Thomas Harmon Hahn was born at Yorktown, Texas, in DeWitt County, on
January 26, 1871. He was the oldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
August c. Hahn, Sr.
In the early 1880s, Brother Hahn's father and mother moved to Burnet
County, and settled in the Bethel Community near Lake Victor, where
they were engaged in farming and stock raising for many years.
Brother Hahn was initiated as an Entered Apprentice Mason on January 9,
1909. He was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on February 13,
1909, and was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason on March
13, 1909, in Valley Lodge No. 175 A.F. & A.M., located at Burnet in
Burnet County, Texas.
Brother Hahn demitted from Valley Lodge No. 175 on November 13, 1909,
and on December 9, 1909, he affiliated as a Charter Member of Lake
Victor Lodge No. 1011 A.F. & A.M. He was immediately chosen
to be the first Junior Deacon of the Lake Victor Lodge No. 1011 and was
duly and constitutionally installed as such on January 1, 1910.
On March 23, 1935, Brother Hahn demitted from Lake Victor Lodge No.
1011, and he remained a demitted Mason until March 6, 1948, when he
again affiliated with the Lake Victor Masonic Lodge.
Brother Harmon Hahn was never married, choosing rather to be a bachelor
all h is life. He was a Christian gentleman in every respect and
was loved by all who ever knew him. He passed from this earth to
his heavenly reward at the home of his nephew in Brady, Texas, on June
19, 1950.
He was buried with full Masonic rites conducted by Lake Victor Lodge
No. 1011 with Brother M. A. Field officiating with interment at the
Bethel Cemetery near Lake Victor, on June 20, 1950.
