Transcribed from undated newspaper clipping:
In Memory of Mr. Edwin Jay
The subject of this
sketch was a young man of hopeful future and buoyant youthful ambitions
and had laid his plans wisely for the future by having selected and won
the heart affections of Miss Eddins Ellison, who is one of Marble Falls' most devoted christian young women, a favorite in the best circles of christian culture and to whom Mr. Jay
was soon to have been married, but in the wise, yet mysterious
Providence of Jehovah, she has been bereft of her lover at the
threshold of what seemed to be a promising and happy future of blissful
conjugal love and life, and Mr. Jay has
been duly summoned by the angel of death, and as we all must do,
answered the summon by bidding farewell to his friends and loved ones
on April the 20th, A. D. 1910, and
passing over to that far country from whose borne no traveler ever
returns. Thus, we are again reminded that while in the midst of
life and hope we are in the presence of death and decay.
Mr. Ed Jay was a
faithful member of the Baptist Sunday School Baraca class and an
efficient and highly esteemed member of the Baraca band, the members of
which, together with the Philathea class, mournfully marched with his
remains to the last long resting place, and amid the solemn funeral
ceremonies mingled their tears and [several unreadable words] with
those of the bereaved loved ones, and when the last spade full of
mother earth had been placed upon the newly made grave, the tender
loving hands of the many friends of the deceased came with boquets and
wreaths of the most choice and fragrant flowers and literally covered
the grave, making it appear as an oval mound of verigated flowers of
the richest beauty and loveliness and thus witnessing to the great
throng of observers that the one whose last remains slept beneath
numbered his friends by the scores.
Mr. Jay and his
afianced bride are counted among the warmest friends of this writer,
therefore, with the tenderest sympathy we join the bereaved ones in the
sorrows that can only be healed by the divine hand of infinite love and
boundless mercy.
"Earth hath no sorrows that heaven cannot heal?" Jesus can and will heal the broken hearts if we will but let him.
Friends, look to Jesus, for he is a friend that [unreadable word] closer than a brother.