Dallas County

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Texas became the 28th state on December 29, 1845
Capital - Austin
Motto - Friendship
Nickname - Lone Star State
Song - Texas, Our Texas
Flower - Bluebonnet
Tree- Pecan
Bird - Mockingbird

In memory of
Malcom Luther "Mike" Basham
First TXGenWeb State Coordinator
25 May 1942
15 September 1997

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Sunset High School
1943 Sundial Yearbook

USGenWeb  >> TXGenWeb  >> Dallas County  >> Schools >> Sunset High School >> 1943 Sundial Yearbook

Contributed by: Peggy van Wunnik

TXGenWeb Archives - Dallas County TOC
TXGenWeb Archives - Sunset HS 1943


The names shown here were recorded from the 1943 Sundial yearbook of Sunset High School. Unless noted, the names shown below were accompanied by a photograph. There were graduating classes in both January and June.



Abshire, David Leo Alexander, Bill Allen, Willa Mae
Alsup, Maxine (no photo) Baker, J. G. Ball, Mary Helen
Beazley, Dan C. Bills, Billy Blackburn, Kenneth W.
Boudin, Betty Lee Boyde, Douglas (no photo) Bradley, John Edward
Brewer, Jack V. Brown, Barbara Lee Bryant, Goble W.
Bussey, Mary Nell Cain, Mary Lou Causey, Juanita
Chancellor, H. C., Jr. Chapman, Bettye Jane Chapman, Odell, Jr.
Clute, Clair Conner, Fay Lucile Cook, Earl M.
Craig, Dorothy Crews, Lester Crockett, Colby David, Jr.
Crow, Earl Edward Crowson, Bettye Jo Darley, Lee
De Camp, Dorothy Dingelstedt, Norma Jean Dore, Wilma Jean
Doty, Venita Louise (no photo) Doudney, Charles Douglass, Buddy
Duggan, Bettye Jane Elmer, John Ernst, Betty Lou (no photo)
Fain, Burt Palmer Fellers, Morse Fisher, Henrietta
Foldberg, Jenette (no photo) Ford, Margaret Forrest, Frances
Fox, G. A. Franklin, Robert (no photo) Garrett, Bill
Grady, Ruby Nell Graham, Torance Grams, Gordon (no photo)
Griffin, Peggy Jean Griffith, Dale (no photo) Guess, Charles
Guthrie, Jane Ellen Haby, Larry E. Haggard, Jane
Hallonquist, Phil Harris, Elsie Hatfield, Vernon (no photo)
Heath, Dorothy Mae Henson, Le Roy Hodge, Calvin
Hollis, Martha Hoff, Mary Frances Hunter, Richard
Irby, Robert L. (no photo) Johnson, Jeannette Johnson, Robert Henry
Jones, Betty June Kimberley, Louise Kimple, Kay
Lantz, Robert R. Lappin, Joe Ann (no photo) Laughead, Betty Fern
Lee, Maurice Lintner, James Lovett, Opal Mae
McClellan, Mary Scott McCord, Warren (no photo) McDaniel, Dorothy
McDowell, James (no photo) McGregor, Frances Jean McTaggart, J. B.
Mann, Ellen (no photo) Mann, Martha May, James
Mingus, Dorthea Ruth (no photo) Moncrief, Monte Morrison, Malcolm
Mullens, Mary Jane Nearpass, Clifford Nicks, Lawton
Norman, Henry G. Orr, Carolyn Paris, Sam (no photo)
Peters, Claud Peters, Marie Elizabeth Philley, Ramon
Player, Charles Powers, Ralph Purnell, Nannie Lou
Ramsey, Weston (no photo) Rawlings, Albert Harvy, Jr. Reed, Royce
Reese, Nannette Reinhardt, Elton (no photo) Riggs, Margaret Rodene
Rydell, Ruth May Sanderfur, Jean Simmons, Robert (no photo)
Skinner, Billy Roy Stahl, Richard L. Staily, Benton C.
Stovall, Jimmie Strain, Clydene (no photo) Straus, Helen Joy
Tarter, Bill Taylor, June La Verne Thomas, Jouette (no photo)
Trezavant, Helen Turner, John Waller, Helen
Waters, Billie Lou Watson, Juanita Welch, Ned (no photo)
Westcott, Dorothy Ann (no photo) Westerfeld, John (no photo) White, Helen Adele
White, Joyce Whiteacre, Mary Lou (no photo) Wilhite, Betty
Williams, Lois Faye Williams, Yolanda Wood, Martha Lee
Wray, Patricia Jo Wylie, Ira La Verne Yarrell, Marilyn Frances




Adcock, Johnny Alexander, Evelyn Allen, Dorothy Imogene (no photo)
Allen, Jack Allen, Lee Arrington, Jerry Nelson
Atkenson, Mary Lee Austin, Elizabeth Baker, Gerald (no photo)
Baker, Reba Barnes, Betty Jo Barnes, Doris
Barnett, Freddie Mae Baroni, Floria Tosca Barrow, Barbara (no photo)
Bell, De Lois Bell, Mary Alice Bennett, Evelyn
Bennett, Reba Berry, Marybel Bevers, David
Blair, Cynthia Boli, Barbara Boren, Elizabeth
Bowman, Clarence (no photo) Boyd, Evelyn Bray, Patsy
Brazeal, Myriam Briggs, Lina Brimberry, Joy
Britton, Lynn Brown, Kaye Don Brown, Marilyn Lee
Bryan, William (no photo) Bucklin, Marion Faith Burch, Arthur
Burnett, Mary Jo Burns, Mae Kathryn Butcher, Raymond
Cain, Dan Calvert, Bettye Jean Carlyle, Charlene
Carmichael, Virginia Carrillo, Jerry (no photo) Carter, Elizabeth Ann
Celaya, Norma Lee Chaffee, Donald Clayton, Madelon Virginia
Cloud, Catherine Colleen Cochran, Betty Jan Cole, Margurite
Cole, Patricia Ann Consylman, Bobbye Lea Cooper, Paul
Couch, Mary Frances Covington, Syble Cox, Evelyn Joyce
Credille, Lynn (no photo) Crisp, Lily Crockett, Marjorie
Crowell, Odis (no photo) Crum, Doris Leta Crumbie, Earl
Cunningham, Peggy Darden, Leon Dargan, John M.
Davis, Marvis Davis, Ruby Mae Dawson, Mary
Denton, Norma DeShazo, Neal C., Jr. Dew, Virginia Rhea
Dodd, Virginia Dopp, Eugene Duncan, Helen Loretta
Dye, Teddy Neal Dyess, Evelyn Maxine Easter, Kathleen
Eddins, Rutha Maxine Elder, Johnny Ewing, Bernyce
Fain, J. R. Farmer, Georgia Farrow, Anita Ruth
Farrow, Edwin Moore Ferrell, Virginia Fisher, Margaret Nancy
Fisher, Mary Anne Fitzgerald, Betty Floyd, Dorothy Jean
Fortson, Wrenna Foster, Betty Jean Frye, Martha Lee
Fulsiler, Glenn Fuqua, Henry Gaston, Lucille
Gaston, Virginia Ruth Gauldin, Marion Gibson, Harriett Jane
Gideon, Eddie Lou Gilmore, Ouida Mae Gish, Eleanor
Golman, Anita Goodhart, Beverly Goodnight, Mari Virginia
Goodwin, Fred Grable, Ann Beatrice Graham, Leo
Grant, John Graves, Jerry Green, Robert
Gregory, George Griffith, Hunter Grimm, Glenora
Groth, Nellie Mae Groves, Ola Faye Gumm, Margaret
Guy, Mary Helen Hagendoorn, Teddy Hague, Anita
Hailey, Mozelle Hall, Dorothy Virginia Haprman, Marguerite
Hardin, Aaron Hargett, Sue (no photo) Hargrove, Mary Evelyn
Hargus, Dorthy Gene Harn, Olin Lee Harvey, Betty
Henderson, Bettye Henderson, Zebe Dee Hight, Margaret
Hill, Leslie (no photo) Holland, Charleen Susan Hopkins, Paul (no photo)
Horton, Frances Howard, Martha Jane Hoxworth, Betty Lorraine
Huckabee, Billy Huckabee, Monte Huffman, Grady
Huffstutter, Clare Helen Huggins, Oliver Hughett, Helen
Hunton, Bryant Jordon Irwin, James Dee, Jr. James, Elisabeth
Jennings, Charles Johnsen, Marianne Jones, Donald
Jones, Thetus Karnes, Mae Jeanne Keith, Gloria
Kemp, Robert James Kennedy, Ruel (no photo) Kimball, Phyllis (no photo)
Kimbrough, Laura Beth Kincaid, Lois Buena King, Francine
King, Mildred Frances Kinser, Floyd Gilbert Kirby, Ann
La Place, Marjorie Lappin, Peggy (no photo) Lee, Marywood
Leifeste, Walter Levelsmier, Donie Lewis, A. C.
Ligon, John Limerick, Juanita Joyce Lokey, Bill
Long, Madlyn Lowry, Ruth Ann Lowry, Richard
Ludwick, Connally McBean, Mary Ann McBride, Billy Lindsey
McCoy, Orban McDermott, Vera McGinn, Pat
McIlroy, Valeria Mae McKinney, Mercer McKinney, Norma Louise
Martin, Reginald Matthews, Eva Lynn May, Doris Helen
Melton, Peggy Lou Miller, Pearl Emeline Miller, Richard
Moore, Doris Frances Moore, George C. Moreau, Donald
Mosby, Dorothy Murphy, Maydelle Nail, Bob (no photo)
Neff, Mattie Mae Nelson, Ruby Nesuda, Emil (no photo)
Newman, Fred (no photo) Nitsche, Ed Odom, Carol
Oliver, Bobby O���Neill, Lillian Padgett, Jeanette
Painter, T. A. Palmer, Burnest (no photo) Palmer, Jere
Park, Joan Patterson, Don Raymond Patton, Mary
Peeler, B. H. Penn, Mary Helen Phares, Gene
Pope, Jimmie Edgar Powell, Mary Catherine Powell, Polly
Powell, Wayne Powers, Charles H. Prater, Betty Lou
Pribble, Fred Proctor, Bill Ragland, Frances
Ranne, Joe Randolph, La Mott Range, Catherine
Rawlings, Lona Paulina Reed, Katherine Reed, Warren
Reese, Montie Maxine Reitz, Cecilia Theresa Renfro, Athelene
Rhodes, Cyril Robertson, Walter Robinson, Earl C. (no photo)
Rodgers, Gregory Rollwage, John Sanford, Robert
Santerre, Linn Saye, Donald Paul Schofield, Joyce
Scott, Mary Ann Self, Joyce Sidney Shaw, Harvey
Shippee, Cruse (no photo) Shuffield, Dorothy Shumate, Betty Sue
Skaer, J. W. Smith, Dayton Smith, Lewis
Smith, Ruth Marie Sparks, Dorothy Elaine Stanley, Neal (no photo)
Starkey, Billy (no photo) Stephens, Joan Stewart, Marian Louise
Stockham, Jane Sullivan, Dolores (no photo) Tacke, Leslie
Tarver, Dalton B. Taylor, Ernestine Terry, Charles
Terry, Melba Lee Thoma, Kenneth Thomas, Rich
Thompson, Billie Ann Thompson, Peggy Thornton, Marijo
Tilford, H. Harrison Tirey, Homer Titus, Robert E.
Tomerlin, Charles (no photo) Tomlinson, Billie Jeanne Treat, Bobbie Jean
Trice, Carter Priest Tucker, Corris Tucker, Nancy Christine
Turner, H. L., Jr. Turpen, Bob Underwood, Yvonne
Valeton, Carol Vann, Bertha Ailene Vaughn, Martha Kathleen
Vaughn, Oreane Vickrey, Jane Wade, Jeanne
Wade, Louis (no photo) Wolford, Gloria Nell Walker, Mary
Wallis, James Washington, Edward Waters, Warren Kersey
Webb, Virginia Webster, John (no photo) Weems, Dorothy Marie
White, Warren Whittington, Betty Widener, Gilbert Herschel, Jr.
Widener, Gloria Pace Willers, Herman Williams, John (no photo)
Young, Lois Alline Yowell, Richard  




Campbell, Ruth Douglas, Kenneth Gentry, Mary Lee
Kellsey, Gladys McBride, Jane