If you would like to submit photos or information, contact Joe using the email lubbock at pinpointaz com.
The First Presbyterian Church of Post, TX was built by Tom B. Cutler. He was a builder in the area and built homes, barns,
businesses, etc.. He also helped organize the Post Masonic Lodge. Recently his son visited the church location and it appeared to be under renovation.
Does anyone have any information on whether the church is in use at this time?
Please email lubbock at pinpointaz com with information or a more recent photo.
Vicki Shaffer writes:
This photo was taken on my great-grandparent's ranch near Post. I had several folks tell me that they recognized the school right across the road from their
house. I am wondering what on earth is going on???? I know who the folks are.... they are my grandmother's sisters and husband BUT what was that
strange outfit that man had on? The man is Daniel Hartman. The first woman on the left is my grandmother, Willie House.
UPDATE 08-18-2008:
Ricky Cross wrote: "I am relatively sure the building is the Close City School before the second story was added. That would date the photo
between 1919 and 1921. The people in the photo are standing on what is now the gin lot of the Close City Coop gin. Sorry, I can't provide any explanation
for that outfit."
Please email lubbock at pinpointaz com with information or a more recent photo.