Post Offices & Postmasters Dallas Co.


McNAIRY (Dallas) MAINZER (Dallas)
Bradford, Barkley M., 13 Aug 1887   Gray, John W., 24 Aug 1888  
Discontinued 28 Aug 1891   Discontinued 4 Sep 1889  
papers to Dallas   papers to Carrollton  
MESQUITE (Dallas) MILLER (Dallas)
Bradfield, Wm., 16 Mar 1874   Harrell, Willis A., 18 Aug 1887  
Graham, Thos. F., 2 Jly 1875   (further data not found)  
Rigg, Wm. A., 4 Apr 1876      
Knox, Wm. L., 1 Dec 1876   MORRIS (Dallas)
Knox, Jas. M., 6 Mar 1882   Morris, Austin, 5 Apr 1880  
Bennett, Travis T., 10 Jan 1883   Discontinued 1 Feb 1881  
Knox, Calhoun, 16 Jly 1884   (Re-established)  
Ebrite, John M., 1 Aug 1889   Davis, Benj. T., 18 Oct 1882  
Gross, Geo. B., 1 Aug 1893   Harris, Benj. A., 14 Dec 1888  
Chapman, Robt. G., 30 Sep 1896   Cg'd to ROWLETT, 19 Feb 1889  
Nafus, Americus C., 18 May 1898      
Nafus, Americus C., 18 May 1898   NEW HOPE (Dallas)
Porter, Wm. J., 14 Oct 1912   Tinsley, Thos. P., 6 May 1886  
Shands, E. P., 22 May 1913   Ellis, Frank, 2 Dec 1889 (C)  
Kimbell, Oscar B., 1 Jun 1918 (Acting postmaster)   Thompson, Tillotson M., 9 Sep 1901  
Smith, Talmage A., 18 Mar 1919   Poynter, Wm. R., 3 Mar 1903  
Robertson, Dan, 15 Aug 1919 (Acting postmater)   Giles, D., 4 Apr 1905 (Declined)  
Lewis, Edgar, 3 Mar 1920   Ellis, Frank, 19 Jun 1905  
Lewis, Edgar, 14 May 1924   Discontinued 30 Jun 1906  
    mail to Mesquite  
NEW LOVEN (Dallas)    
Goetseels, John, 20 Sep 1858   ORPHAN'S HOME (Dallas) (see also ARNOLD)
Goetseels, Phil., 5 Apr1860   Jones, Geo. A., 28 Feb 1889  
Goetseels, Philip, 12 Jly 1861 (CSA)   McNeill, Nannie H., 10 Oct 1895  
Long, Benjamin, 10 Apr 1866   Holifield, Ralph H., 6 Mar 1902  
Poindexter, James F., 16 Sep1867   Jones, Augusta B., 10 Sep 1906  
Discontinued 20 Dec 1867   Holifield, Algernon S., 29 Aug 1907  
    Discontinued 15 Feb 1919  
OLA (Dallas) mail to Dallas
Mousa, Fred. M., 9 May 1884      
Discontinued 27 Mar 1885?/1886?   OASIS (Dallas)
papers to Duck Creek   Oram, Jas. A., 31 Dec 1891  
(Re-established)   Oram, Chas. B., 12 Dec 1895  
Ueckert, Emil N., 9 Jun 1886   Discontinued 15 Jan 1907  
Cg'd to RINEHARDT, 2 Dec1886   mail to Richardson  
OAK CLIFF (Dallas)    
Ward, Wm. M., 13 Dec 1890      
Discontinued 31 Mar 1896      
consolidated with Dallas      

Record of Appointment of Postmasters, 1832 - Sept. 30, 1971; National Archives microfilm M841, NNEB-20 (reels1 - 3)
Pickett Papers, Confederate States of America, Volumes 98 - 99; Library of Congress microfilm, reel 52