MC Lee Baker, soldier from Kelly Field, visited his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Mack Baker, during the holidays. He has recently been promoted to Staff Sergeant. |
BARNETT, Donald |
Donald Barnett with his new wife visited relatives in this section during the holidays. He is a soldier in Uncle Sam's Army. |
LANE, Frances
Miss Frances Lane, operator at the Burnet Beauty Parlor, has volunteered her services to the Swearingen Airnautical Institute in Dallas, and will leave for her work on January 12th. Her employment will consist of assembling airplane parts, etc. So far as the Bulletin knows, Miss Lane is the first woman from Burnet County to place herself in the hands of Uncle Sam. |
USELTON, J.A., Private |
Miss Susan Huggins of Burnet and Pvt. J.A. Uselton of Kelly Field, Texas, were united in marriage at Lampasas on December 22nd, Rev. J.E. Fuller officiating. Congratulations are being extended by their numerous friends. |
Winnie Zimmerman, a soldier from Camp Robinson, Arkansas, spent a few of the holidays here visiting his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Matt Zimmerman. |
Defense Council to Meet |
At the District Courtroom in the Courthouse on next Friday evening, January 9th, 1942, at 7 p.m. the Defense council and those selected for work in connection with its organization will meet for the perfecting of the organization and making plans for effectuation of the defense effort in Burnet. ...everyone interested in the civilian defense effort are invited to be present and participate. |
OLNEY, Hansford |
...from Ellington Field, near Houston, spent part of the holidays here visiting his mother, Mrs. J. H. Olney. |
Post Office |
Beginning Friday, January 9th, 1942, the lobby of the post office will be closed at 6:30 every evening and opened every morning at 7:30. order of the Postal Authorities and is a result of the war... |
President's Message to Congress |
In his message to Congress Tuesday, President Roosevelt told German and her war partners what was in store for them--total and complete defeat...[more in article] |
Tire Rationing Board | the automobile tire rationing board for Burnet County...T.O. Whitaker of Burnet, G.G. Leehow of Marble Falls, L.S. Skaggs of Briggs. ...rationing for January will be approximately 20 automobile tires and 17 tubes. 31 truck tires and 20 tubes....These tires and tubes will be distributed only to people who travel on business that is indispensible to the present emergency. |
...formerly of Burnet, is in Glendale, California working in the Lockheed aircraft factory. |
DICKENS, Jimmie |
...Another young Burnet man, Jimmie Dickens, son of Mr. And Mrs. Hubert Dickens, is also in San Diego, engaged in the same kind of work. [aircraft factory] |
SCHOOLEY, Roy Logan |
Mrs. Roy Logan Schooley has lately returned from Denver, Colorado, where she had been visiting her soldier husband. |
WILBERN, John Allen |
His mother informs the Bulletin that John Allen Wilbern is in San Diego, Calif. Working in an aircraft factory. (see also WWII Participants) |
BELSEY, George |
...was an employee of this office [newspaper] for three years and a finer and more likeable young man never lived. He has now been in the Army for about 18 months and likes it very much. |
Cook/Kearny |
Wedding announcement for Marie Elizabeth Cook aqnd Clinton Charles Kearney, Lieutenant, Air Corps, USA on 16 Jan. |
...was here from Camp Bowie Sunday, visiting his mother, Mrs. P.B. Duncan. Hal served nearly one year at Camp Bowie and was discharged because he was past 28 years of age, but was called back into service after the Pearl Harbor atrocity. |
HAMMOND, Jennie |
...and Ralph Trussell, who have recently joined the Army, and are stationed at Kelly Field, visited home folks last Sunday. Jennie reported that they are well pleased with their services under Uncle Sam and are doing a lot of drilling. |
Mrs. Bee Pogue has received a letter from her brother, Dick Humphries, who has been in the Marines for about a year. He is getting along fine. |
Important Notice |
...the government of the US is calling for all waste paper, such as old magazines, newspapers, etc...[bring to] the flag pole on the SE corner of the courthouse square...[more in article] |
Johnson, Lyndon |
...will not accept congressional pay while on duty with the armed forces. [more in article] |
KROGER, Allen |
...has lately joined the Army, and stationed for the present at Kelly Field. |
LAPPE, Eugene |
Eugene Lappe from Randolph Field and Mrs. Edd Latham and little son of Eden, Texas, were guests here of their parents Mr. And Mrs. M. F. Lappe. |
MAY, Carl, Private |
...of Camp Bowie, who has been visiting his parents on a few days furlough, returned to Camp Sunday. |
RISINGER, Lloyd, Private |
...visited Houston and Lake Victor last week. |
SMITH, Ralph |
...son of Mr. And Mrs. W.H. Smith, has joined up with Uncle Sam's boys and will leave today for Kelly Field. ...Ralph was our linotype operator for a year; ...[more in article] |
THOMAS, Lloyd |
...left for Houston Thursday of last week to sign up with the Marines. Mr. And Mrs. W.E. Fry had Lloyd, with other friends at their home for supper the previous Tuesday night; and Mr. And Mrs. Ernest Felps had Lloyd for dinner with them at Schooley's Café on Wednesday. Lloyd quit his work to fight for those back home, and those of us staying hom should do all within our power to give our soldiers good speed, and further help by buying defense bonds. |
Sheppard Field, Texas. Beginning the first lap of a course that eventually will give him a rating as an aviation mechanic, Pvt. Davis H. Ashabranner, of Burnet, today is enrolled in the Mechanics School at Sheppard Field, Texas, the world's largest Air Corps Technical Training School. Private Ashabranner, attached to the 314th School Squadron, began class work January 12 and is scheduled to graduate in May. The son of Mr. And Mrs. H. T. Ashabranner, he attended Burnet High School. At present, Private Ashabranner is in the 2nd week of school and is studying structures. Before he qualifies as one of the eight specialists necessary to keep one plane in the sky, Private Ashabranner will have undergone intesive training designed to give him a complete working knowledge of the battle birds. |
Boy Scouts |
...the Boy Scouts of Burnet want all old rags, scrap iron, etc., that they can get. After such is assembled, they will sell it and purchase defense bonds and stamps with the proceeds. The response to their plea in last week's Bulletin for old paper of all kinds netted them 2,000 pounds. They sold 5,510 pounds Saturday which brought more than enough to pay for a $25.00 defense bond...Scout Master, Bee Pogue, is doing all he can to assist and encourage them in their work. |
BROOKS, Preston |
...who has been in the U.S. Navy for about two years, recently spent a five days' furlough in Burnet visiting his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Preston Brooks, Sr. He has fully recovered from a recent bout of pneumonia and is again ready for duty. |
...visited home folks a day or two recently. He is with the Merchant Marine, and came here from Houston. He returned to duty first of the week. |
HUSTED, Chester |
Mr. And Mrs. Chester Husted and little son have moved to Dallas, where Mr. Husted will engage in defense work for the government. |
Killeen Army Camp |
Mr. And Mrs. Bailey Rodgers and their daughter, Miss Mary Annette, spent Sunday visiting relatives in Killeen. Mr. Rodgers reports great activity there on account of the army camp that will be established. He says the acreage required is 500,000 acres and that it will extend within five miles of Lampasas. |
Registration Day |
...All men born between Feb 17, 1897 and Dec 31, 1921 will be required to register... |
ROGERS, James M., Pvt |
...enrolled in the Mechanics School at Sheppard Field, Texas...Air Corps.... Private Rogers, attached to the 314 School Squadron, began class work January 12, and is scheduled to graduate in May. The son of Mr. H. Rogers, Rt. 1, Burnet, he attended Burnet High School. [more in article] |
Sugar Rationed |
As a result of the war, and the hoarding of sugar by housewifes, that commodity will be placed on a rationing basis by the government, probably early in Feb... |
THOMAS, Lloyd |
W. E. Fry has received a letter from Lloyd Thomas, who is now stationed at San Diego, Calif. |
...has been in the medical corps of the army at Camp Bowie, Brownwood for a year or longer, spent Sunday here visiting his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Jake Clements. |
DEBO, Berton |
After repeated efforts to get into the U.S. Army, Berton Debo has at last succeeded, and is stationed at Duncan Field. |
DEBO, H.C., Staff Sgt |
...accompanied by Corp. Hillbrandt, visited his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Frank Debo during the past weekend. |
Defense Bonds |
With incomplete reports it appears that based on maturity values Burnet county sold nearly $60,000 in Bonds and Stamps in the month of January 1942. [more in article] |
...was in Bastrop first of the week, with a view of getting work on the new army camp that has been started in that section. |
KROGER, John |
...who has been attending an aviation school in Fort Worth, was in Burnet recently visiting his parents, Mr. And Mrs. W. A. Kroger |
Moses, Martin, Lieut. Col |
The following is taken from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and will interest many readers of the bulletin. Martin (Buster) Moses was born in Burnet and he is pleasantly remembered by many of us. He has been in the thick of the fighting with General McArthur on Luzon Island ever since Japan's attack on this country at Pearl Harbor, and has been promoted in rank since the beginning of the hositlities: "Assistant District Attorney Moses had a grandson Wednesday, and he probably received the news well in advance of the child's father. The baby was born to Mrs. Martin Moses, who is staying with her parents in Lawton, Okla. The boy's father is Lieut. Col. Martin Moses, who is with General MacArthur's forces in the Phillipines. The attorney said he doubted if word of the baby's arrival could be sent to its father at this time. Word of Col Moses' recent promotion from the rank of major was sent to Mrs. Moses by the War Department. |
Scrap Iron Program |
The Burnet County War Board composed of Earl L. Williams, chairman, R. J. Buchanan, James E. Burleson, L.A. Warner, and Jess Nance have inaugurated an extensive Scrap Iron Program o n all farms in Burnet County, beginning Monday morning, Feb 9 and reaching through Fri, Feb 13, 1942...[more in article] |
SMITH, Ralph |
...a soldier from Kelly Field, was in Burnet a short time Saturday visiting his parents, Mr. And Mrs. W. H. Smith. |
War Laws |
[long article outlining laws enacted for the internal security of the United States] |
...who has been in the Army for perhaps two years or longer, arrived a few days ago from California on a month's leave of absence and is visiting his parents, Mr. And Mrs. T. O. Whitaker. He is convalesing from a severe illness which kept him in a government hospital for 5 1/2 months...Jack was stationed for a long time at Kelly Field, but several months ago was sent to California...[more] |
BROWN, James G. |
...son of Mr. And Mrs. J.F. Brown of Lake Victor, and a nephew of Mrs. Jack O'Hair, was heard from Wednesday morning, and he is in Australia now. Brown, Staff Sergeant in the Observation Squadron of the Air Corps, was seriously wounded at Nichols Field, Phillipine Islands, Dec 12....Sergeant Brown has been in the service for four years, and had been stationed in the Phillippines for some time before the attack there December 7 and 10, when he was wounded. |
DICKENS, James |
...who has been engaged in an aircraft factory in San Diego, Calif., has returned home. |
OLNEY, Hansford |
...who has been in training at Ellington Field for the past several months as a bombadier, spent last Thursday night here visiting his mother and other relatives. He was on his way to Albuerque, NM to complete his training. |
SMITH, Ralph |
...and Bill Kroeger, soldiers from Kelly Field, spent Saturday night and Sunday in Burnet visiting home folks. |
Inductees Sent to Ft. Bliss |
Last Thursday, Feb 12, the following young men were sent from Burnet county to Fort Bliss (El Paso) for induction into the U.S. Army: Jim Connell Carlile---Bertram Albert Clayton Cole---Burnet Layton Bayonne Cox---Marble Falls Robert Adrain Denniston---Burnet George Washington Franklin---Burnet William Edwin Greer---Burnet Eldon Earl Griffith---Burnet Leland Wesley Guthrie---Oakalla Amos Ogden Hefner---Burnet James Felix Hibler---Bertram James Jehu Jones---Oakalla Max C. Pantermuchl---Burnet Roy Parks Jr.---Burnet Buford Reavis---Oakalla Golden Donald Ross---Spicewood Adrian Earnest Shafer---Bertram Earl Cleveland Taylor---Bertram Wilson Curtis Turner---Inks Dam Jesus Valdez---Burnet. Charles Clayton Worcester---Marble Falls This is the largest number of boys that have yet been sent at one time by the selective board. They made the trip in a special bus and it took them two days to get to their destination. |
Selective Service |
558 registered Monday, Feb 16, 1942....[more] |
RUSHING, Robert |
A Burnet County Boy Missing in Action. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rushing of the Marble Falls section of Burnet County were notified a few days ago by the war department that their son, Robert, a sailor on the USS Houston, was missing in action. This is one of the US ships that was lost in the naval battle of Java about 2 weeks ago. There is a possibility that some of the crew might have been saved. This young man, about 22 years of age, is the first casualty reported from this county. Mr. and Mrs. Rushing have the sympathy of our entire citizenship. |
Burnet Bulletin, 7 May
FRY, Douglas |
Mr. And Mrs. Ed Fry made a recent visit with relatives in Navasota, Texas. Their son, Douglas is in San Diego, California in a branch of the U.S. Navy. |
JOHNSON, Rankin |
...arrived last Saturday from Austin and went to work Monday as bookkeeper for the graphite project 11 miles west of Burnet. His wife will join him within a few days. Both his sons are in the U.S. Navy somewhere on the high seas, having signed up several months ago. |
...who had been visiting his wife and new baby for several days, returned Monday to his station--a camp in Tennessee. |
NOLEN, Cadet Allen |
Sunday night, May 33rd, Miss Doris Biggs received a telephone call from Cadet Allen Nolen, who is in the Army Air Corps, and is stationed at Paine Field, Everett, Washington. |
SAMPLE, James M. |
...a soldier from Camp Walters, spent the past week-end in Burnet visiting his brother, A.B. Sample and wife. |
SMITH, Sgt. Ralph |
...of Kelley Field, was called to Lampasas one day last week to the bedside of his wife, who was operated upon for appendicitis. Mrs. Smith is recovering nicely. |
LaFORGE, Jared |
The following is part of a letter from Jared LaForge to his parents, Mr. And Mrs. W. F LaForge. What does freedom mean to us? Most of us have taken our freeom too much for granted. But now, more so than ever, we must face the truth. We must realize that our is something to be fought for! Something that we must fight to keep. Those are the things our forefathers shed their blood to give us. So it is up to us to keep htem; to fight and die for them if necessary. To keep our freedom and the symbol of our country, "Old Glory" flying from every staff. Let us now put our shoulders to the wheel and really show the world we mean to keep our liberty. Let's show them every way within our power! Let's show them by buying bonds, bonds, and more bonds. The sales promote the production, as well as the purchase of arms, ammunition and all the weapons of warfare we need to help us win. So come on, America, "give". Respectfully your son, Jared H. LaForge, Co. C. 756 Tank Bn. A.P.O. 309, Ft. Lewis, WA |
Navy Relief Fund Drive |
Since the report published in last week's Bulletin for the Navy Relief, R.B. Rucker, County Chairman, has received the following additional contributions: John A. Askew, Chairman Double Horn, $10 |
BIBLE, Jim Jeffery |
Died of Wounds
at Corregidor.. Full
Story Here.
Marble Falls Boy Among the Missing. Last Saturday night Mr. And Mrs. Amiel Frasier of this place received the sad news that their son, J.H., was among the "missing" at Manila Bay. The message was very brief, but stated if any additional news was made available the parents would be notified. J.H. entered service in the U.S. Marines about one year ago. He has been moved around quite a bit since that time. He was a graduate of the M.F. High School. The loved ones of this fine young man have the deepest sympathy of all in this section as they await anxiously for news which might bear glad tidings that their son and brother is still alive. May God comfort and strengthen you. |
Col. Martin |
A letter to County
Clerk H. F. Atkinson from Dayton
Moses, requesting the birth certificate of his son,
Lieutenant Colonel Martin (Buster) Moses, who commanded
a regiment in the Phillippine
stated he had not heard anything at all from Martin since the
of the American forces. This indicates that he is a prisoner
of the Japanese, as the family would have been notified
otherwise. |
Word has been received of the marriage of Bruce
Trussell to Miss
Berry, of Lampasas, Texas, the ceremony having been
performed last
Friday night. Mr. Trussell has been in the employ of the
Burnet Lumber
Company for the past several years and is a general favorite
among the
Burnet folks all of whom wish for him much happiness. Mr. Trussell left Monday for Temple where he will join up with Uncle Sam's forces. |
Capt Dayton |
injured |
4 March 1943 |
Africa |
Burnet boys meet in N. Africa |
11 March 1943 |
Corp. Roy Logan |
...fights Japs |
18 March 1943 |
Lt. Hal B. |
...fighter pilot...killed in action
in South Pacific. Uncle was George P. Breazeale of Burnet |
1 April 1943 |
Miss Dorothy |
...of Sage joins WAAC. She is
first to join WAAC from Burnet. |
1 April 1943 |
Jim J. |
...Purple Heart sent to
father. Bible was killed at Corregidor on 2 May 1942. |
29 April 1943 |
Burnet Boy |
...helps to get sniper. |
10 June 1943 |
Duane |
...killed in action. |
17 June 1943 |
Lt. Col. Martin |
...captured by Japs. |
24 June 1943 |
Winnie |
...getting along fine. |
24 June 1943 |
Vernor |
...saw cruiser Houston
sinking |
1 July 1943 |
Dayton |
...awarded Silver Star |
8 July 1943 |
Chester |
...letter |
8 July 1943 |
Ross |
...missing in action. |
29 July 1943 |
Duane |
...of Llano, killed in action 29
May on Attu Island |
29 July 1943 |
pilots killed |
Five aviation pilots killed near
Fairland. |
5 Aug 1943 |
PFC James W. |
...age 19, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Kirk of Bertram, home on 30 days leave. |
6 Aug 1943 |
Lt. H. G. |
photo |
2 Sept 1943 |
Chester |
...letter |
16 Sept 1943 |
Lt. Hansford |
...missing in action |
23 Sept 1943 |
Lt. Emmett O. |
...receives air award for piloting
B24 bomber for 38 raids. Long article |
30 Sept 1943 |
Sidney |
...killed at Camp Hood |
18 Nov 1943 |
Delbert D. |
...Burnet Gunner Aboard Bomber,
making port after tough flight |
23 Dec 1943 |
DUNCAN, Hal, Lt. |
Lt. Hal Duncan Killed in Action in France. Read full articles about Lt. Duncan here. |
BUCKNER, Malcolm W. 1Lt |
Awarded the Air Medal. An Eighth Air Force Liberator Station, England--First Lieutenant Malcolm W. Buckner, Bertram, Texas, a pilot, on a four-engined B-24 Liberator bomber, has recently been awarded the Air Medal for "courage, coolness and skill displayed while participating in bombing missions over Germany and Occupied Europe". He is a member of the oldest Liberator heavy bombardment group in the Eighth Air Force. Besides the Air Medal, Lieutenant Buckner also wears the Distinguished Unit Ribbon. His group won a citation from the War Department for action in the historic, low-level assault on the Ploesti Oil Fields in Rumania on August 1, 1943. The Bertram airman participated in the historic D-Day "umbrella" support given the assault troops by the Eighth Air Force "heavies" during and following the Normandy Beach-head landings. |
BURCH, Odell, Lt. |
Lieut. W. Odell Burch Writes from Saipan to Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will R. Burch of Mahomet. "...Talking about those mellons really does make me hungry. I have eaten so many canned rations--dehydrated eggs, carrots, potatoes and peas that I have forgotten how a real meal would taste. Yesterday we had our first fresh meat since we landed and believe me it did taste good. Of course, we'll be back to canned hash tomorrow but maybe it won't be too long before we have good food...." [more in letter] |
SHELBY, Leland K., M/Sgt |
M/Sgt Leland K. Shelby Makes His Contribution. An Eighth Air Force Bomber Station, England. Master Sergeant Leland K. Shelby of Lake Victor, Texas, as a ground crew chief is making a contribution to the success of Eighth Air Force Flying Fortress bombing attacks second only in importance to the actual task of dropping the bombs on Nazi targets. The bombing of important enemy airfield and transportation facilities in conjunction with the invasion drive could never be carried out if it were not for the skill of the ground crew in repairing battle-damaged Fortresses and maintaining them in perfect mechanical condition. Sgt. Shelby has charge of all repair and maintenance work on his Fortress. He sees to it that gas tanks are filled, that the Oxygen system works properly and the four powerful engines are running smoothly. He directs other ground crewmen in seeking and repairing any damage that the Fort might have received from enemy flak or in aerial battles with Luftwaffe fighters miles above its target in Germany or the occupied countries of Europe. When the bombers are due to return from a mission, the crew chief and his crew go out "on the line" and start "sweating out" the return of their Fort. As soon as the ship lands, Sgt. Shelby makes a thorough inspection and starts the long round of work all over again. Sgt. Shelby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Shelby of
Lake Victor, Texas and is a graduate of Lake Victor High School.
Prior to entering the Air Forces, Sgt Shelby was employed as an
automobile mechanic.
Dale Ashabranner, 21 years of age, son of Mr. And Mrs. John Ashabranner of Burnet, was brought to the McClesky Hospital in Temple last Thursday for treatment of wounds received in New Guinea two months ago. His most severe injury is the loss of his left arm above the elbow. Dale was with the dismounted cavalrymen and had been in the army for about two years. He had not been home since he enlisted. Sunday, Mr. And Mrs. Ross Johnson took Mr. And Mrs. Ashabranner and children and Ben Bible to Temple to see Dale. They reported the hospital is a magnificient structure, well equipped to take care of injured service men. |
KELLEY, Clarence E., Staff Sgt |
Has Recently Completed His 50th Mission. 15th AAF in Italy&emdash;Staff Sergeant Clarence E. Kelley, husband of Mrs. Clarence Kelley, Box 359, Burnet, Texas, engineer gunner of a B-24 Liberator, recently flew his 50th mission. Since arriving overseas last April, he has participated in 50 bombing missions on enemy airdromes, oil refineries, railroad yards and bridges in Germany, France, Austria, Hungary, Rumania and Italy. He has been awarded the Air Medal and two Oak Leaf Clusters for "meritorious achievement during aerial flights over enemy territory." "My beard's a beauty, isn't it?" Sgt. Kelley remarked. "I made a vow when I left the states that I wouldn't shave it until I got back, and I intend to keep it. The crew is quite proud of it too, the very first mission our pilot insisted upon combing it before we left, and since then it's become a regular ceremony; the crew sees to it. There's been many a big shot in my whiskers since I've been over here." Sgt. Kelley, entered the service January 12, 1943, and attended aircraft mechanic school, at Sheppard Field, Texas, and gunnery school at Tyndall Field, Fla. Prior to entering the service, he was employed as a mechanic and welder. He was graduated from Bertram high school, class of 34. |
RICKS, William J., Lt. |
Writes His Mother From England. The letter below is from Lt. William J. Ricks, Jr., to his mother, Mrs. W. J. Ricks at this place. "Dearest Mother: Out boat trip over was uneventful. I'm now in England. Naturally, I'm O.K. Not even a cold. I enjoyed the trip over a lot. The officers had plenty of room. Our meals were delicious. We had steak several times. Also soup and salad at every meal, except breakfast. Fruit juice then....What I've seen of England is different from the U.S.A.&emdash;especially Texas&emdash;but even with all its barren land I'll still take Texas. Just because its home I suppose...." [more in letter] |
We wish to thank and express our appreciation to the people for the nice things and kindness they showed us and our son, Dale, who was wounded in New Guinea, and who is now convalescing in McKloskey Hospital at Temple. Mr. And Mrs. John Ashabranner and Children. |
Denver Baker received a letter from his son, J. B., Tuesday, who is a prisoner of the German government. This was the first letter he had received from J. B. since he was captured by the Germans about June 29th. He was first reported missing in action, but later his father was informed that he was a German prisoner. J. B. stated he was well fed and well treated by the Germans. |
Blood Donors |
Those from Burnet to donate blood for the war at the Blood Center in San Antonio Tuesday were: Mr. And Mrs. Vernon Greer, Mr. And Mrs. Elbert Shelton, Mr. And Mrs. Dick Bean, Mr. And Mrs. Hubert Carson, Mrs. Ross Johnson, Mrs. Tom Ashabranner, Mrs. R.H. Trussel, Mrs. Ruth Kelley, Miss Elva Lou Clements, Miss Laverne Owens, Miss Violet Wagner, Jordan Everett and Sam Norred, Jr. Those going Wednesday were Mr. And Mrs. Heinz Ulrich, Mrs. G.P. Boase, Mrs. L.S. Chamberlain, Tom O'Donnell, and Doc Bowen. |
BROOKS, Preston |
A letter from Preston Brooks to his parents at this place states that he is in a Naval Hospital at Chelsea, Mass. for treatment of one of his legs, which was very severely injured when a convoy he was on was attacked by the Germans about two years ago. For nine months he was in a hospital in Northern Ireland, but his leg has never been restored to normal. Recently a large bone has been removed near his knee and it is healing nicely he says. It is doubtful if he will ever fully recover from the wound. The other son Bill is also in the Navy and has been in 12 major battles, in which many men were killed and wounded. |
Bob Corker is here from California on account of the death of his sister, Mrs. O.A. Riggs, and will visit relatives for several days. He is with the Merchant Marines and has been since before the US entered the war. Until the German submarine menace was destroyed, the Merchant Marine service was the most dangerous phase of the war. Bob was on one ship that was torpedoed, but they brought their vessel into port. He has visited many countries in the performance of his duties, and especially likes Australia because in many ways it resembles the U.S. |
CRAWFORD, Herman, Pfc |
Pfc. Herman Crawford has returned to Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi after being at his sick father's bedside for two weeks. |
ECKERT, Wayne, Pvt |
Pvt. Wayne Eckert is stationed at Camp Hood. His wife and babe are in Burnet with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. L.J. Henderson. |
FARMER, Frank E. 2nd Lt |
Among those graduating from a post-graduate course in scientific aerial gunnery on September 13th at Matagorda Peninsula, Texas, was 2nd Lt. Frank E. Farmer, son of Mr. And Mrs. Ernest L. Farmer of Burnet. The young lieutenant is making his home at 1123 N. Bernice St., Odessa. |
FARQUHAR, Frances |
Frances Farquhar, who is in the Navy, stationed at the Beeville Naval Base, spent a day or two in Burnet visiting his wife and little daughter. |
FOULDS, Clayton, Sgt. |
Sgt. Clayton Foulds is home on a ten days' furlough from Camp Claborne, Louisiana visiting his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Y. J. Foulds. |
FRAZIER, Floyd |
Floyd Frazier, stationed at a Naval Training Base at St. Louis, Mo., is home on leave visiting his wife, little daughter and other relatives. |
FRAZIER, Floyd E. |
Floyed E. Frazier, 30, Burnet, Texas, was graduated recently from the Naval Training School (Electric) at the St. Louis, Missouri Naval Armory, and received recognition as eligible to qualify for the petty officer rate of electrician's mate third class. Selection to attend the school was made on the basis of his recruit training aptitude test scores. The completed course of study included the practical use of electrical tools, soldering, wiring, diagramming and repairing of telephone circuits. A theoretical phase included principles of electricity and magnetism. The graduate is now awaiting further duty orders to sea or to some shore station. |
GARWOOD, Edwin, SSgt |
A double ring ceremony at the home of the bride, at 6:00 P.M. Saturday, September 16, 1944, united in marriage Miss Frances Parks, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Roy Parks of Burnet, and S/Sgt. Edwin G. Garwood, son of Mr. And Mrs. J.L. Garwood of Ocean Grove, New Jersey, the Rev. J.D. Moss officiating. |
GLIMP, Donald K., SSgt |
SSgt Donald K. Glimp of Burnet, Texas has just recently been awarded a third Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air Medal. The citation in part reads as follows: "For meritorious achievement in accomplishing with distinction, aerial operational missions over enemy occupied continental Europe. Sgt Glimp's actions reflect great credit upon himself and the armed forces of the United States." Sgt Glimp has flown twenty six missions over the continent, participating in attacks on Bremen, Kiel, Oschersleben, Brunswick, Munich, Saarbrucken, Aschersleben, St. Lo, Caen, and military installations in support of the Allied forces now fighting in France. He is now serving as top turret gunner on a B-24 Liberator bomber. Sgt Glimp has been in the Army 23 months. He received his gunners wings at Harlingen, Texas. He is the former turbine operator at the University power plant, Austin, Texas. His mother, Mrs. M.Z. Glimp, lives at Burnet, Texas. His little daughter, Martha Jane, also lives in Burnet, with her aunt, Mrs. Mae Mason. |
GOBLE, John L., Pvt. |
Mrs. John Goble has ordered the Bulletin sent to her son, Pvt. John L. Goble, as a birthday gift. He is stationed at Camp Robinson, Ark. |
HOOD, Oscar, Sgt. |
The Bulletin enjoyed a visit last Friday from Sgt. Oscar Hood. Before joining the Army he lived several miles down the Colorado from Marble Falls. He served in Africa and Italy with a light tank division, and was wounded in action. He was across 22 months. |
JENKINS, Byron, Sgt |
[long letter to Burnet Bulletin Staff, from Oahu Hawaii] ...Shortly after arriving on the island I contacted John Riley McCoy, and Geo. Hunzacker whom I have seen on several occasions...on a street...ran into Rayburn Ashabranner...just the other day Guynn Tucked walked into my barricks...took dinner with Mr. And Mrs. Clarence Buckert and little son...[she] was Virginia Blalock of Burnet...[and] left Burnet in 1938...have been trying to contact Rankin Johnson, but have been unable to see him. Guynn saw him at a ball game where he pitched for the Sub Base team... |
JOHNSON, Rankin, Jr. |
Last Sunday's San Antonio Express in naming a Navy baseball team playing for the entertainment of service men in Hawaii, listed Rankin Johnson, Jr., as one of the pitchers. Rankin is a graduate of the Burnet High School and joined the Navy long before Pearl Harbor. He has been in a great deal of active sea duty. |
Mr. And Mrs. Clement Kincheloe of Clifton, Texas, spent the week-end in Burnet visiting his parents, Mr. And Mrs. John Kincheloe and his brother, Melvin who is home on a furlough from Camp Robinson, Ark. |
Sgt. A.C. Leifeste, who is here visiting his wife and mother, served 11 months in combat in Africa and Italy, and had been overseas 17 months. |
McFARLAND, Jack H. Lt. |
Being aboard a ship which was torpedoed and sunk while enroute to Europe, losing an engine in a raid over Budapest, Hungary, being forced to return alone except for two trailing enemy fighters with whom he played hide and seek among the clouds were among the many adventures of Jack H. McFarland, 22, of Burnet, Texas, a fighter Pilot, who returned to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., today (Sept. 7) after 22 months service in England, North Africa and Italy. "I am glad I went and you can bet I'm glad to be back." McFarland stated. "Ilearned a lot and saw many things I could not even have imagined if I had not seen them with my own eyes." McFarland, who is the son of R. J. McFarland, 531 Highland Blvd., San Antonio, Texas, piloted P-38s, P-39s and P-51s during his 51 missions, 235 combat hours against the enemy. His exploits have won him the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with 6 Oak Leaf Clusters, among other decorations. McFarland entered the Air Corps at Kelly Field, Texas, July 27, 1940. He attended High School at Burnet Texas prior to his enlistment. Upon completion of a 21 day leave granted at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., he will report to the Air Corps for assignment to new duties. |
MILLSAP, Noah F., Tech 4 |
Technician Fourth Grade Noah F. Millsap is home from 27 months overseas visiting his wife and babe in Burnet. He was in the Carribean theatre of operations. |
WARREN, Tommy |
Tommy Warren, who is in the Navy, spent a couple of days recently in Burnet visiting his parents, Mr. And Mrs. A.L. Warren. |
WILBURN, John Allen, SSgt |
S/Sgt John Allen Wilburn, stationed at an air base at Paris, Texas, is home on a ten days' furlough with his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Ed Daugherty. |
ANDERSON, Charlie B., R.M. 3/C |
Letter to his Uncle and Aunt, Mr. And Mrs. James Jennings. Dear Aunt Gordia and Uncle Jim: How are you all getting along by now? I got a letter from mama and she told me about being up there and getting to go to church while she was there. She sure had a good time. I would give anything in the world if she had a place to go to church all the time. We have been having some real meeting aboard ship lately. A fellow came aboard about a month ago, and come to find out he was a Penticostal preacher, and ever since, we have been having services and really worshiping God like we believe. ...[more in letter] |
Dale Ashabranner, who is at McCloskey Hospital, is reported to be getting along nicely at this writing. |
DUNCAN, Hal B., Lt. |
Poem-Dedicated to the Loved Ones of Lieutenant Hal B. Duncan. (The following Poem is lovingly dedicated to the bereaved mother, wife, and loved ones of Lt. Hal Duncan.) Read poem on Hal B. Duncan page. |
HINE, O. E., Lt. |
Mrs. O.E. Hine left last Tuesday to join her husband, Lt. Hine, at Lake Charles, Louisiana. |
JACKSON, Martin A., Pvt |
Wounded Marine Returnes to U.S. Dennison, Sept. 24--Marine Pvt. Martin A. Jackson, son of Mrs. Hazel Huff, has been awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received on Saipan Island last July 7. He has arrived on the West Coast and expects to come to Dennison soon. Jackson was born at Burnet. |
JORDON, Everett Dee |
Mrs. Gertrude Jordan and Mrs. Margaret Richardson from Lampasas, Cpl. Ray Richardson from Brooks Field General Hospital, Ft. Sam, San Antonio, Texas, and Everett Dee Jordon of the U.S. Navy, stationed in New York City, were recent visitors with Mr. And Mrs. Vernon Greer. |
Melvin Kincheloe, after spending a ten days' furlough in Burnet visiting his wife and children and other relatives, returned last Friday to Camp Robinson, Ark., where he has been stationed since joining the Army several months ago. |
La FORGE, Jared |
Letter from Jared La Forge, who is on the front lines in Patton's army, in a tank battallion... "There is so little I can say, and we are on the move all the time, you understand, I'm sure. I want you to know we are up against a smart, wicked, sneaking, cowardly enemy. I can truly say I have had experience and excitement I never thought I would ever know. We have a big job and trust the good Lord will hasten the days and nights for our total victory. No soldier is worth anything who doesn't have where we are. Yes we go to all chaplain's services in the open. Had two communion services. I want to attend them all. "I only wish there had never been any war. Believe me, we are all giving them hell. Are rusing them back, just what we are there for. They are advancing and giving themselves up day and night now. [more in letter] |
O'DONNELL, Malcom, Colonel |
Colonel Malcom O'Donnell was here yesterday visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. And Mrs. Tom O'Donnell. His old friends in Burnet were glad to see him again, and are pleased over his rank in the army. He has just returned from two years service in the Pacific theatre and has been hospitalized in El Paso. For the past several days he has been visiting his mother, Mrs. James O'Donnell in Llano. |
O'DONNELL, Tom, Jr., S 2/C |
Tom O'Donnell, S 2/C and wife from Kingsville, spent several days here last week visiting Mr. And Mrs. Tom O'Donnell, Sr., and Mrs. Will Pogue. |
Mrs. Gertrude Jordan and Mrs. Margaret Richardson from Lampasas, Cpl. Ray Richardson from Brooks Field General Hospital, Ft. Sam, San Antonio, Texas, and Everett Dee Jordon of the U.S. Navy, stationed in New York City, were recent visitors with Mr. And Mrs. Vernon Greer. |
Letter to his sister, Leona, from somewhere in England, August 28, 1944; ...Well sis. Yesterday my arms got blistered from the sun and today I have to wear a coat to keep warm. Do you think you would like a country like that, bet you wouldn't I don't. Well, have you got the pictures I sent yet? Hope you have. How do you like them? O.K. I hope. It is about as good as I can do, ha, ha! Have you been going to many shows? I hear cindy likes them like I use to ha, ha! Do you bet so? You know some how I still like trem, ha, do you blame me? Bet not. When did you see Mill last? Is she doing ok? Tell me about her, how she is. Well I will say cheerio for now. Answer soon, Love, Brother babe. |
STANFORD, Leland L., Pvt. |
Pvt. Leland L. Stanford from Ft. Lewis, Washington, has been here visiting his wife and other relatives. |
WARWICK, James A., H.A. 1/C |
James A. Warwick, H.A. 1/C, from the Naval Convalescent Hospital at Beaumont, California, is here on a ten days' leave visiting his wife and children. His family and Mrs. W.B. Warwick, will return with him. B. W. Warwick is stationed at the same place.
BAKER, J.B., Sgt |
Last Saturday at Bergstrom Field, Denver Baker was presented the Air Medal and Oak Leaf Cluster for his son, Sgt J.B. Baker, who is a prisoner of war in Germany. Mr. Baker was accompanied to Bergstrom Field by Mr. and Mrs. Tommy White, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Baker and daughter, Miss Joyce. Sgt. Baker has been a prisoner of the Germans for several months. He was first reported missing in action, but later Mr. Baker was notified he was a prisoner of war, and has received letters from him since that time. Mr. Baker is justly proud of the honors that have been awarded his son. |
CARSON, Gratton B. Jr., S/Sgt |
of Boca Raton Field, Florida is spending the holidays with his home folks. His sister, Wynona Carson, and her friend Bill Joseph of Austin, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Carson and son, Jimmy of Lampasas, were dinner guests in the G.B. Carson home last Sunday. |
PLEVAN, Vaughn A., MSgt. |
BAKER, Weldon M. Sgt. |
Missing in Action - The War Department has notified Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker of 609 Richmond Avenue, Houston, Texas, that their son, Sgt Weldon M. Baker was missing in action in Belguim on January 4th 1945. He was serving in General Patton's Third Army, Company A, 134th Infantry. The Baker family formerly lived in the Mahomet neighborhood of Burnet County, and have many friends in that section. Sgt. Baker is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker of Burnet. More about W. E. Baker here. |
HAILE, Bruce E., Lieut. |
Lt. Bruce E. Haile of Burnet, pilot with the 12th Air Force, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, according to information received by his mother, Mrs. Elmer Haile, 4526 Burnet Road. A letter to Mrs Haile from Maj. Gen. John K. Cannon, comminding officer of the 12th Air Force said: "I am happy to tell you that your son, Lt. Bruce E. Haile, has been awarded the highly coveted Distinguished Flying Cross for outstanding achievement in action against the enemy. I know you will be glad to hear this. Only a few men who fly in battle for their country have been so honored. The high quality your son displayed reflects the inspiration that his loved ones exert in his life and this had no small part in making his achievements possible. Lt. Haile, by courage and devotion to duty, has set an example which has made his comrades proud to serve in this war for high ideals. As a commander of the Air Force in which he has served, I also take pride in his accomplishment and appreciate the more intimate joy which I know is yours at this moment. It is a genuine pleasure to have had with me in the 12th Air Force such an outstanding airman." Lt.Haile's father is in the state highway department. Lieut. Haile was reared in Burnet, and is a graduate of the Burnet High School. He was a star football player on the Burnet Team and was very popular here with both old and young. His father and mother have moved to Austin from this place within the past few weeks. |
McCLISH, John C., Apprentice Seaman |
From the Public Relations Office, January 24, 1945. Georgetown, Texas. John C. McClish, Jr., Apprentice Seaman, USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. McClish, Sr., Marble Falls, Texas, is a student in the Navy V-12 College Training Program at Southwestern University. Seaman McClish, who has two brothers serving in Europe, attended Southwest Texas Teacher's College and enlisted in the Navy November 19, 1942.
BARNETT, Donald, Sgt |
Sgt. Donald Barnett Prisoner of the Germans. Mrs. Donald Barnett received a letter last Friday from her husband, Sgt. Donald Barnett, that he was a prisoner of War of the German government. The letter was written December 30th. The War Department had notified Mrs. Barnett that her husband was missing in action about Dec. 14, when the German drive against the Allies was at its height. He was captured in France. Donald is a son of Mr. And Mrs. J. Barnett of Burnet. His wife makes her home in Burnet and Texas City. It is a great relief to his wife, parents, other relatives, and friends to know that Donald is alive and well, althought a prisoner of the Germans. |
Courthouse out of Fuel |
The courthouse is out of fuel oil and early Wednesday morning the inmates were standing around shivering like a bunch of poor cattle behind a brush thicket in the wake of a blue norther. [more in article] |
DEERMAN, Melbern Jackson |
Burnet Boy Enters Manila. With the 40th Infantry Division on Luzon--Forces of XIV Army Corps entered Manila triumphantly after Major General Rapp Bush's California-New York 40th Infantry Division secured the right flank of Central Luzon, the gateway to the Philippine capital. The 40th Division consisted of men from 48 states. Among them was Melbern Jackson Deerman of Burnet, Texas, son of Mr. And Mrs. R. H. Deerman. |
HEARN, Sp.M. Granville |
Mrs. Granville Hearn and Miss Zelda Beth Ruble of Marble Falls, and Mr. And Mrs. Bill Hearn of Burnet, were in Waco Sunday to meet Granville Hearn, Sp.M., who is stationed at Quoddy Village, Maine. He is with the Seabees and is home on a few days leave. |
KROEGER, T/Sgt Lloyd |
Mrs. Lloyd Kroeger left Friday to join her husband, T/Sgt Lloyd Kroeger, who is stationed in Laredo. |
McFARLAND, Mildred |
...left last week for San Antonio, where she reported to Ft Sam Houston as an Army nurse. She will enter the service as a Lieutenant. Miss Mildred has been employed at the Shepperd-Allen Hospital in Burnet for the past year. |
...after visiting relatives and friends in Burnet and Austin for several weeks, has reported to his base in California. |
NOLAN, SSgt A.C. |
Mrs. Luther Biggs returned Tuesday from Ft. Worth where she had been visiting her daughter and son-in-law, SSgt Nolan and Mrs. A.C. Nolan. |
PASCHALL, Capt Sam H. |
...stationed at Lubbock |
Red Cross |
The Home Service of the Burnet County Chapter of the American Red Cross handled 179 cases in 1944. Among these were furlough investigations and verifications, family counsel and guidance, assisting with claims, allotments and loans. From January to Feb 26 of this year 40 cases have been taken care of. Mrs. Heinz Ulrich, Home Service Chairman, Burnet county |
SHELBURN, Donald |
Mr. And Mrs. Donald Shelburn are the proud parents of a fine baby boy, born Feb 20, at the Shepperd-Allen Hospital. Donald is now serving in the Navy, somewhere in the Central Pacific. |
SNELL, Pvt. D.Y. |
...from Camp Bowie, Texas, was a business visitor in Burnet Monday morning. Mr. Snell was proprietor of the Burnet Hatchery before he joined the armed services. |
Induction Examination |
The following were sent from Burnet County Feb 28 to a medical center for pre-induction examination: Doyle Broadway Robert B. Brown McClellan F. Cotton James M. Fewell transferred to Travis Co Albert T. Glimp Gerald Green Horace Hallmark Robert D. Hibler Emmett W. Hill transferred to McCulloch County Kenneth Hollingsworth Joseph E. Ischy Charlie V. Jones transferred to Val Verde County Durwood Kelley William P. Krause transferred from Brazoria Co Thomas H. Lohman George N. Lyda transferred to Stephens Co Lloyd McGehee Charles C. Mezger Luther Moore Calvin C. Petty Karl W. Piehl transferred from Lubbock Co Thomas Shell Aubrey T. Sherman James G. Stearns transferred to Williamson Co Fortunato Ulballez transferred from Uvalde Co Marvin L. Wilson transferred to Boosier Co LA Carl Wyatt Billy Zimmerman |
ALLEN, Lt Col George S. |
Bronze Star Medal Citation. |
EDWARDS, Pfc. Buck |
Seriously Wounded. Mrs. Buck Edwards has been notified by the War Department that her husband, Pfc. Buck Edwards was seriously wounded in Germany on March 8. A letter was received yesterday, dated March 16 from Pfc. Edwards stating that his right arm was hurt and he was having someone else write for him. |
JENKINS, Byron |
Long story about a battle with Japs |
JERNIGAN, Corp. Wilmoth |
Killed on Luzon. (Read story here.) |
KENNEDY, Pvt. 1C Delvin W. |
With the Sixth Army in the Philippines, Private First Class Delvin W. Kennedy of Spicewood, Texas has been awarded an Air Medal by Lt Gen Walter Krueger, Commander of the 6th Army. He won the award for his meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight in New Guinea and the Philippine Islands, from 16 Dec 1943 to 6 Dec 1944. As one of a crew, he made numerous flights in unarmored C-47 cargo planes, many times without fighter escort, over enemy territory, to drop supplies to our forces in the forward areas. On several occasions the crew returned from these missions with bullet and shrapnel holes in their planes, incurred by enemy ground fire, only to reload and return immediately to the same area. By his outstanding and courageous devotion to duty, Pfc. Kennedy has rendered material support and contributed greatly to the success of the allied forces in these operations. Pfc. Kennedy is the son of Mr. Albert Kennedy, Spicewood, Texas. |
LAWSON, Pfc. J.D. |
Killed in Action. (Read story here --picture included.) |
MAXWELL, Pfc. Miles |
Wounded in Action. Mrs. Ellen Maxwell has received word from the government that her husband, Pfc. Miles Maxwell has been wounded in action. He is with the 9th Army and was wounded while crossing the Rhine. Mrs. Maxwell received a letter from her husband telling her about being wounded two weeks before she received word from the war department, saying he was wounded on Feb 27. He is confined in a hospital in France and said he hoped to be walking soon. He also said that he was in a chicken yard with about 300 chickens when the Germans fired an 88 mm gun and two pieces of steel hit him in his leg above the knee. His brother Curtis who is in the Navy and has been in the Pacific for the past 18 months is home on a 30 day leave. They are the sons of Mr. And Mrs. Pleas Maxwell. |
SYMONS, Sgt. Phil |
Awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation Ribbon. ...Presidential citation to the Ninth Air Force's 67th Reconnaisance Group. ...Sgt. Symons, in service since May 1942, is an aircraft welder on a P-51 Mustang tactical reconnaissance squadron. In civilian life he was a line truck driver for the Lower Colorado River Authority. He has been overseas since May 1943. |
HUMPHREY, Sgt John S. |
Awarded the Bronze Star. (May 10) |
TIPPIE, Lt. L. B. |
Wounded in Action. Mr. And Mrs. E. F. Tippie of Burnet received a telegram from the War Department last Saturday that their son, 1st Lt. L. B. Tippie was wounded in action in Germany on April 21, but that his wound was slight. Lt. Tippie has been in the army since 1942, and across about two years. (May 10) |
YANCY, Daniel |
Killed in Action. Relatives have been notified by the War Department that Daniel Yancy, a U.S. soldier from the Naruna section, was killed in action in Germany on April 12. No further information has been made available to this paper. (May 3) |
War with Germany Over |
Announcement of the unconditional surrender (May 10) |