Company A - 31st Battalion

US Army Company A - 31st Battalion
Fort Carson, CO
21 Nov 1957 to 13 Jan 1958

"Company A - 31st Transportation Battalion"
Company A began Basic Training 11-21-57 and was completed 1-13-58.
* Pvt. Kenneth L. Gafford was selected as Outstanding Marksman.
** Pvt.Leonard Isberg was selected as Outstanding Trainee of the cycle.

Officers & Non-Coms

1st Lieutenant: Robert G. Mangum, Jr.(Company Commander)
2nd Lieutenant:Joseph C. Branco (Training Officer)
1st LT: Winger (Executive Officer)
M/SGT: Raymond Parker (First Sergeant)
M/SGT: Griffin (Field First Sergaent)



Cobb, Thomas H. Krumholz, William A. Pleinis, Marvin L.
Cordova, Raynaldo F. Lambrecht, Victor E. Powell, Bruce R.
Cosper, Jerry L. Lanier, Kenneth L. Pratt, William E.
Crawford, Jerry L. Larew, John R. Przybylski, Joseph A.
Crow, Billy J. Larson, LaVerne L. Rademacher, Jerry L.
Cullum, Gene W. Lawrence, David G. Randall, Floyd D.
Day, Charlie N. Ledbetter, John Rivera, Fernando
Dixon, Teddy E. Lehna, Raymond D. Robbins, James W.
Doeling, Gene W. Leiman, Marvin T. Rodgers, Gordon A.
Douglas, John H. Lopez, Julian O. Rothmeyer, Larry A.
Droog, Preston M. Lucky, Frank D. Saenz, Alfredo A.
Eaton, Doyle O. Martin, Billy D. Sagedal, Sherwood K.
Ekern, Kenneth L. Martin, David K. Samuels, Sol
Evans, James E. Martinez, Augustin M. Sargent, Clarence S.
Fiske, Darrel K. Mccutcheon, William W., Iv Schaffer, Myron L.
Frost, Myron D. Mcinturff, Richard M. Schreiber, Frederick P.
Gafford, Kenneth L. * Miles, David Schroeder, Royce C.
Gasvoda, Donald L. Mitchell, Larry D. Schwers, John M.
Genrich, Robert W. Montoya, Gilbert R. Scott, Charles R.
Glasgow, Robert K. Moore, Eddie L. Severin, Walter S.
Hammond, Lee R. Moore, Harlan E. Shanks, James C.
Hanna, Jack G. Moreman, Jack A. Slack, Richard B.
Hanson, Keith E. Morris, Warren E. Smith, Gerald V., Jr.
Hardaway, Lincoln L. Moyer, Bobby J. Thomas, L.D.
Hays, Nathan E. Narlock, Richard F. Thompson, Lee, Jr.
Hegemeyer, Newton Newman, Raymond Tillman, John F.
Heise, Edward A. Nicolaou, Constantinos T. Torres, Pablo
Hicks, Buddy Nicolay, Donald J. Tracy, Wayne D.
Hoskins, Ronald R. Odom, Lawrence D. Valerjo, Ruben
Huber, Allen E. Oeltjenbruns, Robert L. Vallejo, Rito R.
Hughes, Young G. Olson, Robert C. Villanueva, Raymond G.
Isberg, Leonard J. ** Ortega, Francisco Walker, Edward R., Jr.
Iverson, Irvin S.,Jr. Ozuna, Webster Walker, Walter W.
Keller, Edward M. Padilla, Serafin Q. Weiderborner, Emmet C.
Kimball, John D. Page, Larry K. Williams, Alvin B.
Kindle, Wendell E. Peeler, George T. Williams, Raymond O.
King, Richard L. Peskey, Donald J. Wofford, Lester M.
Kirby, Ulys Peterson, Merritt E. Wolf, Gerald H.
Kirksey, Charles E. Phillips, Dallas W. Yake, William M.
Klatt, Herman J. Pierce, Leroy L. Young, Jimmie L.
Klein, Raymond L. Pierce, Robert D. Zahradka, Joseph C.
Knudson, Donald A.   Zeno, Audry L.