b. Aug. 11, 1917
d. Dec. 20, 1996
(Howard, Adell Painter
b. Mar 25, 1921 d.
Apr 18, 2005
Clayton Bros Funeral Home Marker
D/o Wm. Mathue & Martha Bell Squires
b. Dec. 12, 1911
d. Oct. 5, 1967
Johnagin, Thomas James
b. Feb. 18, 1946
d. Feb. 18, 1946
s/o L.D.and Lois S.;
submitted by Nancy
Johnson, Johnnie W. Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. 1880
d. 1958
Johnson, Mable Clara Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. 1892
d. 1977
(Kendrick, Jerry Wayne
b. Feb 23, 1950
(Kendrick, Joanne Center
Clota Faye Mooney Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. Jul 26, 1916
d. Oct 27, 1997
McAllister, Syble Lou death certificate
b. May. 5, 1921
d. Mar. 10, 1940
McDonald, Dora Wanie
b. 1879
d. 1955
McDonald, Floyd C.
b. 1900
d. 1922
McDonald, Joe B. died
at 9 mo's old.
b. unknown
d. unknown
McDonald, Preston
died at 6 mo's old.
b. unknown
d. unknown
Mooney, Alesia Kay
b. Jul. 22, 1989
d. Jul. 24, 1989
Mooney, Bethie E.
b. Dec. 20, 1919
d. Oct. 3, 1928
Mooney, Brea Michele
b. Feb. 8, 2000
d. Feb. 25, 2000
Mooney, Charlie Jowel
b. Mar. 20, 1930
d. Mar. 6, 1932
(Mooney, Florence H.
W/o John P. Mooney Sr.
b. May. 22, 1875
d. Feb. 3, 1908
John P., Sr H/o
Florence H. Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. Dec. 28, 1867 d.
May. 17, 1954
James M. (Buzz)
H/o Ida Fay; AS
b. Feb. 16, 1925
d. Aug. 2, 1986
m. Aug. 4, 1945;
submitted by Nancy
(Mooney, Ida Fay
b. Aug 5, 1925
(Mooney, John Prescott, Jr
50 Mil. Police B N WWII
b. Mar. 18, 1923
d. Aug. 10, 1964
(Mooney, Shirley Marie Willis
b. Jan 1, 1928 d.
Aug 25, 2005
Mooney, John P Sr
b. Dec 28, 1867 d.
May 17, 1954
Mooney, Kate Wade Buzbee
Funeral Home Marker
b. Mar. 31, 1885
d. Dec. 31, 1919
(Mooney, Kelvin Doyce Sr
b. Nov 21, 1951
(Mooney, Diane Estelle Rooke
b. Jan 25, 1952
Mooney, Kyle Croley
b. Mar. 19, 1997
d. Mar. 19, 1997
Lawrence Horace "Pink" H/o Una
Faye; SN
USN WWII; m. July 6, 1950
b. May. 19, 1926
d. Jun. 23, 1998
(Mooney, Una Faye
b. Jul 24, 1932
Mary Lou Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. Dec. 14, 1890
d. Jun. 11, 1972
Mooney, Michele Ann
taken from obit; age 37; w/o Bryan
b. May 15, 1968 Thames River, NJ
d. Mar 30, 2006
(Mooney, Phernie G.
H/o Eppie
b. Nov. 20, 1895
d. Sep. 29, 1980
(Mooney, Eppie W/o
Phernie G.
b. Apr. 3, 1894 d.
Mar. 11, 1937
Moore, James L.
b. Jul. 23, 1891
d. Sep. 14, 1959
Moore, Rosa Lee
b. Apr. 29, 1869
d. Feb. 25, 1947
Musick, Harry G.
b. Feb. 18, 1916
d. Jul. 27, 1975
Painter, Sarah Lucinda
b. Dec. 11, 1852
d. Aug. 31, 1941
Parker, Joe Willie
b. Dec. 8, 1917
d. Oct. 11, 1922
Parker, Thomas M.
b. Jan. 19, 1920
d. Jun. 3, 1994
Edna Parker; submitted by Nancy
Charles Wayne Everett &
Welch Funeral Home Marker
b. Jan. 21, 1941
d. Mar. 7, 1941
(Robertson, Clarence Lee
b. Dec. 14, 1933 d.
Feb. 11, 1934
Sanders, Shirley Marie Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. Jan 21, 1928 Pritchett, Tx d.
Aug 25, 2005 Big Sandy, Tx
Sanders, Robert Atwood CMI
US Navy WWII Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. Mar 27, 1915 d.
Dec 10, 2002
Smith, Alford Cleo
b. Sep. 7, 1925
d. Nov. 15, 1981
Smith, Connie Onie
b. Jan. 13, 1903
d. Oct. 25, 1911
Earnest H. Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. Jul. 8, 1913
d. Oct. 31, 1961
Elbert L.
H/o Minnie M.
b. Aug. 30, 1908
d. Sep. 12, 1955
Minnie E W/o
Elbert L Smith
b. Oct 25, 1917 d.
Jul 9, 2008
James R. Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. 1918
d. 1988
Smith, Martha Small
b. Mar. 29, 1836
d. Feb. 16, 1904
(Smith, Mary Frances
W/o Robert James
b. May. 24, 1885
d. May. 4, 1965
Robert James H/o
Mary Frances Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. Jun. 17, 1874 d.
Sep. 14, 1965
Smith, Ocie C.
b. Mar. 23, 1907
d. Oct. 6, 1989
Robert James
H/o Mary Frances Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. Jun. 17, 1874
d. Sep. 14, 1965
(Smith, William W.
W/o Mary Annie
b. Jan. 31, 1871
d. Aug. 11, 1920
(Smith, Mary Annie W/o
William M. Smith
b. Jun. 25, 1881 d.
Apr. 15, 1973
Snow, Bert C Photo
Feb 21, 1922 d.
Aug 17, 2007
Snow, Beulah Pic
b. Dec. 21, 1880
d. Dec. 6, 1915
In Memory Woodman Circle;
submitted by Nancy
W/o Samuel Snow; submitted by Candace
(Snow, James Columbus
b. May. 23, 1876
d. Jul. 18, 1945
S/o John Hague & Louisa Willingham
Snow; H/o Lola C Pinnter Snow; GS/o Samuel Snow & Elizabeth Maberry
Snow; submitted
by Candace
(Snow, Lola L Pinnter
b. Apr. 25, 1882 d.
Aug. 10, 1935
James Columbus Snow;
submitted by Candace
Snow, Lurania J
b. Mar. 18, 1850
d. May. 27, 1916
William M Snow; submitted
by Candace
Snow, Thomas James Johnagin
S/o L.D. & Lois Snow
b. Feb. 18, 1946 d.
Feb. 18, 1946
Snow, William (Bill) M.
b. Oct. 8, 1847
d. Jul. 11, 1929
Manuel Snow - H/o
Lurania J Snow; S/o Samuel Snow & Elizabeth Maberry Snow;
submitted by Candace
Squires, Dalton
S/o Wm Mathue & Martha Bell Squires; Erected by his loving sister
Hattie Bell Huber
b. Dec. 12, 1908
d. Oct. 31, 1918
(Squires, Martha Bell
W/o William Mathue
b. Feb. 2, 1871
d. Jun. 3, 1934
(Squires, William Mathue H/o
Martha Bell
b. Oct. 11, 1869 d.
Jun. 20, 1934
(Stegall, Marion
H/o Pearl
b. Feb. 21, 1901
d. Apr. 4, 1981
(Stegall, Pearl W/o
b. May. 6, 1903 d.
Jul. 30, 1991
Studer, Hattie C.
b. Nov. 20, 1895
d. Jun. 10, 1989
Unknown Rock
Unknown Rock
Unknown Rock
(Vaughn, Adeline T. W/o
William H.; m. July 29, 1936
b. Oct. 16, 1917
d. Apr. 9, 1983
(Vaughn, William H
b. Jan 8, 1915 d.
Sep 10, 1995
Vaughn, H. William, IV
KOREA Croley Funeral Home
b. Dec. 25, 1937
d. Dec. 31, 1985
Webb, Jana R.
b. Aug. 24, 1972
d. Oct. 21, 1979
Whitt, Franklin R.
H/o Etter Whitt
b. 1894
d. 1971
Whittington, Burrel B.
b. Oct. 22, 1930
d. May. 8, 1955
(Williams, H. Elton
H/o Maree J.
b. Apr. 18, 1909
d. Oct. 2, 1970
(Williams, Maree J. W/o
H. Elton
b. Jun. 19, 1917 d.
Oct. 14, 1995
(Williams, Janie Lee
W/o Neugent
b. Mar. 2, 1894
d. Jun. 16, 1926
(Williams, Neugent H/o
Janie Lee
b. Aug. 25, 1893 d.
Jan. 16, 1919
Jimmie Milton
H/o Barbara V.; US Arny WWII
b. Aug. 13, 1918
d. Apr. 12, 1995
(Williams, Barbara V. W/o
Jimmie M.; m. Oct. 18, 1946
b. Aug. 31, 1918 d.
Sep. 3, 1997
Williams, Joel
b. Sep 17, 1924 d.
Oct 16, 1924
Williams, Juanita Christine
b. Dec 20, 1916 d.
Jun 20, 1918
Leo Alvin
b. Feb. 10, 1915
d. May. 16, 2001
(Williams, Agnes T
b. Mar 26, 1920
Williams, Leslie
b. Apr. 23, 1914
d. Sep. 6, 1914
Williams, Minnie L.
b. Feb. 17, 1898
d. Nov. 22, 1973
(Williams, Leon H/o
b. Sep. 17, 1912 d.
Jun. 5, 1985
(Williams, Mozelle
W/o Leon
b. Apr. 10, 1915
d. Aug. 9, 1982
(Williams, Nellie Mae
W/o W.W.
b. 1886
d. 1954
(Williams, W. W. H/o
Nellie May
b. 1878 d.
Williams, Ola E.
b. Sep. 17, 1889
d. Sep. 17, 1924
Williams, R. F.
b. Oct. 20, 1889
d. Jan. 3, 1965
Williams, Walter W.
b. 1848
d. 1934
Willis, Dorothy L.
b. Oct. 11, 1919
d. May. 16, 1981
Gary Leon Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. Jul. 26, 1956
d. Jun. 22, 1982
Willis, Gordon B SFC
US Army WWII, Korea, Vietnam
b. Dec 5, 1924 d.
Dec 25, 2001
Willis, Julian Rex
Funeral Home Marker Sgt
US Army WWII - 6 medals & Bronze
Battle Star
b. Apr 30, 1920 Pritchett, TX
d. Dec 21, 2006
Willis, Maggie Dorsey Ellis
Funeral Home Marker
b. Jun 27, 1931 d.
May 31, 2007
Willis, Mary Ollie Croley
Funeral Home Marker
b. Aug. 21, 1898
d. May. 4, 1991
Willis, William Clifton Croley
Funeral Home Marker death certificate TX
b. Apr. 28, 1893
d. May. 11, 1961
Willis, William Cecil
b. Jun. 12, 1926
d. Oct. 27, 1986
Wilson, Caroline
b. Dec. 10, 1827
d. Feb. 21, 1908
Per Ronald Wade - Sarah Caroline
McWhorter Wilson, married John Wilson (1826-1895) and
their children included Robert Haroldston Wilson (4 Feb 1852 - 1902),
Millicent Adaline Wilson (22 Feb 1854 - 25 Aug 1900), John Andrew Wilson
(12 Nov 1855 - 13 Jul 1900), Sarah Jane Wilson (born about 1857), Emily
C. Wilson (4 Dec 1859 - 7 Sep 1900), Leticia Wilson (born about 1862),
Amanda Jane Wilson (born about 1864), Mary Elizabeth Wilson (17 Feb 1867
- 19 Nov 1912), Dempsey Etta Wilson (12 Feb 1868, - 28 Dec 1908), and
Malinda C. Wilson (7 Mar 1871 - 11 Jan 1957).
Wilson, John
H/o Caroline
b. Sep. 4, 1826
d. Feb. 7, 1895
Per Ronald Wade - John Wilson,
born in Pickens Dist, SC, the son of Capt. Andrew Wilson and Willie Sanders. He married Sarah Caroline McWhorter (1827-1908) on 3 February 1848
in Hickoryland, Pickens District, South Carolina. Their children
included Robert Haroldston Wilson (4 Feb 1852 - 1902), Millicent Adaline
Wilson (22 Feb 1854 - 25 Aug 1900), John Andrew Wilson (12 Nov 1855 - 13
Jul 1900), Sarah Jane Wilson (born about 1857), Emily C. Wilson (4 Dec
1859 - 7 Sep 1900), Leticia Wilson (born about 1862), Amanda Jane Wilson
(born about 1864), Mary Elizabeth Wilson (17 Feb 1867 - 19 Nov 1912),
Dempsey Etta Wilson (12 Feb 1868, - 28 Dec 1908), and Malinda C. Wilson
(7 Mar 1871 - 11 Jan 1957). He moved with his family to Upshur
Co., Tx. between 1852-54 and was a Post Master on 18 May 1855 in
Red Rock, Upshur County, Texas. He continued in this post until 2 March
1859. The Post Office in Red Rock was discontnued on 4 August 1860.
He served in the Co. G, 17th Rgmt, Texas Cavalry (Confederate) during
the Civil War. John enlisted to serve one year in
Company G, 17th Regiment, Texas Dismounted Cavalry on 1 March 1862 in
Gilmer. He was discharge in Brownsville, Arkansas on 16 July 1862 due to
his being over 35 years of age. He and his brother Matt Wilson made guns
for the Confederacy at Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas and
Bonham, Fannin County, Texas. The armory at Bonham burned and the
records of the Trans Mississippi Army of the Confederacy were burned at
Bonham to prevent them from falling into the hands of the enemy. He was described as 5 feet, 8 inches, sandy hair, hazel eyes, fair skin,
age 35 on 1 March 1862 in Upshur County, Texas, CSA. He was a Farmer in
Wood County, Texas. John also had a saw mill, shingle mill and a grist
(Wright, Tom W
b. Feb 16, 1922 d.
Mar 11, 2003
Anna W
b. Sep. 9, 1921
d. Dec. 26, 1999
Wright, Janet Lee
b. Aug 23, 1959 d.
Sep 18, 1986
Estelle L.
W/o Coy D. York
b. Jul. 5, 1922
d. Feb. 22, 1980
(York, Coy D
b. Aug 9, 1917
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