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In 1852, the congregation of the Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church received a gift of four acres from land promoter Frost Thorn (1793-1854) on which to build a church and school. The churchyard came into use as a cemetery shortly thereafter with the burials on November 11 and 12, 1855, of children John Hurt (b. 1849) and John Littleton (b.1853); the circumstances of their deaths, just one day apart, are unknown. The growth of the community brought with it numerous businesses, a high school and a post office that operated from 1890 to 1905. The Church of Christ gained local influence, absorbing a Baptist church and building a new sanctuary on this site in 1889. Area women established a community club in the early 1900s that took on the responsibility of cleaning and beautifying this property. In 1977, an association was formed to manage the cemetery, and the Church of Christ eventually deeded the acreage to the group. Today, the association offers perpetual care of the graves and the grounds, and continues to administer the affairs of this site that chronicles the pioneers and generations of families that are the heritage of the once-thriving community of Shady Grove. Historic Texas Cemetery-2002
As hard as we all try, we are human and sometimes
when reading a cemetery we miss a grave covered with leaves, fireants,
or bushes. Sometimes the headstone has sunk and is mostly underground.
Our area also has many graves only marked with iron ore rocks and even
many unmarked graves. There are headstones that have long ago been destroyed
by the elements or even vandalizm, and are hard to impossible to read
the details. We would appreciate it if you would let us know if you
did not find your relative which was buried here, and would appreciate your letting us
use the information you know about them. With the combined efforts of
us all, we can make the Upshur County website bigger and better.
Cemetery Index
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