News Tibits
24 January 1901

Source:  Burnet Bulletin, 24 Jan 1901
transcribed by JoAnn Myers, 3 March 2008

The Burnet Bulletin
Published Every Thursday
J. A. Stevens, Editor and Proprietor          

Miss Mattie Murray of this office and Miss Loula Cline returned from a delightful visit to Waco, Auston and Rockdale, last week.

Justice Woodward
united a couple in marriage a few days ago and was so embarrassed he looked more like the bridegroom than the happy man himself.  Yet the Judge is an old Benedict rooster of 40 or 50 years' standing -- more or less.

A good Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine for sale at this office.  Will exchange it for a fresh sow, fat hogs, or lard.

George A. Branden
, of Oakalla made the Leader a pleasant call Saturday afternoon.  He was once a newspaper man, having charged the Burnet Bulletin, while Bro. Stevens cultivated a patch on Cocklebur Hill.  Mr. Brandon made a success of his newspaper venture, but preferred the quiet pursuits of farm and ranch life, where he is making a much greater success.  --Lampasas Leader

Card of Thanks
I desire in this place to return my sincere thanks to my friends and the public generally for the good patronage they extended me in the Blacksmithing business since I set up a few months ago and to promise them first-class horse-shoeing and wagon and carriage repairing in the future at lowest figures.  Try me again.  Yours to "live and let live."
H. M. Ramsower
Near Coffee's Stand

We learned only last Saturday that Mr. Grip Atkinson, living at the mouth of Spring Creek, was badly hurt by the fall of a house he was tearing down.

Mr. Jim Cline
died last Friday night of pneumonia.  He was about 38 years of age, and a quiet, orderly citizen.

We are glad to report Mr. H. D. Hickson [is] better after a serious attack of pneumonia.

New Market Firm
The undersigned has purchased Messrs. Breen and Hamon's market business in Burnet and is prepared to furnish the public with the best meats this country affords at living prices.  He will try to please.
N. G. Dorbandt

The corpse of Miss Ada Dodds who lived on the Thomas ranch 5 miles west of town, passed through Burnet last Thursday, to be buried at the old Cemetery.  Her disease was internal hemorrhage.  We learn she was about 23 years of age.

Oscar Marx
has a hole in one of his hands.  He was playing with a 22-ounce pistol, and it was loaded.

Last Saturday, Mrs. Jeff Clements met with a serious accident.  She was driving out to spend the day with her parents 8 miles east of town, when the horse took fright at cattle and ran away.  He ran a mile and a half and when he came to Mr. Wm. Humphrey's turned into and leaped the wire fence, carrying a post and the buggy into the yard, and throwing Mrs. C.  on her head.  She was prety badly stunned, but is getting all right.  Mr. Cull Hall brought her to town in his buggy.  Certainly a narrow escape.

A funny incident happened on Frank Thomas's pavement Saturday evening.  A young man slipped on the stone pavement and as he fell, he broke a bottle of whiskey which trailed after him as he got up and went on.  His disgusted remark was that is the slickest pavement I ever saw!

Suppose all the liquor in the world was served the same way how much happier the people would be.

Mr. T. J. Slaughter of Lone Grove I. T., is visiting relatives, Mr. Jas Martin family.

3 more months of cold weather.  A few Ladies' Capes and Men's Duck Coats to move regardless of cost. 
J. B. Escavaille

There would be more work for the County Courts if the peace officers would attend church service of Sunday nights.

Alderman Harrison has been down with the la grippe.

Col. Cochran, the breezy editor of the Marble Falls Standard, paid us a delightful visit Tuesday.

Assessor Pangle's office is in the north-west corner of the Court House, lately occupied by Justice Woodard,  who is upstairs.

The Beaumont oil well has at last been harnessed.

Clerk Chamberlain has issued marriage licenses to W. J. Mitchell and Miss Minnie Wheeler; W. F. Hart  and Miss Gussie Shell.

For the best Groceries in town, go to the old stand-by M. G. Schnnabel.

Card of Thanks
The undersigned and family desire to return their grateful thanks to the friends and neighbors who were unremitting in their care and attention to my late brother in his illness.  They will never be forgotten.
Jno. A. Cline

Headquarters for Flour, Meal, Grain, and Bran. 

Car of Salt just arrived at Andy Miller's.

A. W. Miller, Brick Building

Commissioner Stewart got through inspecting the roads of his Dictrict (No. 2) last Friday, and reports them in better condition than he expected.  The law allows for 10 days' services; it took him 13 days to finish this work.

He reports a great deal of grain planted in the Pomona section.

Esq. Wm. Hodge, the encyclopedia of Sage, and his good wife celebrated their golden wedding on the 16th instant, with a splendid dinner set to a large number of friends.

This paper wishes for them yet many years of peace, happiness and prosperity.

For Sale or Trade:  A fine Esty organ good as new.  Also a good two horse hack.
John M. Smart

Sheriff Arbuckle has to take a man to the calaboose every few days.  It wasn't that way when we had Local Option.  If the saloons had to pay the fines for the poor creatures who get drunk...

Cheers for Grover Cleveland!  The other day before a New York club, he denounced the Philippine and Boer wars.

Tuesday, Prof. Humphrey and Miss Loula McDonald of the High School were down with la grippe.

Elder Ray,  a Christian minister living at Cedar Park, is at the Cheatham Infirmary for treatment.

gives a box of Taylor's Baking Powder and a set of nice spoons all for 35 cents.

We have dozens of subscribers on our list who have been taking the paper ever since (and we suppose before) we owned it, over 21 years ago.  How such friends are appreciated!

May they all get to Heaven and may we get there to be with them, is our prayer.

Dr. W. H. Smith and family of Heidenheimer recently visited their parents, Esq. Wm. Hodge and wife of Sage.

Mrs. T. E. Hammond and children have returned to Burnet.

The ladies floral club will meet Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock sharp, over Mr. Escavaille's  store.

Mrs. M. E. Smith,  a noble looking lady of Austin, is visiting Miss Etta Grove.

The residence of Mrs. Hornaburg of Smithwick was destroyed by fire on the night of the 19th inst.  "Old Hickory's" account came too late for this issue.

Card of Thanks
The undersigned hereby extends his cordial thanks to the people of Burnet and surrounding country for the generous patronage of the past year, and believes that if polite attention, and only the best Drugs and Medicines, and fair prices can avail, that he will meet with still more favor in the New Year.  He has been here 21 years, and expects to be here 21 years more.
H. C. Whitsby

Capt. D. G. Sherrard and Mr. Duncan sold their clips of wool this week to Col. Zanderson of San Antonio -- 18,000 lbs. at 15 cents.     

Several cases of smallpox are reported at Liberty Hill.  Citizens of Bertram were in Burnet Tuesday to see the authorities with the view of quarantine against that point.


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