Brother Moses A. Pate
was born in the State of Mississippi on August 26, 1836. He moved
to Texas about the year 1875 and settled near Middletown, Texas, in
Goliad County.
Brother Pate was married twice during his lifetime, the first time to Miss Nancy Jenkins, but she died, and he later met Mrs. Fannie Richardson Cheeves, and on Wednesday, December 9, 1908, with Mr. B. E. Haggins
officiating, they were united in marriage. Brother Pate had no
children of his own, but he did raise a foster son who is now deceased.
Brother Pate was a Christian gentleman in every respect, and everyone who knew him called him "Uncle Pate."
Brother Pate was initiated as an Entered Apprentice Mason on August 26,
1882. He was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on September 23,
1882, and was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason on October
28, 1882, in Middletown Lodge No. 391 A.F. & A.M., located at
Middletown, Texas, in Goliad County
Brother Pate demitted from Middleton Lodge No. 391 sometime in the
early part of the year 1885, and on December 5, 1885, he affiliated
with Robert E. Lee Lodge No. 431 A.F. & A.M., located at
Strickland, Texas, in Burnet County. He demitted from Robert E.
Lee Lodge No. 431 the first time on May 7, 1904, but affiliated again
with said Lodge on March 4, 1905. He demitted the second time on
October 2, 1909, and on December 9, 1909, he affiliated as a Charter
Member of Lake Victor Lodge No. 1011 A.F. & A.M. He was
chosen to be the first Tiler of Lake Victor Lodge No. 1011 A.F. &
A.M., and he was duly and constitutionally installed as such on January
1, 1910.
In his declining years, Brother Pate became very ill, and Brother Amos
H. Jenkins and his good wife took him, and cared for him until he
passed away on February 26, 1918.
Brother Pate was buried with full Masonic rites conducted by Lake
Victor Lodge No. 1011 A.F. & A. M., with Brother A. J. Hahn
officiating, with burial in the Cauble Cemetery some seven or eight
miles northeast of Lake Victor.
