Mrs. Cole is on the sick list this week. |
Mr. B. F. Hutto's
house caught on fire on day last week, but they managed to get the fire
under control and the flames were distinguished before much damage was
done. |
Singing at Mr. Eaves' Sunday evening. There was a large crowd present and a good time was enjoyed by all. |
A musical entertainment was given at the home of Mr. Day in the Live Oak community last week. Those who attended from Prairie Point, Mr. Author Buckner, Mr. Will Hutto and sister Miss Eva and Miss Belle Sively. Mrs. J. H. Hutto and Miss Hattie Hutto visited relatives at Florence Saturday and Sunday. |
literary society] was organized about two weeks ago, to meet every two
weeks. A good many young people have taken part in ___ and
we hope that it will prove a success. Among the young people that
took part out of the community were: Mr. Ollie Edwards of Burnet, Misses Helen and Ora Matern of Marble Falls, __ss Nanie of Granite Mountain and others. |
There were several men who were on the jury last week from this place [Fairland], among whome were _____ Graham, Mr. Hibler and Mr. Matern. |
Misses Prentiss and Leech visited the former's parents two weeks ago. |
Mr. Cal Skaggs and little son of Lampasas were here Sunday. |
Mrs. Addie West is visiting in Lampasas. |
Mrs. Warden has moved on her land purchased from Mrs. Sarah Jenkins. |
Mrs. Harris and son, Frank, visited friends and relatives at Oatmeal part of last week. |
Miss Vernia Williams spent last Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Arabell Gore near Florence. |
Mr. Lee Smith from the Oatmeal community was down on business Thursday and Friday. |
Mr. George Gore was in our midst last Sunday. |
Mr. W. C. Harris made a business trip to Georgetown yesterday. |
Mr. Joe Pruit took a load of turkeys to Killeen yesterday. |
Miss Maud Cehand went to Briggs Thursday and when coming back had the misfortune of breaking one of the buggy wheels all to pieces. |
Miss Tommie Cehand
is still confined to her bed. She has not spoken a word above a
whisper since last August. Has been worse during the past week. |
Our school is progressing nicely, with Mr. Edgar Faith as teacher. |
Mr. Cehand and wife went to Florence Saturday. Mrs. Cehand purchased her a $57 sewing machine. |
Singing at Mr. McDaniel's Sunday night and everybody reports a nice time. |
Another Old Timer Gone Mrs. Sallie Harris |
Obituary of Minnie Ellason |
Mrs. Diana Durrett Crawford Dead |
There is a great deal of sickness in this community, such as ____ and one or two of mumps. |
Mr. Clint Yeary and wife spent several days in Austin this week. |
Revs. Lee and Allen held Conference here last Saturday. |
Miss Jewel Murphy of Sage attended church here Sunday evening. [Lake Victor] |
Miss Pearl Gilmore has returned from a pleasant trip to Arizona. |
The young people of this community are looking forward to a masquerade ball ... at the Woodmen hall ...February. |
County Court Proceedings. County Court met Monday, January 27th, 1908, with Judge Cook on the Bench, J. M. Taylor, County Attorney, J. W. Kincheloe Sheriff, J. H. Chamberlain County Clerk. The following proceedings were had:
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