Dayton Moses has been in Austin this week on business with some of the higher courts. |
House for Rent in east end of town. Hansford Stapp.
W. Overstreet left last week on a visit to New York City and other places of interest. |
Bring me your green and dry Hides, Goat Skins, and Furs. Heston Whitney. |
Miss Myrtle McDaniel from Kingsland, has been visiting the Misses Norwood. |
Oysters with a reputation--Sealshipt. Loveless' Restaurant. |
G. L. Jackson Dead. |
W. B. Johnston Dead. |
Dr. W. A. Wilson was here from Killeen a couple of days this week filling his appointments. |
Apples, Lemons, etc., at Traweek's. |
Dr. Simons of Austin filled dental appointments in Burnet this week. |
Cakes, Pies, and all other kinds of eats like mother used to make at Mrs. Bouchard's Pure Food Restaurant. |
L. D. Ater, one of Bertram's leading merchants, made the Bulletin a pleasant visit Thursday. |
Fry & Walker carry the most complete and up to date line of Toilet goods in town. |
The norther came in time to save the fruit crop from early blooming. It had already began to bud. |
Good Rust Proof Seed Oats, free of Johnson grass for sale. A. D. Mitcheltree, Burnet, Texas. |
Miss Eva Mitcheltree left Monday for Lometa, where she has been engaged to nurse a pneumonia patient. |
Engagement rings at Fry & Walker's. |
To be sure you're getting fresh Oysters, buy SEALSHIPT Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Loveless' Restaurant. |
Capt. T. E. Hammond, Fielding Hammond, Buford Hubbard, and Eddie Schnabel made an automobile trip to Austin Sunday. |
Mrs. M. B. Brown returned Tuesday from East Texas, where she had been for some time. |
Traweek has good Hams and Bacon, cheap for the cash. |
Dr. D. J. Sibley, dentist from Bertram, in company with Mr. Bailey visited Burnet Tuesday. |
RINK NOTICE. The Rink will open on Saturday nights at 8:30. Ladies skate free. Hester & Spillers, Prop's. |
Short orders a specialty at all reasonable hours. Chili, Tamales, Oysters, etc. at Mrs Bouchard Pure Food Restaurant. |
Shipment of fresh Candies, Chocolates, etc., received this week at Mrs. Bouchard's. |
R. P. Harkrider
has purchased a place in this county near Lampasas, and has moved on to
____. He is a good citizen and the Bulletin wishes him success in
his new location. |
Burnet "Stars" defeated the Marble FAlls school team in a game of
basket ball at the latter place Saturday by a score of 18 to 15. |
NOTICE! Just received a
car of Nutrofol cow feed; mixture 8 lbs cotton seed hulls, 20 lbs
cotton seed meal. Also car of feed stuff and Flour. Every
sack of Flour fully guaranteed Extra High Patent and of soft wheat. F. Stiles. |
Col. Geo. Schnabel left Monday for Austin to attend the inauguration of Governor Colquitt Tuesday and the inaugurial Ball that night. |
W. T. Cummins
returned last week from Kentucky where for the past month he had been
visiting relatives and friends in his boyhood home, from where he had
been absent about twenty-five years. He reports having greatly
enjoyed his visit, but says neither the people nor the country looked
natural. Bill thinks more of the broad acres of Texas than ever
before.![]() Remember the reliable Darling line
when in need of a Cook Stove. See me for your trace chains,
single and double trees, etc. Can also fit you out in Poultry
Churchill, The Hardware Man. |
R.R. to DONATE GRANITE GRAVEL. The following communication will show that something is contemplated by the City Council in the way of improving our streets, and also that the Railroad seems disposed to act very liberal in the matter: Austin, Texas, Jan 10, 1911 Mr. Geo. Schnabel, Burnet, Texas. Dear Sir: Replying to yours of the 5th inst., with reference to granite gravel to be used on the streets of the city of Burnet, would advise that if the city will agree to pay for cost of loading and freight charges, this company will donate them 10 cars of granite gravel. Yours Truly, W. L. Bisbee, Supt. |
MULES! MULES! MULES! I will be in Burnet Saturday, January 21st, and Bertram Monday, January 23rd, to buy mules and mares from 3 to 8 years old. W. Stawalooke |
I have a car of salt, which I will sell cheap. Get my price before buying. Heston Whitney |