- Rev. J. M. Sherman booked to perform the ceremony that will unite in marriage Mr. Hamp Lacy and Miss Lizzie Hicks, at Marble Falls tonight. (Wednesday) - Keele Bros. have a variety of good molases. Give them a trial. - Will take orders for ladies' tailor made clothing for the coming winter, and would be glad to have your custom. Mary Johnson. - Miss Ruby Sellers from Lodi is visiting Mrs. W. C. Galloway. - Mrs. A. R. Johnson visited her son Robert and family in Llano last week. - New Oatmeal Grits and Keg Pickles just received at J. F. Cook's. - Our old friend Zack Warden made us feel good a dollar and a quarter's worth last Saturday. - Mrs. L. W. Dorbandt returned first of the week from a visit to relatives in Bertram. - We have a large line of tables from 3c up best values in town. The Warner Drug Co. - Rev. J. A. Arbuckle is visiting his son, Matt,
and other relatives and friends in Burnet county. For a number of
years, Mr. Arbuckle was pastor of the Baptist church at this place, and
there has never been a preacher in the town who made more friends among
all classes of people. - The Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs at the City Bakery. - Since our last ____ marriage licenses have been issued to W. H. Lacy and Miss Elizabeth Catharine Hicks. - Nice line of ready-to-wear hats now on display. (Miss) Hall. - Henry McCombs is railroading near Brownwood. - Miss Alice Greenwood of Lampasas, is visiting her friends, the Misses Berry. - R. W. Hoover and family have moved to town and occupy Rose Hoover's residence. They will send their children to the Burnet High School. Mr. Hoover
is one of the most substantial citizens of this part of the State, and
the Bulletin in the name of the town extend to him and family a most
cordial welcome. - We sell everything in the drug line, complete stock, fresh goods every week. The Warner Drug Co. - There will be a by-counter conventian of the Burnet and Llano W. C. T. U. at this place between October 2 and 5. Mrs. Helen Stodard of Ft. Worth, president of the society will be here during the convention. Llano News. - Keele Bros. want Chickens, Eggs, Butter and Peach Seed. - Rob Lamb is the father of a fine girl. All doing well. Rob is stepping high as a chicken in a nest of red ants. - Novelty Embroidery Collars for Ladies. J. L. King. - Col. Jim King and wife attended the protracted meeting in Burnet last Sunday. - Want to trade a lady's bicycle, almost new, for a good milk cow. Wheel catalogued at $40.00. Apply at this office. - Col. C. C. Pearson has bought out the Insurance business of Messrs Odiorne and Hargen. - My pasture is posted. J. R. Bullock. - Mr. W. L. Romans
of Naruna brought his son, John, to Burnet last Saturday to enter the
Public School. We hope and believe he will make a bright record. - I now have a complete and up-to-date line of Street Hats, which I will sell at remarkably low prices. Mrs. Preston. - The examination of teachers will be held next Friday and Saturday. - Mrs. F. W. King and little daughter were over from Kingsland this week visiting Mrs. K's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fowler. - Hamilton Brown Shoe Co's. Shoes can be had only from J. L. King. - Mrs. McDaniel visited her son, Milt, at Kingsland Sunday. - Notice to Tax Payers. I am now ready to receive taxes for 1902. B. C. Fox, Collector. - Mr. Frank Harrell, wife and babe from Briggs, visited relatives in Burnet Sunday. - Mrs. Louis Swanson from Llano visited her parents at this place this week. - I am now ready to collect City taxes for 1902. C. D. Harrell, City Secretary. -
To My Friends & Customers. I am thankful to each and every
one of you for the liberal share of patronage bestowed upon me, which
has enabled me from a very small beginning to build up a trade second
to none in the county. I trust you will continue the same towards
me and I will guarantee to give you liberal treatment and fair dealing,
with prices as low, if now lower, than you can get elsewhere.
Come and see me. CASH will get goods cheaper than were ever sold
before in Burnet. Thankfully yours, R. H. Lamb. - There are now 160 pupils enrolled in the school and new pupils being enrolled every day. - Second hand School Books bought and sold at J. F. Cook's. - J. B. Escavaille and Miss Kate Harrell made a business trip to Austin Tuesday. - Will announce next week when there will be a full display of all my Millinery. Miss Halt. - Mr. J. J. Jackson informs us that Judge Cook
is now in a fair way to get a great deal better soon. He says
that the Judge is now able to work his legs slightly, and that while
his improvement is slow, it is easily perceptible. News that Judge Cook is growing better will be received with pleasure by his many friends from all sections of the county. - L. W. Dorbandt visited his brother, Chris, near Bluffton, Sunday. - Mrs. C. C. Pearson returned Monday from a visit to her parents at Granite Mountain. - Editor P. H. Burke of the Briggs Enterprise spent Monday night with his uncle, B. W. Cocke. While here he made the Bulletin a pleasant fraternal call and reports a pretty fair cotton crop around his town. - One of Mr. W. H. Caball's mules threw him Monday and broke two or three of his ribs, and injured him otherwise, causing considerable [copy cut off here] - Col. Norton Moses and his grand-daughter, Miss Lollie Moses,
returned Monday from a visit of several weeks with relatives in
different sections of the west. They made quite a tour of the
West and Northwestern States, and embraced in their travels British
America, spending a day or two in Victoria, The Capital of
Columbia. Col. Moses
says of all the cities they stopped in that he liked Seatle,
Washington, the best--that it is the liveliest town he ever saw.
He reports crops good in all the sections visited, and plenty of
money. His talks on the trip are very interesting and our readers
would enjoy them. The entire tour was one round of pleasure,
especially to Miss Lollie. - Our Store is the place to go to save money. We are selling everything just as close as we can. Sugar, 17 pounds for $1.00 We ask you when in need of anything in the mercantile line to give us a trial and be convinced for your self. Berry & Harris - A Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank my friends and neighbors in Burnet for their kindness
to me and my family during the long sickness and death of my
wife. As long as I live, I will remember the kind ladies who so
nobly assisted us during this trying time, and if in the future
opportunity offers, to in a measure return some of the many favors, it
will be a happiness to me to do so. May God's blessing rest upon
one and all of you. Sincerely, J. C. Gibson - Mr. Watson O. Sarrels Married.