Notice: Those wishing carpets woven, call at my residence. Mrs. S. J. Micheltree |
Mr. Wade Jennings of Bertram stopped off in Burnet Monday on his way from San Angelo. | |
Genuine Bliss Triumph seed potatoes. Frank Thomas |
Mr. Amos Prentiss has been very sick for several days of pneumonia. LATER: The sad information has just reached here that Mr. Prentiss died early this morning. |
For highest prices, take your Eggs and Hides to Galloway & Escavaille. |
We understand that W. J. Garner of the Bertram neighborhood is still a very sick man, but his friends are hopeful that he will recover. |
Big fresh stock of inXer seal biscuits, crackers, snaps, and cakes. Frank Thomas. |
L. E. Kincheloe of Bertram, and J. W. Kincheloe of Burnet, have purchased the Bertram meat market. |
Full line of Dry Goods at less than wholesale price. Galloway & Escavaille. |
Miss Lucy Whitney was here from Austin Saturday and Sunday visiting her mother and the children. |
Bring in your varmit hides and furs -- will buy only a short time. Frank Thomas |
J. H. Stapp is attending the Annual State Meeting of the Odd Fellows at Houston. |
For something New and Pretty, see my line of Lace and Embroidery. Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Lamb's old Stand |
Mr. White fromTemple, spent Saturday and Sunday with his cousing, W. H. Corder. |
The Mexicans seem to have made a wagon yard of the vacant space just North of Brownlee's office, Dennis' barber shop and Gibson's meat market. Two nights last week there was a large crown of Mexicans camped at the place mentioned, and with their fires, it appeared to us that it would be an easy matter for them to kindle a disasterous conflagration. |
EGGS: Fresh Plymouth Rocks 50c for 15. A few pullets or cockrel at 50c each. Also incubator and breeder in perfect condition for sale cheap. E.A. Lewis, Burnet |
G. W. HARRIS DEAD. G. W. Harris, an old and highly
respected citizen of the Oatmeal community died last Thursday, after an
illness of several days duration. He was 86 years old and spent a
life which could serve as a high example of the proper way of
living. He leaves a number of relatives to mourn his death, with
whom the Bulletin condoles.
L. L. SHIPP Wants all your Eggs, will pay cash or trade, highest market price. Want a car load, must have them. Yours for business, "2L" Shipp |
Barn Burned. Last Friday night the barn on the Duncan ranch was destroyed by fire -- estimated loss, $1000.00. The fire had made such headway before it was discovered that little if anything was saved. Origin of fire unknown. |
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