Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Howard, was badly hurt by running into a clothes line one night recently. It caught him just under the chin and made a bad wound, which required several stitches to close. He is rapidly recovering. |
New invoices of tin and granite ware at attractive prices will help you out in your kitchen department. Churchill, The Hardware Man. |
The Art Display at the school auditorium last week was fine, but owing to the Patent Medicine Show and other attractions the attendance was very light. Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights there were excellent entertainments in connection with the art display. |
Our line of men's furnishing goods is the best we have ever shown. See us--We will be sure to please you. Badger-Johnson Co. |
The patent medicine show has gone to other fields, which it will no doubt find ripe for the harvest. Burnet spent money right freely with the concern, but from what we can learn not so lavishly as Briggs and Bertram. |
A fresh car of Albatross flour at Root & Dorbandt's. |
People in this community have been busy the past ten days planting corn. There is plenty of moisture to bring it up and keep it going for several days, but a good rain any time soon would be very acceptable. The grass and small grain are beginning to need water. |
Any way you look at it; Any way you compare it; Any way you figure it out; It will pay you to buy your Drugs from Howell & Altman. We also carry a good line of Pocket Knives, Combs, Brushes, etc. |
Mr. A. LaForge of Marble Falls, has traded his property there for the H. J. Dowson property and will move to Burnet and occupy it. |
Don't you want a new hat for Easter? Why, of course, when you can get one so cheap and pretty at Mrs. Kerr's that you can't resist buying. |
Miss Alva Rogers from Oatmeal, is visiting Mrs. H. M. Ramsower. |
Sheriff Kincheloe made a business trip to Bertram Saturday. |
Reports from the river are that fishing's fine. |
Bremond's Roasted Coffee--none better! Sold by Root & Dorbandt. |
Mr. Oscar Nichols has gone to Ballenger, where he has position. |
Uncle Jack Humphrey has sold his farm on the Gabriel to C. C. Barton. |
We are offering bargains in Farming Implements, Buggies, Wagons and Harness. Badger-Johnson Co. |
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Duncan died Monday. It was only two days old. |
Badger-Johnson Co. are putting some pretty show windows in their establishment. |
A new line of American Beauty Corsets at Mrs. Preston's. |
Mrs. Biggs has returned from Austin, where she had been to play the march for a wedding. |
Capt. Darragh was [text missing] from Granite Mountain Monday, [text missing] visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Pearson. |
Dr. Wilson and Arelie Fry visited Naruna Sunday. They report that section very dry. |
Editor Barton of the Liberty Hill Index, visited Burnet again Sunday |
Marriage License. Since our last report marriage license have been issued to the following:
Rev. T. F. Sessions
of Lampasas, will preach at the Methodist Church Saturday night, Sunday
morning, at 11 o'clock and Sunday night. Every body cordially
![]() There will be preaching at Hairston Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. M. J. Allen, P. C.
Peacock - McGuire Last Wednesday at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Peacock, Miss Lena Peacock of Council Creek neighborhood and Mr. Charlie I. McGuire of Burnet, were united in marriage, Eld. Ed Fry
officiating. the contracting parties have a wide circle of
friends and are highly regarded by every one. The Bulletin
extends congratulations.
Notice to Blacksmiths. Just received car Lilly Keystone Smithing Coal. None Better. Will sell at the right price, by the sack or ton. W. M. Tarlton, Burnet, Tex. ![]() |
March - Potatoes Irish potatoes on 11th day of
March is something very unusual for Burnet County. [Text missing]
statement that they were [text missing] be doubted by some, but if they
will call at this office we will show the actual potatoes. F. P. Green
in plowing his garden Monday plowed up potatoes, grown from potatoes
left in the ground last summer, half as large as a hen-egg.
The Legislature is now running on the $8.00 a day salary. So far as the Bulletin has been able to see, a majority of the members are not earning even that sum. |
Mrs. Kerr visited Lampasas on business yesterday. |
Judge Martin and District Attorney Moses were in Burnet Monday to hold a habeas corpus trial for Gett Sorel (col.) His bond was placed at $500. |