Young County, TXGenWeb
genealogy and history |
Surnames A-J
Surnames K-Z
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Atcheson, John Edmond and Mittie Mae Alice Peters |
Akin, Joseph William |
Brooks, Lewis Pinkney |
Buchanan, W.A. |
Burkett, William H. |
Chief Big Tree |
Cochran, John H. |
Cusenbary, Elijah |
Dechman, Alexander McCrae |
Dillard, Henry and William "Willie" |
Dobbs, Chesley S. |
Dow, P. P. |
Durgan / Durkin, Millie |
Fain, John A and Caledonia |
Fields, George Washington and Francis Julia Farmer |
Fields, Guy Lee and Martha Lena Hargrave |
Fields, Lester Wade |
Fisher, George W. |
Ginn, Dr. Asbury Van Buren |
Glasgow, Judge John H. |
Goodlett, John A and Martha |
Halley, E. |
Hargrave, David Marvin and Celia Elizabeth Horton |
Hargrave, James Butler and Martha Ellen Kelly |
Hemphill, Zeno |
Horton, Bradford Dodson |
Horton, Mason Dodson and Elizabeth Ann Wadley |
Horton, William Lee and Elizabeth Bradford |
Horun / Horan, Andrew |
April 18, 2018
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