~ Google Search Engine Tutorial - a free interactive search tutorial by Deb Flanagan that some of you may find helpful. The tutorial will teach you techniques for using Google and subject directories effectively.
~ All The Web Search Engine - search for your family surname or any other subject. A very fast search engine.
~ Google - very fast, not encumbered by advertisements and extra stuff
SURNAME SEARCH - Search the current Everton's Genealogical Helper magazine for your name. Over 85 Million names and GROWING! !
~ Ancestry - shortcuts to databases on Ancestry.com. You must be a paid member to access those databases marked [subscriber database]
- PERiodical Source Index (PERSI) [subscriber database]
- American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) [subscriber database]
- Biography & Genealogy Master Index (BGMI) [subscriber database]
- Social Security Death Index (SSDI) [free access]
- Ancestry World Tree [free access]
- Civil War Research Database [subscriber database]
- WWI Civilian Draft Registrations [subscriber database]
- Civil War Muster Rolls [subscriber database]
- GenPageFinder [free access]
- Slave Narratives [subscriber database]
- DAR Lineage Books [subscriber database]
- AIS Census Indexes [subscriber database]
- Genealogical Library Master Catalog [subscriber database]
- The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy [free access]
- Ancestry's Red Book: American State, County & Town Sources [subscriber database]
~ Ellis Island - search for your ancestor from passenger lists beginning in 1892-1920s.
~ Family Tree Searcher - a web site by Doug Barry where you can enter your ancestor data just once to search for family trees at multiple web sites
~ Rootsweb/Ancestry Message boards - search by surname or location from this network of "bulletin boards": Queries, Obituaries, Biographies, Wills, Pensions, Bible Records, and Deeds. Add your own information to make a connection.
~ GenForum - another database of queries searchable by surname or location.
~ LDS Family Search - Search the LDS records online.
~ RootsWeb GenSeeker - a search engine that accesses sites at RootsWeb and many genealogical sites elsewhere on the Web. The amount of material accessed by GenSeeker is huge and will grow quickly as this search engine indexes an ever-increasing number of Web sites. Try GenSeeker often to find new items of interest. GenSeeker is a good example of your contributions at work to make free genealogical data accessible on the Web.
~ Social Security Death Index (SSDI). - Access the most recent version of the SSDI at RootsWeb. AND now you can use POST-EMs to attach a message to any of the records in the SSDI at RootsWeb. You might leave a note so other researchers can find you, provide background information on an individual, or note a correction to a record. POST-EMs were developed by RootsWeb's own Randy Winch and are a RootsWeb exclusive.
~ WorldConnect Project - Search the names of millions of people for your ancestor or upload your own GEDCOM to this fast growing database. You can also leave Post-ems to records in this database.
State Coordinator:
TXGenWeb State Coordinator
This site is owned and maintained by the Burnet Co. TXGenWeb County Coordinator. Contents of this site have been gathered from many sources and transcribed records. Therefore, errors may occur. When in doubt as to the accuracy of data contained herein, go to the actual records yourself. The information contained in this website is for your personal use only. All pages, compilations, transcriptions and abstracts are protected by copyright law and may not be published in whole or in part without written consent of the author, contributor and/or webmaster.