Dallas County

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Texas became the 28th state on December 29, 1845
Capital - Austin
Motto - Friendship
Nickname - Lone Star State
Song - Texas, Our Texas
Flower - Bluebonnet
Tree- Pecan
Bird - Mockingbird

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Malcom Luther "Mike" Basham
First TXGenWeb State Coordinator
25 May 1942
15 September 1997

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Sunset High School
1932 Sundial Yearbook

USGenWeb  >> TXGenWeb  >> Dallas County  >> Schools >> Sunset High School >> 1932 Sundial Yearbook

Contributed by: Peggy van Wunnik

TXGenWeb Archives - Dallas County TOC
TXGenWeb Archives - Sunset HS 1932


Except as noted, the following seniors are individually pictured in the 1932Sundialyearbook of Sunset High School in Dallas. For each senior the yearbook includes a listing of club/sports participation.



Abbott, Edith Allen, Albert Allen, Lula
Allison, Altabelle Alsworth, Ora Barksdale, Florine
Batty, James Blake, Ara Bone, Ruth
Booker, Oreta Boswell, Vera Lee Brock, Raymond (no photo)
Brown, Colleen Brown, Frances Burgess, Dorothy
Carr, Harold Churchill, Ruth Clark, Marvin
Clardy, James Cofer, Mary Ann Crowe, Harold (no photo)
Day, Carl Decker, Ruth Dodgen, Mildred
Eades, R. B. Eades, Wanda Rhea Easton, Mary
Ellis, Lucille Ferguson, Alice Frances, Joseph
Gallagher, Mary Frances Gary, Alva (no photo) Geeo, Mary Frances
Gohry, Ed Goodman, Howard Gowdey, William B.
Guy, J. C. Hall, Hugh Harris, William
Hill, Lyle Hulse, Hazel Hutsell, Fred (no photo)
Jeffreys, Marie Johnson, Allie Koon, Mary
Lamar, Mildred Irene Lee, Hester Love, Audy (no photo)
Low, Leah Lynch, Hertha Mabry, Sibyl
Mann, Carmen Marchant, Mary McBride, Thomas
McGowen, Mary Meadow, Mary Elizabeth Miller, Woodrow
Myrick, Billy Park, Max Parlett, Jack (no photo)
Philbrick, Walter Pierce, Beatrice Ponder, Blance
Pondrom, Joe Porch, Helen Robbins, Dahlia
Rushing, Elva C. Sala, Bertha Sale, Scott
Sanders, Evelyn Scott, Herndon Shackelford, Glen
Shelton, William Smith, Autrey Southern, Louise
Spillars, Franklin (no photo) Springstun, Minnie Lee Stanford, N. H.
Stegall, Nola Mae Stilwell, Burl Swinney, Robert
Threlkeld, H. A. Van Winkle, Sarah Williamson, Billy
Williams, Byron Wallace Yates, Dell (no photo) York, Philip




Abbe, John Ables, Harriet (no photo) Addison, Elizabeth
Addison, Marguerite Albritton, Frances Alexander, Thomas (no photo)
Anderson, Dorothy Ardoin, Lorraine Armer, Ray
Baker, Kathryn Barkley, Elizabeth Bastion, John
Bedford, Cecilia Bell, Sybil Benedict, Birdie
Bentley, George Bird, Evelyn Bohannan, Gladys
Bonnell, Eugene Bonner, Lois Bradley, Perry D.
Brady, Joe Brannam, Alice Bray, Billie
Briggs, Doris Brister, Le Roy Jr. Brooks, Harry
Brundrett, Frank Busse, Marguerite (no photo) Bryant, Lillian
Burnett, Billy Butner, Josephine Camp, Savila
Carpenter, Frances Caudle, J. B. Chaffee, Roland (no photo)
Cheek, Maynard Chenault, Harrison Clark, Helen Mae
Conder, Mary Frances Corwin, Norman Cottingham, Mae
Craven, Stuart Cruse, Pauline Cullum, Carl
Cunningham, Dorothy Danks, Francis Davidson, Roy Ed (no photo)
DeLay, Ross Deputy, Dorothy Dillon, Marvin
Dorsey, Walter Dunn, Ione Eades, Eric, Jr.
Ebers, Wells Eddins, Eleanor Edwards, Dorothy Nel
Edwards, Mosley Elliott, Frank (no photo) Elliott, Nadine
Elsenson, Herbert Embre, Katherine Erickson, Kenneth
Fife, Odessa Fleming, Lillian Folmar, Lloyd
Gay, Imogene Geiser, Dorothy Gibson, Helen (no photo)
Gllespie, Elizabeth Goodman, La Fray Grant, Billy (no photo)
Greenwood, Norma Grimmer, Richard Guthrie, Dorothy
Guyton, Eula (no photo) Hall, Edwina Hall, Rose Marie
Hargrave, Paul Harris, Glynn Harris, Kathryn
Hays, Edith, Kathleen Helton, Robert Herbst, Gertrude A.
Herndon, Charles Hetherington, Grace Frances Higgins, Doris
Hill, Claudine Hinckley, Theresa Holbert, Frances Scott
Holton, W. O. Hopkins, G. W. (no photo) Huggins, Dorothy Louise
Hulsey, Dorothy Hunter, Tom Jones, Elsie
Jones, Warren (no photo) Keeler, Gerald Kelley, Katherine
Kerr, Mary Kieffer, Goldie Kirkham, Eutha (no photo)
Lawrence, Ned Leach, Virginia Lee, Eugenia
Lee, Pauline Lemmons, Lorena Lindblom, J. W.
Long, Maurine Lowrey, Lynn (no photo) Lyons, Arthur
Mann, Kathryn Martin, Darrell Mason, W. T. Jr.
Mathis, Hortense McBee, Lyle McBride, Lois
McBride, Vera McClelland, Johnnie McCubbin, Jack
McDaniel, Leo McLarty, Douthett McLaury, Betty
McMinn, Ross McMullin, Finley Merrifield, Ida Mae
Minnin, Cecil (no photo) Moore, Joel Morehouse, Sidney
Morgan, Mabel Lou Morin, Lloyd Morriss, Billy
Morrison, Mary LaVelle Morrow, Bill Morrow, Mary Frank
Myers, Lorene Nelson, Lucile Nitcholas, Geneva (no photo)
Page, George Paullus, Eugene (no photo) Pedigo, Betty
Pedigo, Robert Pendergrass, Roger Perkins, Thomas
Peterson, Ferol Pierce, Bessie Plaster, Josephine
Porter, Marguerite (no photo) Porter, Martha Porterfield, Mary F.
Powers, Bettye Presley, Juanita Preston, Wesley
Pritchett, J. C. Ray, Jane Ray, Ouida Starr
Reed, Inez Reitz, Andrew Richards, Jessie
Ridgway, John Robinson, Francis (no photo) Robinson, Inez
Robinson, Lenna Belle Rodman, Jay Russell, Eugene (no photo)
Sample, Herman Sandifer, Marie Sawyer, Mary Frances
Scaff, Alvin Scales, Marjorie Searcy, Senter
Seaton, Katrina Sharp, Carson (no photo) Shelton, John E.
Sheridan, Dorothy Silvus, Calvin Slaten, Katherine Aline
Snelen, Frank (no photo) Spencer, Billie (no photo) Spencer, Frank (no photo)
Starnes, Earline (no photo) Stone, Doy Del Stone, Gweldolyn
Stratton, Gladys Stuart, Lorraine Stuart, Mary Lou
Stubblefield, Howard Tanco, Felix Taylor, Corine
Thomas, Suzanna Thompson, Frances Thompson, Harry
Tinder, James Tompkins, Richard (no photo) Underwood, Charles (no photo)
Underwood, Georgia Valeton, Mildred Van Meter, Frances
Van Winkle, Evelyn Vick, Marvin Walker, Carlene
Walker, Hugh (no photo) Wallace, Dorothy Wallace, Maude
Ward, Margaret Ware, Billy Welton, Mary Alice
White, Roberta Wilkinson, Louise Williams, Ida Mae
Winfrey, Ethel Wishart, Mary Belle Wright, Dorothy
Yates, Douglas Young, Floyd Zackry, Jack
Ziegelmeyer, Penelope