Judge I. D. White is in Lanno attending District Court. |
Fishing tackle and baseball outfits. Howell & Altman. |
Mrs. Dayton Moses is with her husband visiting Llano. |
Go to Traweek for Dried Apples, Peaches and Prunes. |
District Attorney Moses is attending District Court in Llano. |
Good, Second-hand Piano for sale. Apply to S. E. guthrie. |
Mrs. H. C. Whitney has been visiting in Lampasas. |
NOTICE. We will have a car of ice Friday. Fisher & Moore. |
Mr. John Curry and family occupy one of Mr. Jas. Cole's residences. |
Sheriff Kincheloe has been in the lower part of the county this week on official business. |
Childrens' Shoes at reduced prices. Mrs. Preston. |
Miss Nora Alexander is behind the counters at The Leader and Mrs. Preston's. |
Books and Magazines. Wingren. |
Miss Stella Olive, who is teaching at Marble Falls, visited her mother Saturday and Sunday. |
Keep the blood pure by taking Spring's Sarsaparilla, sold and guaranteed by Howell & Altman. |
Mr. Wm McDaniel, the Briggs poet, was a Burnet visitor Saturday. |
Traweek has Flour, Meal and Bacon cheap as it can be bought. Go to Traweek's for Coffee, Dried Beans, Peas, Rice, etc. Cheap for the cash. |
Mr. Jim Cooke went to Austin last week and attended the Carnival. |
A full line of Weeding and Chopping Hoes. Churchill, The Hardware Man. |
The price of wool will be good again this year. It is the general opinion that it will be 20 cents or better. |
Rev. J. B. Snowball will hold services at Presbyterian church next Sunday May 9th at 3:30. Public cordially invited. |
Ealy J. Moses has sold the Russel place, a mile west of town, to Mr. Shipp of San Marcos. |
Chops, Bran, Johnson Grass Hay, and Cotton Seed Meal. Badger-Johnson Co. |
The meeting at the Methodist church is still in progress. Rev. A. J. Clark is preaching some powerful sermons, and considerable interest is being aroused. |
On May
18th for the benefit of the school yard fund, an entertainment will be
given, consisting of plays, recitations, songs, etc. The two
plays: "The Ghost in the Kitchen," and "Trying the Green
Teacher," are very entertaining and no patron of the school should miss
them. |
Mrs. Cobb begs to announce to her oil customers that she is prepared to fill their orders at any time. Orders by phone will receive prompt attention. Smart phone. |
Beginning today and ending 1st
day of Sept., our store will be closed at 7 o'clock p.m. except
Saturdays. We do this for the benefit of our employees and we
hope our customers will appreciate our motive. Badger-Johnson Co. |
Misses Reed and Miss Euna Faubion of Marble Falls, visited Burnet friends. |
NOTICE: I have rented the Dr. Brownlee
office, together with the X-ray, static machine, etc., and am prepared
to give electric treatments to all parties desiring same. H. C. Eargle, M. D. |
Cashier W. C. Galloway
is making some nice improvements upon the State Bank Building.
When completed, it will present a very nice appearance. E. O. Engstrom is doing the work. |
FOR RENT. The Coffee
dwelling in the Western part of town. This is one of the most
comfortable homes in Burnet, and will be rented very reasonably.
Also for sale very cheap, a piano. Apply to Mrs. A. B. Coffee. |
Mrs. Ellis Guthrie and Mrs. Samuel S. Posey, with their children, visited in Austin this week. |
A. W. Johns was here from Austin Last Sunday visiting his family. |
Mrs. E. A. Lewis and children have taken rooms at Mrs. McCarty's. Mrs. Coffee and children have rented rooms from Mrs. Cobb. |
Mrs. Jeff Clements and children have joined Mr. Clements at New Braunfels, where they will reside in the future. |
Messrs. Oscar Nichols and P. Paulson, who are working at Ballinger, were here this week visiting their families. |
I am on
my way now to you, with a big load of the famous Watkins goods.
Don't be misled when you are told that it's just as good as
Watkins. The name J. R. Watkins stands for the purest, best, and
cheapest. Wait until I get there, if not today, will be
soon. W. H. Walker, Agent. |
S. H. Munn is shipping fat sheep to market. Mr. Munn is in Marlin, and W. H. Corder is looking after the shipment for him. |
Mrs. Olive
is behind the counter at Badger-Johnson Co. She is one of the
most pleasant and efficient sales-ladies in this section and any firm
is fortunate to secure her services. |
Flour Talk. White Crest,
Magnolia, and Marechalneil Flour--three of the best extra fancy grades
of flour on the market. Made of absolutely pure soft wheat, and
every sack guaranteed to be the best on the market, going at $1.85 per
sack. Best High Patent flour $1.65 per sack. Badger-Johnson Co. |
George Schnabel, Button Tarver and Rob Lamb
will attend the Fireman's picnic at Georgetown this week. They
have been employed to assist the Liberty Hill Band in furnishing music
for the occasion. |
A. R. Johnson, Jr.
returned last week from San Antonio, where he had been attending the
State meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias. He
reports a large attendance and an enjoyable time. |
Mrs. Nichols of Cuero Death Notice Mother of Mrs. E. V. Magill of Spring Creek |
Mrs. C. C. Pearson, was called to Granite Mountain last week by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Darragh, who has been stricken with paralysis and is in a dangerous condition. Col. Pearson has also been up from ... [text missing here] |
Obituary J. S. Churchill |
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