Sage Time flies swiftly. Another
March with her chilly winds has come again. Another year will
soon pass into oblivion. Twenty years ago! What a short
period of time! Yet in reality it was twenty years ago since the
Bulletin first visited our home, and willingly would I impart to our
most worthy correspondent, "Cap" why, twenty years seems so short to
the little "Dew Drop." [long poem follows.]
Sunday evening the writer in company with Misses Jones and Jenkins paid a visit to Lake Victor. The Lake is quite full of water now and with the addition of a few boats could be made quite an attractive place for picnic crowds. The new depot and section house do credit to a little country place like this. About a quarter to the north east and overlooking the village is the pretty residence of R. F. Risinger, R. O. Jinkin and Volley O'Hair have moved into residence on First Street. These worthy men with their good families add greatly to Lake Victor.To the cast is the cozy home of Mrs. Jinkins. Next we turn our eyes to the west and behold a little house nestled among the hills, surrounded by giant oaks, and here and there a long-eared hound stretched lazily in the sun, the home of Ross Shelby. An ideal bachelor's hall. Mrs. Hays and son, Walter, from the Pleasant Valley neighborhood visited the old folks at home last week, L. S. Jones and wife. Mr. Jim McCoy and wife, who have been visiting relatives at Sage, left for Menardville last week, from there they will go to their home in Wyoming. Mr. Will Howard went over to Lampasas Tuesday. Miss Minnie McCoy is visiting friends in the Sunny Lane neighborhood. Mrs. Andy Field has returned from Rosebud where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Kate Field. Kate and little son accompanied her home. G. N. Jones and son went to Burnet Saturday. R. F. Risinger made a dying trip to Lampasas Saturday evening. Mrs. Pieugh who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Tom Stewart, returned to her home in Colorado City last week. Her grandson, Frank Stewart accompanied her. Mr. Cal Skaggs from the Dobyville neighborhood Sundayed at Lake Victor. Amos Jinkins, who has been working in Austin, is home again. We welcome you back, Amos, ... Mrs. Harris is home againafter spending several weeks in May, Brown Co. with her daughter, Mrs. M--ton. Mr. H. M. Murphy, one of our most enterprising Sage men, has accepted a position with Uncle Sam; that of mail carrier between Sage and Lake Victor. Mr. George Gilmore is having a new residence built. Mr. Walter Nesbitt made a business trip to Lampasas Wednesday. Wednesday night, March 4th, the young people of Sage met at the pretty home of Mr. Andy Field and indulged in a social hop, given in honor of Miss Maude Oakley, who will leave in a few days for a visit to Brownwood, Fort Worth and other points. Those present were Misses Hahn, Fairies, Hamblin, Jones, Kennen, Russell, Messrs. Fariss, Shelby, Hahn, Jones, Mallette, Homer Field, Piper, Trussell, Berry, Nesbett, Lastley, Everet and Thompson. |
Oakalla Health remains good.
People are almost as anxious for it to clear up as they were last spring for it to rain. Oats that were thought to have been killed by the cold weather are coming out. The school has been small the past two or three weeks owing to the bad weather. Dock Hoover of Maxdale visited Mrs. Tie's family Saturday and Sunday. A sociable at Mr. Dixon's Friday night. Mrs.. Laura Hammock and family of Maxdale visited relatives here Sunday. Bro. Grigg preached us a splendid sermon Sunday. Joe Ellis and Early Bomer of Maxdale attended the sociable Friday night and I believe, yes, Miss Bowmer came back Saturday. Miss Mae Crozier having finished her school will return to her home in Burnet this week. Naruna
Barrett A. Barton , our carpenters are at work on a new addition to Jim Landers' house. When they get through with that, they have a barn to build for him, one for L. Lane and one for J. F. Vann.
Hard times have no terror for the Naruna people. They just go
ahead and build. Hard Time take care of oneself.
Mr. W. H. Lewis having failed to get the Wolf ranch visited this country this week looking for a ranch. We will locate him here yet if he will give us a little more time; for after thinking we had him we don't intend to give him up if we can help it. South Gabriel Siftings
Liberty Hill, Texas, R. F. D. No.
1. This is the way the people south of this place will have their
mail addressed after this. The Rural Route from Liberty Hill by
way of Hopewell, South Gabriel and return, began service last
Monday. We are having some trouble about getting boxes, but all
will be well in a few days and then your scribe will experience the
inconvenience in getting off his effusions.
Hurrah for Uncle Sam! "The world do move." The oat crop is alright. So is wheat. Gardens will be backward. Talk about bad roads? Come down Mr. Editor and see us going to town with a four-horse team, after a sack of flour. But we will have better roads after awhile, if we will only agitate. Ike Parks is planting corn, others will follow soon. T. E. Huff says this is the wrong year to plant winter corn. ![]() |