Dallas County

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Texas became the 28th state on December 29, 1845
Capital - Austin
Motto - Friendship
Nickname - Lone Star State
Song - Texas, Our Texas
Flower - Bluebonnet
Tree- Pecan
Bird - Mockingbird

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Malcom Luther "Mike" Basham
First TXGenWeb State Coordinator
25 May 1942
15 September 1997

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Sunset High School
1930 Sundial Yearbook

USGenWeb  >> TXGenWeb  >> Dallas County  >> Schools >> Sunset High School >> 1930 Sundial Yearbook

Contributed by: Peggy van Wunnik

TXGenWeb Archives - Dallas County TOC
TXGenWeb Archives - Sunset HS 1930


Except as noted, the following seniors are individually pictured in the 1930 Sundial yearbook of Sunset High School in Dallas. For each senior the yearbook includes a listing of club/sports participation.



Abbe, Marie Akins, Ruby Allison, Marjorie
Anderson, Bennett Anderson, Juanita Andrews, Robert
Baer, Harold Betts, Thelma Burg, Charles
Busse, Norman Caddell, Hamilton Campbell, Bill
Campbell, Ruth Cantwell, Rhoderick Lee Carnes, Dorothy
Carroll, Juanita (no photo) Clements, Dorothy Dillon, Erman Sue
Dodson, Frances Dunbar, Alma (no photo) Duram, Jewel
Etheridge, Bernice (no photo) Florence, Alice Frances, Louise
Freeman, Jeanette Gaskill, Lucille Gibson, Juanita
Graham, Rena Griffies, Frank S. Hadley, Betty Lou (no photo)
High, Louella (no photo) Hulse, Mabel Hutsell, Georgia (no photo)
Johnson, Jessie Rhea Jones, Deweese Kain, Bertha
Koch, Helen Langham, Emma Lou Lee, Vera Mae
Livingston, Billy Livingston, James Massey, W. L.
McCarty, Nadine McDaniel, Lucille McLaughlin, Norman
Melbourne, Maurice Merritt, Buna Millard, Imogene
Millington, John Moore, Cecil Moore, George Leroy
Nold, Pauline Potter, James Prewitt, Florence
Rice, Gerdes Rizer, Evelyn Robertson, Maurine
Roe, Arthur Sabatini, Maurine Seals, Beacher A.
Shanks, Sammie Smith, Carlton Smith, Vinney
Snider, Rose Ellen Spillers, Lois Dell Steinhoff, Wilbur
Stovall, Isabelle DeMorse Swinney, Mary Ellen Tallman, Myrtle Malcolm
Tankersley, Ermine Thurman, Grace Tumlinson, Lucile
Wallace, Gordon K. Warren, Chester Webster, Mary
York, Claude  




Ackenhausen, Robert Acklin, Elizabeth Adams, Joe
Allen, Francis Alsworth, Bessie Mary Anderson, Vernice
Ashley, Jean Bailey, Dorothy Barnes, Ruth
Barnett, Joe (no photo) Bates, Carl Bates, Evelyn
Battle, Ruth Bauman, Robert Bentinck, Catherine
Berry, Ruth Black, Marjorie Black, Maurine
Blake, Louise Bockelman, Marie Bolton, Evelyn
Brammer, Rosa La Mae Brewer, Fern Bright, Gilbert
Briner, Georgia Brown, Eileen Buchanan, W. T.
Burger, Joe (no photo) Burke, Anglin Burke, William
Byars, Elizabeth Bye, Jack (no photo) Caddell, Erma
Campbell, Willene Carder, Cecil (no photo) Carman, Elizabeth
Carroll, Bernice Carter, Lyman Carter, Oxford
Chesnutt, Phelps Christopher, O.D.V. Churchill, Reba
Clark, Jack (no photo) Clark, Venetia Cobb, Edna
Cobb, Geraldine Cockrell, Horace M. Corbin, Omi Lee
Council, Sarah June Crews, J. Frank Crudup, Edward Wilson
Cummins, Ruth Daniel, Anselm (no photo) Davidson, Edith
Day, Dorman (no photo) Dunlap, Mary Ellen Dunn, Elizabeth
Eady, Altus Elliot, Maxine Ellis, Louise
English, Owen (no photo) Erickson, Edra Evans, Patsy
Faulkner, Mell Ferguson, Frances Ferguson, Helen Sue
Fink, Medaris Finley, Alice Grace Frost, Armand
Gary, Loyce (no photo) Geyer, Ferde Gleaves, Maurice
Gowdey, Walter Gray, Doris Hague, Mary
Hahn, Dorothy Hall, Hugh Rather Hamilton, Tennie Marie
Hargrave, Norman Hargis, Ruth Harper, Elizabeth
Harper, Evelyn Harris, Hattilu Harris, Mary Edna
Harris, Ruth Claire Hawpe, Lois Heartsill, Martha
Heflin, Mildred Hendrix, Holman (no photo) Hicks, Frances
Hight, Eugene Carlyle Holland, Thomas (no photo) Homburg, Dorothy
Howard, Barksdale Huitt, Pauline Hunting, Elva
Hutchins, Wendell Hutton, Frank W. Jeffries, Edna
Johnson, Muriel Johnston, James A. Johnston, William Gaynell
Jones, Claire Kempton, Charles E. Kershaw, Meredith
Kight, Ethel King, Edna Mae Knott, Helena
Lambeth, Lillian Lawley, Orville Lemburg, Arthur
Lewis, Mary Little, Ira C. Looney, John
Loupot, Mae Pearl Love, Dorothy Lundy, Mozelle
Lynn, Carrie Ann Martin, Flois Mason, Olga
Matthews, Helen McDaniel, Vivian McDowell, Owen
McGinn, Katherine McLemore, Ruth Miller, Doris
Miller, Fred Mings, Rosemary Moffitt, Reuben M.
Montgomery, David Moore, Edward Morrill, Eldridge, Jr.
Morris, Jack T. Morrow, Sarah Louise Morrow, Totsy
Murphy, Thelma Murrell, Tracy Newman, Joe (no photo)
Norton, Eura Odom, Janis Orr, Mary H.
Owen, Shirley (no photo) Page, Helen Patterson, Sidney
Pease, Ralph W., Jr. Peterson, Leonard (no photo) Phillips, Vidma
Potter, Gordon Pratt, L. F. (no photo) Price, Kathryn
Randerson, Aphton Rawlins, Bessie Mae Ray, Karma
Rea, Mary Gilmore Renfro, La Juanda Richardson, Lillian
Rindy, Lorraine Robertson, Evelyn Rodgers, Edwin
Rodman, Lavern Rogers, Hilma Rupe, G. W.
Sanders, Alex Scudder, Doris Searcy, L. G. (no photo)
Shankles, Joe (no photo) Sharp, Elvin Leon Siler, Arthur
Simmons, Tom Singleton, Jimmie Smith, Allen (no photo)
Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Gladys Ross Smith, Ray (no photo)
Sommerville, Eunice Stanford, Sam (no photo) Steele, Ophelia
Strobel, Anna Katherine Swain, Oliver Taffee, John
Tatum, Paschal (no photo) Thomas, Ezell Thompson, Ewell (no photo)
Thompson, Houston (no photo) Trimmier, Bill (no photo) Walker, Mildred
Wallace, James Walling, Robert Ware, Alma
Webb, Bonnie Myrl Webber, Edna Weibers, Mary Jo
Welch, Verna Love Wilbanks, Ouida Mary Wilhoite, Deloys
Windell, Evelyn Wise, Mary Louise Wishart, Jimmie
Woodward, Ila Grace Wray, Mary Katherine Wright, Bonnie Marie
Wright, Lillian Young, Loucurgus