Neely Family Bible

Source:  Bible in the Herman Brown Free Library, Burnet TX
Transcribed by JoAnn Myers, May 2000

The Holy Bible; containing the Old and New Testaments and The former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, with Canne’s Marginal Notes and References. To which are added An Index, an alphabetical table of all the names in the old and new testaments, with their significations, and tables of scripture weights, measures, coins, etc.

published by E. Morgan and Co, 1854, Cincinnati

inside front cover is a note card on which is written:
“Neeley Bible, given by Mr. and Mr. Ellis Taylor"

and an 8 x 10 photograph of a woman sitting in a chair, with a scarf on her head, an apron over her long skirt and a cane at her side. Written on the top of the photo is: “Mrs. Neely”

Family pages in the Bible are transcribed below:

Father. James F. Neely was borned September 24, 1841 in Andrew Co Missouri
Mother. Eleanor Groves was borned September 7 in the year 1837 in near Indianapolis, Indiana

James F. Neely and Ellennor Groves was married October 20 1861
H.B. Neely and Flora Stewart married May 16th 1897
A. L. Neely and Loula F. Lofton was married Dec, the 28th 1898

James F. Neely was borned September the 24, 1841
Elleannor Neely was b ornd September the 7, 1837
Jane Neely was born September 9, 1863
John W. Neely was bornd august 18th 1864
Mary S. Neely was bornd December the 16 1866
Mahala A. Neely was bornd October the 18, 1868
Jackson Neely was bornd January the 26, 1870
Henry B. Neely was bornd March the 28 1871
Leonia L. Neely was bornd August 18 1873
Albert L. Neely was bornd November 21 1876

Jane Neely died September the 9, 1863
Mary S. Neely died August the 28th 1868
Mahla A. Neely died November the 18 1868
Jackson Neely died January 26th 1870
Eleanor Neely died November 8th 1910, 73 years old
James Franklin Neely died Jan 24 1920, 79 years old
H. B. Neely died 25th Sept 1925 54 D 5 months old
Mrs. Flora Neely died October 12 1921, 8 minits of a 11 oclock
John W. Neely died 3 April 1947
Albert Neely died May 2, 1953 76 years old
Loula L. Neely died 16 October 1954 was 82 , left 3 monts [sic] of being 83

also in the bible are loose receipts for:

1. Lampasas Granite Company in the amount of $50.00 dated July 17, 1948 for a monument stone made of marble to be inscribed:

J.W. Neely
Aug 18, 1864
Apr 3, 1947”

shipped to Watson Cemetery
signed by Leonia L. Neely

2. Customer’s Purchase Contract from Acousticon of Austin, dated 11/8/49

“Received of Mrs. Leonia L. Neely One hundred ninety nine and 50/100 in full payment of model A150 Acousticon Hearing Aid to be delivered on action of ear mold and hearing aid complete."




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