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Source: Various, as noted

JAMISON, Samuel S. - Nov 1904

Burnet Bulletin &endash; 24 Nov 1904


Mr. S.S. Jamison died at his home near this place Friday night and was buried at the Odd Fellow's Cemetery Saturday. The religious service was conducted by Rev. E. Bailey. He was also buried with Masonic honors, Col. Norton Moses conducting the service.

Mr. Jamison was near four score years of age, and was an exemplary Christian gentleman. He was an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and ever faithful in his Christian duties and his obligations to his fellow-man.

Mr. Jamison had been a citizen of this county for many years, and he will be sadly mnissed by many of our citizens. The Bulletin extends condolence to the bereaved relatives.

(Will not Col. Stevens or some other close friend of deceased furnish an obituary for publication?)


Burnet Bulletin Dec 1, 1904


As I delight to be in the society of men older than myself, so the gradual going out of the patriarchs is to me a source of infinite pathos. May those of us in this community who are soon to follow him to the grave be as well prepared as my late friend, S. S. JAMISON.

Months ago, the close observer noticed that his steps were getting slower, his visits to town less frequent, and he began to be missed from his accustomed seat in the church and Sunday School. For many a day, the writer of this will regret the absence of his tall gaunt form, his kindly greeting, his unfailing good humor and words of cheer.

Mr. Jamison was a native of Illinois, the rigorous climate of which was too much for him, so he was advised by his physician, who suspected he had incipient consumption, to seek the Sunny South, and he has lived in Texas over 40 years. The fact that he reached past the allotted three score and ten years is an eloquent tribute to the temperate life he has led. Had he survived til next June the 8th, he would have been 78 years old.

The dominant traits of Mr. Jamison's character were firmness, cheerfulness, courage, strong convictions, and stern religious duty, partaking of the nature of the old Scotch covenanters, of whom he reminded me, and from whom he was descended. One of his ancestors fought at the siege of Londonderry.

I said a noticable trait was a piety, but it was not of the dismal, sanctimonious kind; with the most clock-like regularity at service, there was sunshine in his devotions. He and I were comparing notes once as to Sunday School experience. My record was over fifty years, barring the time I was a Confederate soldier. He modestly remarked, "I can beat you: I have been going to Sunday School over sixty years!" Sunday after Sunday for years, he walked to the Presbyterian house of worship, in Burnet, a distance of one and a half or two miles, in all sorts of weather, until declining health forced him to desist. What an example to the rest of us!

Another tie that bound me to him was his ardent belief and practice of Prohibition. Next to his religious views, the theme of his heart was opposition to the accursed Liquor Traffic. May the memory of his brave, consistent course here cause many a boy who knew him to "go and do likewise."

As I stood by his bedside and studied his giant form, his majestic face and head, saw this consistent, brave, restless spirit go out like a candle with the stainless life passing into the hands of the recording angel, I recalled Victor Hugo's description of Jean Valjean's death: "Those august hands moved no more...Without doubt, in the gloom some mighty angel was standing, with outstretched wings, awaiting the soul."

Those who knew Samuel S. Jamison well, know how to sympathize with the devoted daughter and his brave sons. I do with all my heart.

Rest from thy labors, worthy old friend! Well can you say with heroic Paul: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; hence forth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."

J.A.S., Burnet, Nov. 25, 1904

JENKINS, Robert W. (1911 - 21 March 1926)

Burnet Bulletin, March 25, 1926 - From Barry Caraway

Boy Drowns In Colorado River.

Robert Jenkins, 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jenkins, drowned in the Colorado River about two miles below Bluffton at 1 o'clock Sunday evening, March 21, while bathing. Robert and two older brothers were on the river more than a half mile from their home, when the horrible accident occurred. It appears that the lad, and one of his brothers were bathing or wading in the water, while the other was some distance above. At the place where Robert was wading there was a slope or fall in bed rock where he slid down into deep water, and as he could not swim, he drowned before the alarm could bring him help. One of the boys ran home and the alarm was sent over the telephone which brought a rescue party but all too late. When the neighborhood was appraised of the sad calamity it was only a few minutes till a rescue party was at the scene and raised the body and brought it to the bank where every effort was made to bring him to life, but all in vain.

The writer was not with the party but from what he could gather over the phone it was about 2 p.m. when the body was raised by a diver and brought ashore. The boy came with his parents from Milam county, Texas, the latter part of last July, since which time they have lived on property belonging to Mr. Friedsam of Waco.

Robert was born Dec. 15, 1911, and is survived by his parents, five brothers and four sisters. He was a good boy and was loved and respected by all whom the writer has hear speak of him. The writer has been unable to gather all the facts about the sad misfortune, but enough has been recorded to warn our children of the unseen dangers lying beneath the surface of the ever changing waters of the Colorado River.

Our hearts go out in sympathy for the sorrow stricken father, mother and children. May God help them to bear the grief and may they meet Robert in the land where there will be no sad partings. The body was laid to rest in the Bluffton cemetery at 1 p. m. March 22, 1926. with the writer conducting the service. J. S. Peacock

JENNINGS, Clara (Bowmer) - Oct 1901

Burnet Bulletin, 10 Oct 1901

A Lady Killed in Leander. Last Friday night about 12 o'clock, Mr. Charley Jennings, residing near Leander, shot and killed his wife. He was under the impression that she was a burglar.

The Bulletin has heard several versions of the sad affair, which placed together are about as follows: For some time, Mr. Jennings says, burglars had been prowling about the house at night, and he and his wife agreed on a plan to stop it. In other words, Jennings expressed a determination to his wife that he would shoot the next time they were molested. Friday night, he heard again what he believed was a burglar. He reached for his gun and loaded it with buck shot. From what we can gather, his wife was sleeping in an adjoining room, with their little children, and after he had loaded his gun Jennings called to her once or twice but received no answer. As the supposed burglar reached the door, Jennings thought it time to shoot, which he did with fatal effect. The discharge of the gun was followed by a piercing scream, and the awful realization came to the man that he had shot a woman. He tottered to her side, and horror of horrors, found that he had killed his own wife.

It seems to be the general belief that Mrs. Jennings was walking in her sleep and failed to hear her husband's voice. In fact, that is the only view that can be taken.

Mrs. Jennings, whose maiden name was Miss Clara Bowmer, has many relatives in Burnet County, among whom are Mrs. L. C. Kincheloe, Rev. B. E. Bowmer, and Mrs. Sarah Schooley.

JENNINGS, Jim - Sept 1924

Burnet Bulletin, Oct 9, 1924; From Barry Caraway

Jim Jennings Found Dead

Jim Jennings, who lived alone in a little house north of Adamsville, was found dead, and on Saturday, Sept. 20th, an inquest was held by Justice of the peace F. W. Dent, of Lometa. The neighbors were attracted to the place by carrion crows and upon investigation discovered that the body was in a decomposed state, and it could not be ascertained when death ensued. The old gentleman had been feeble in health and mind for some time, and for the past year had lived alone in the house where he died. -----Lampasas Leader.

JENNINGS, John - April 1909

Burnet Bulletin, 15 April 1909

Mr. John Jennings, an oldtime resident of Burnet County, died at the home of his son, Robert, in San Saba county last Friday night. The body was brought to this place and the funeral service held Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. L. Shipp, Rev. C. A. Taylor officiating, after which the remains were interred in the family burying ground at Jennings Creek Cemetery, eight miles east of Burnet.

Deceased was born in Missouri, in 1833. In 1851 he moved to Burnet County and settled ten miles east of town, where he resided until a few years ago. He assisted in freeing this country from Indian depredations and otherwise rendered aid in building our present splendid state of civilization.

Mr. Jennings had been paralyzed for a number of years, which at times affected his mind. Until stricken with this malady he had for a long time been an active member of the Baptist church.

He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his death, as follows: Rob of San Saba, Bosh of Humble, John of San Antonio, Billy of Shep, Texas, Mrs. L. L. Shipp of Burnet, Mrs. Kolb of Llano County, Mrs. McCarty of Dublin and Mrs. Milliron of Oklahoma.

The Bulletin condoles with the bereaved relatives.

JOHNSON, General Adam Rankin (6 Feb 1834 - 20 Oct 1922)

Marble Falls Messenger, Oct 26, 1922 - From Barry Caraway

General A. R. Johnson Is Dead

General Adam Rankin Johnson of Burnet, soldier, pioneer builder and progressive citizen of Texas for more than half a century, died at Burnet last Friday morning. He ate breakfast and was up and about the house when a fainting spell came over him. He was helped to his bed and died in a few minutes.

General Johnson was a notable character during the Civil War and rendered valiant service to the cause that was dear to his soul. As a citizen of Burnet County he had a part in every thing that tended to advance development and enhance the wealth of the citizenship. The body was carried to Austin Saturday afternoon and placed in the Senate Chamber at the capitol, where it was kept until the following afternoon and then buried in the State cemetery.

Active pallbearers for the funeral were his five grandsons, Geo. E. Christian, Walton Christian, W. H. Badger, Jr. , Eastland Johnson and Brownlee Posey, and R. T. Badger. The honorary pallbearers were Governor Pat M. Neff, Governor Joseph D. Sayers, Judge W. M. Key, S. L. Staples, Ike D. White, Mayor W. D. Yett, W. T. Wroe, Captain J. D. Fauntleroy, J. T. Robison, Captain William Walsh, W. E. Dozier, Guy A. Collett, H. A. Wroe, M. H. Reed, D. C. Reed, W. E. Long, Houghton Brownlee, Dr. Joe Wooten and Dr. C. H. Brownlee of Austin, and John S. Guthrie, Dr. A. Howell, Gus Jackson, James A. Stevens, and John H. Stapp of Burnet, and five inmates of the Confederate home here.

The Daughters of the American Revolution, of which Mrs. Samuel Posey, one of the surviving children, is a member, attended the funeral in a body. Other children at the service which marked the last of the illustrious son of central Texas were Adam R. Johnson, Jr. , Mrs. W. H. Badger and Mrs. George Christian of Austin, and R. E. Johnson and Mrs. E. E. Guthrie of Burnet.

The flags on the state house and the governor's mansion floated at half mast Saturday in mourning for the passing of the outstanding figure of the last half century in central Texas.

General Johnson was 87 years old. He was born in Kentucky, but had been a resident of Texas since he was 18 years old. Although blinded as a result of a wound received during the civil war, he was active until the last in promoting the interests of this section of the state. He was a dreamer of big things, but death cut him short before he had realized the one big dream of his life-that of harnessing the great, dormant power wasting in Texas streams and turning it to use in industrial development.

On two occasions General Johnson, who had been an independent scout for Bedford Forrest, went behind the federal lines and recruited southern sympathizers into large military units. To show his skill as a leader and to gain confidence of the men whom he hoped to enlist, the general with three privates attacked a garrison of 150 Yankees in the heart of Henderson, Ky., by firing loads of buckshot into the soldiers at night from three sides. The surprised federals were thrown into a riot and fired volley after volley into surrounding houses for the remainder of the night.

The Louisville Journal reported this affair later as a great battle in which the United States soldiers drove off a band of 300 guerillas after six hours of severe fighting. The nerve and valor showed in this exploit gained numbers of sympathizers to the rebel leader's banner.

General Johnson was given the sobriquet of "stove pipe Johnson" during the war by an exploit even more daring than the first, at Newberg, Indiana. The general crossed the river with eight picked men in a skiff, left a lieutenant with 20 men on the bank and corralled a number of unarmed sympathizers on the outskirts of the city as a "dummy" army. Wagon wheels with stove pipes mounted on them were swung into place ready for action.

When his "mobilization" had been quietly completed, the general slipped into the heart of the city, found the federal arsenal practically unmanned and single-handed captured a sizeable store of arms and ammunition. Before his plot had been discovered he also succeeded in capturing some 80 federal soldiers lolling in a hotel.

His achievements were made spectacular by a daring that caused him to operate in the most unexpected places-behind the lines where the federals had small garrisons and suspicioned no danger. On another trip he traveled 600 miles in enemy country recruiting sympathizers. In 1864 he was reported as having died from wounds in Trigg county, Ky. , and southern newspapers printed his obituary and paid his gallantry and bravery unstinted tribute. But more than a half century later he was building and dreaming of an enterprise to furnish half of Texas with electrical power through the use of prison labor and conservation of water power.

The editor had been intimate with General Johnson for almost a quarter of a century. We always admired him for his enterprise, his good traits of character and for his frankness upon all public issues. He was always outspoken on all issues of a public nature. He was a man who had visions of great importance. One of his ideals was to harness the water power going to waste in the Colorado river. He was a friend to education. We never saw him mad nor heard him use foul language during all of the years that we have known him.

General Johnson was a wonderful man, a brave soldier and a good citizen. The Messenger joins the many friends thoughout Texas in extending condolence to those who mourn his death.

JOHNSON, Josephine Eastland (31 Aug 1845 - 11 Sept 1923)

Burnet Bulletin, Sept 13, 1923 - From Barry Caraway

Mrs. General Johnson Dead

Relatives and friends were deeply shocked and grieved Tuesday afternoon when word was received from Austin that Mrs. A. R. Johnson, Sr. was dead. The end came suddenly, at the home of her son, A. R. Johnson, Jr. , whose family she was visiting. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, from the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. T. Badger. Burial was in the State Cemetery, by the side of her husband, General Adam R. Johnson, who preceded her in death only a few months. Rev. R. E. Duke, formerly pastor of the Methodist church at this place, now filling a charge in Austin, conducted the services. The pallbearers were: R. T. Badger, M. H. Reed, D. C. Reed, Dr. C. H. Brownlee, O. H. Millean and Guy Collett. For the past several years Mrs. Johnson has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. S. E. Guthrie, of Burnet. She made frequent visits with her children in Austin, and a few days ago left Burnet for that place, apparently in her usual health.

Mrs. Johnson is survived by six children, four daughters and two sons, as follows: R. E. Johnson, Mesdames George Christian, Sr. , and S. E. Guthrie of Burnet, A. R. Johnson. Jr., and Mrs. W. H. Badger of Austin, and Mrs. S. S. Posey of Pecos, Texas. Numerous grandchildren and other relatives also survive her.

Mrs. Johnson, before her marriage Miss Josephine Eastland, was born near Sparta, Tennessee, August 24th, 1845. With her parents she moved to Texas when only two weeks old. She received her education at LaGrange and Austin, Texas, her last teacher being Miss Amelia Barr, the celebrated authoress. She was married to Adam R. Johnson at Burnet, Texas, January 1st, 1861. When General Johnson came home on furlough during the Civil War in 1862, the danger in Burnet County from Indians and lawless bands of white men had become so great that he concluded to take his wife east of the Mississippi, where he could see and hear from her more frequently. On this journey they suffered many hardships and dangers, but Mrs. Johnson bore them all with courage and cheerfulness. They went to the town of Marietta, Georgia, where Mrs. Johnson was established temporarily. Later she went to Virginia, and fell into the hands of Averill, who was making a raid through the mountainous region of the western part of that state. After Lee's surrender, General and Mrs. Johnson started upon their return to Burnet, Texas, where most of her life since that time was spent. Few women had to face the dangers that she met during her early womanhood, and no woman ever displayed greater courage.

After their return to Burnet at the close of the War, General and Mrs. Johnson started life anew so far as worldly fortunes were concerned, but the courage with which both of them were endowed by nature did not depart from them, and although the husband was blind, he was far from helpless, and his name is linked with many achievements, and he remained active in all affairs for the betterment of his county and state until his death, a few months ago. In all his undertakings he was encouraged and assisted by his faithful wife, whom dangers nor obstacles never daunted. They lived almost sixty years after the close of the great conflict between the North and South, and reared a splendid family of children, who are worthy offspring of their courageous forbears, and hold the confidence and esteem of all in the several communities in which they reside.

Mrs. Johnson possessed a splendid intellect and was an exceedingly interesting woman. She remained young in mind until her dying day, and was loved and respected by her youthful acquaintances the same as those nearer her own age. In her death a wonderful woman, with great history is removed from our midst, and her passing is deeply regretted by both old and young. The Bulletin extends sincere sympathy to the sons and daughters, and other near relatives in their great loss.

JOHNSON, Mrs. S. D. - (10 Oct 1880 - Jan 1916)

Marble Falls Messenger, Jan 13, 1916; From Barry Caraway

It was somewhat of a shock to the town when it was announced last Sunday morning that Mrs. S. D. Johnson was dead. Very few knew that she was sick. Just a few days before she contracted pneumonia, which was the cause of her death. Mrs. Johnson was a native Texan. She was born near Kingsland in Llano County, October 10th, 1880. On Feb 19th 1905, she was married to S. D. Johnson. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller of Kingsland. Besides her parents she is survived by two brothers, Will and Ed, and one sister, Mrs. W. E. Johnson of Toby. Mrs. Johnson was a Christian woman and had been a member of the Methodist Church some ten or twelve years. The body was shipped to Kingsland last Monday for interment. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. N. G. Ozment, pastor of the Methodist Church of this city. The Messenger joins the many friends in extending sympathy to the bereaved husband and other relatives, both here and at Kingsland.

JOHNSTON, Stephanie - 25 October 2004

Burnet Bulletin, 10 Nov 2004

Stephanie A. Johnston, age 78, of Burnet died October 25, 2004. She was born December 20, 1925, a native of Vienna, Austria. She was the daughter of Franz and Maria Zack Opravail.

Mrs. Johnston married the love of her life, Geoffrey, on July 12, 1947, in Vienna, Austria. Her and her husband later resided in Burnet.

She was an active member of Burnet Creative Arts until 2002 and also a member of Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church.

Surviving are husband of 57 years, Geoffrey Johnston of Burnet; daughters, Jacquline Kocurek and husband Robert of Houston, Texas; sons, Eric Johnston and wife Alison of Romsey, England; grandchildren, Jonathan Kocrek, Christopher Kocurek, Jemma Johnston; great grandchildren, Bradley Kocurek, Sean Kocurek; brothers, Erich Opravil and wife Ellie of Vienna, Austria.

Services were held at Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church at 10 a.m. Thursday, October 28, 2004.

JOHNSTON, Sue - 26 March 1925

From the Burnet Bulletin, Thursday, 2 April 1925

Mrs. Sue Johnston died Thursday, March 26th, 1925, at her home in the Council Creek neighborhood. The body was interred Friday. Deceased had been ill for some time.

Mrs. Johnston was born in Missouri July 6th, 1848, making her at the time of her death 76 years, 8 months and 20 days of age. At an early age, she moved with her parents to Texas, and about 60 years ago moved to Burnet County.

She is survived by one son, Tom Johnston, and four step-children, as follows:

W. A. and Ed Johnston, and Mrs. A.B. Baker of this section, and George Johnston of Bertram. Two Sisters, Mrs. Mary Gibbs of this place and Mrs. S. J. Glasscock of Coleman County, and two brothers, J. L. King, of Haskill and R. P. King of California also survive her.

Mrs Johnston was a good woman in all that the word implies, and she was held in high esteem and regard by all who knew her.

The Bulletin joins others in extending condolence to the bereaved family and other near relatives.



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